
  • 网络Respiratory muscle;breathing muscles
  1. 关于F-V曲线与呼吸肌力学的关系探讨

    The Relationship between F-V Curve and Mechanics of Respiratory Muscles

  2. 通过观察灌流前后血中有机磷含量的变化、存活率、IMS病程及呼吸肌麻痹发生率4项指标来判断血液灌流的临床疗效。

    The following parameters were observed : changes of OP blood concentration after hemoperfusion , survival rate , clinical course , incidence of paralysis of respiratory muscles .

  3. 结论COPD患者存在呼吸肌功能障碍,肺过度膨胀和气道阻塞是影响COPD患者吸气肌力的重要因素。

    Hyperinflation and airway obstruction predominantly affected inspiratory muscle strength in a group of COPD patients .

  4. 结论:呼吸肌锻炼能改善COPD患者的肺功能及提高生活质量。

    CONCLUSION : Respiratory muscle training can improve the pulmonary function and QOL of COPD patients .

  5. 每种试验结束后即刻测定动脉氧饱和度(SaO2)、呼吸肌功能。

    SaO2 and respiratory muscle function were measured immediately after every tests .

  6. 结论HI-6是一种较好的抗敌敌畏所致外周呼吸肌麻痹药物;其它3种药物也有一定的直接生理对抗作用。

    Conclusion HI 6 is an effective antidote to DDVP induced phrenic paralysis , the other three drugs also have some direct physiological antagonism .

  7. 治疗前及治疗1周后作营养评价、静息能量消耗(REE)、运动试验和呼吸肌张力测定。

    Rest energy expenditure ( REE ), exercise test and respiratory muscle strength were measured before and 1 week after the treatment .

  8. 高频通气膈肌起搏对COPD病人血气、呼吸肌功能、膈肌活动度和潮气量的影响

    Effect of High Frequency Ventilation Diaphragm Pacing on Arterial Blood Gas Analysis , Function of Respiratory Muscle , Diaphragm Movement Degree and Vital Volume in COPD

  9. 结果经合理的TNA支持后,患者营养状况明显改善,增强了呼吸肌的作功能力,减少对呼吸机的依赖,提高了脱机成功率。

    Result After TNA , the nutrient state and function of respiratory muscles were significantly improved .

  10. IMT组在常氧和低氧运动后呼吸肌疲劳均减少10%(P<0.05);

    Inspiratory muscle fatigue following exercise was reduced 10 % ( P < 0.05 ) in IMT after both normoxia and hypoxia .

  11. 在ICU,患者RMW主要取决加载于呼吸肌泵的通气负荷,负荷/能力比具有决定性作用。

    The RMW in the ICU depends on the ventilatory load imposed on the respiratory muscle pump .

  12. 53例重症GBS病儿因严重呼吸肌瘫痪和多对颅神经损害而需建立人工气道和机械通气治疗。

    Artificial airways and mechanical ventilation were required in 53 cases of severe Guillain-Barre Syn-drome with respiratory muscle paralyses and multi-cranial nerves affected .

  13. 目的:重症肌无力(MG)是一种神经肌肉接头(NMJ)传递障碍引起的自身免疫性疾病,主要累及眼外肌、四肢肌及呼吸肌等引起肌肉收缩无力。

    AIM : Myasthenia gravis ( MG ) is a kind of autoimmune disease mainly causes muscle weakness due to dysfunction of the neuromuscular transmission .

  14. 结论早期应用NIPPV能迅速改善COPD急性加重期患者的气体交换,缓解呼吸肌疲劳,减少气管插管率。

    Conclusion Early use of NIPPV can improve gas exchange , lessen respiratory muscle fatigue and decrease the need for intubation in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD .

  15. 方法:对某院280例急性GBS患者中60例呼吸肌麻痹患者的综合治疗方法进行回顾性分析。

    Methods We analyse and summarize retrospectively the combined therapy we have obtained from treating 60 patients of acute GBS with respiratory muscular paralysis from 280 GBS patients .

  16. 加用BiPAP呼吸机治疗可明显减轻呼吸肌疲劳,使呼吸频率和心率减慢,改善呼吸困难。

    Results : Routine treatment combined with BiPAP respirometer improved PaO 2 , relieved the respiratory muscle fatigue , and reduced the heart rate and respiratory frequency .

  17. [目的]提高慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)病人呼吸肌的肌力和耐力。

    Objective : to enhance the muscle strength and endurance of respiratory muscle in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) patients , a total of 100 cases with COPD were divided into test and control group randomly .

  18. 方法1.文献研究:通过查阅现代中、西医国内外文献,总结和评价中医药健脾法治疗COPD呼吸肌疲劳的研究现状。

    Methods : 1 . The literature research : To study the therapeutical effect of invigorate the spleen with TCM on the treatment of respiratory muscle fatigue in COPD , through referring to packs of Chinese and foreign literature .

  19. 发生呼吸肌麻痹后立即机械通气,通气时间1~25d。

    When respiratory muscle paralysis happens , mechanical aeration is needed immediately . Aeration time is from 1 to 25 days .

  20. 结论:及时气管切开,保持呼吸道通畅,积极防治呼吸道感染是抢救急性GBS呼吸肌麻痹成功的关键。

    Conclusions It is key point to rescue the patients of acute GBS with respiratory muscular paralysis by incision of trachea promptly , prevention and cure of respiratory infection actively and early employment of immunoglobulin and plasma .

  21. 目的旨在探讨结缔组织病(CTD)患者呼吸肌受损情况对肺通气功能、肺换气功能的影响。

    Objective Connective tissue disease ( CTD ) is usually complicated with respiratory dysfunction , the aim of this study is to investigate the effects of respiratory muscle damage on respiratory ventilation and air exchange function .

  22. 目的:评价慢性下腰痛(CLBP)患者的呼吸肌功能并进行相关因素分析。

    Objectives : To evaluate the function of respiratory muscles and conduct the correlative analysis in patients with chronic low back pain ( CLBP ) .

  23. 目的研究不同农药中毒治疗中因阿托品中毒所致的呼吸肌麻痹(RMP)发生率,探讨阿托品治疗与RMP的关系,并对阿托品中毒的原因进行分析。

    Objective To investigate the incidence of respiratory muscle paralysis ( RMP ) induced by atropine overdosage during the treatment of the pesticide poisoning and explore the relationship between atropine overdosage and RMP , analyse the cause of the poisoning .

  24. ICU患者呼吸肌肌力的测定对预测撤机后的结局具有重要的作用,要求测定方法简便、精确,并适用于对危重患者呼吸肌疲劳(RMW)的测定。

    The determination of respiratory muscle strength in the intensive care unit ( ICU ) plays a potential role in prediction of weaning outcome . An easy and accurate method would also allow investigation of respiratory muscle weakness ( RMW ) in critically ill patients .

  25. 驱动时间常数用于呼吸肌耐力的评价

    A preliminary study of drive-time constant in evaluating respiratory muscle endurance

  26. 蛋白质对呼吸肌营养治疗的实验研究

    Experiments study on the therapeutic effects of protein on respiratory muscle

  27. 男生呼吸肌群、呼吸器官发育较女生要好。

    Boys'respiratory muscles , respiratory organs are developed better than girls .

  28. 慢性缺氧大鼠呼吸肌适应性变化的实验研究

    Adaptive changes of respiratory muscles in response to chronic hypoxia in rats

  29. 体表呼吸肌肌电信号采集和分析

    Picking up and Analysis of the Surface Myoelectric Signals of Respiratory Muscule

  30. 格林&巴利综合征呼吸肌麻痹病例报告

    A Report of Guillain-barre Syndrom with Paralysis of Respiratory Muscle