
  • 网络Residual volume;residual volume, RV
  1. 手术前后分别用肺功能测定仪测量肺通气功能和血气,并于不同体位(坐位和仰卧位)测量功能余气量(FRC)。

    Pulmonary function and blood gas were measured pre - and postoperative day ( POD ) by computerized spirometer and blood gas analyzer , and FRC were measured on different positipn ( sitting and supine ) .

  2. 结论注气后4h压力开始降低,余气量逐渐减少,主张注气后4h需检查气囊,补充气量,而不应放气,以发挥气囊的最佳作用。

    Conclusion The cuff pressure and air volume begin to decrease 4 hours after inflated , so we suggest to check the cuff and supplement air 4 hours after inflated but not to deflate so as to take the best advantage of the cuff of the artificial airway .