
  • 网络cosine similarity
  1. 基于余弦相似度分组的P2P搜索机制

    P2P Search Mechanism Based on Cosine Similarity Grouping

  2. 本文提出采用语义相似度和余弦相似度加权的Single-Pass改进方法对Lingo聚类的结果进行类融合以及类再发现。

    We proposed an improvement method of Single-Pass based on a weighted combination of semantic similarity and cosine similarity to conduct cluster fusion and cluster re-discovery of Lingo clustering results .

  3. 评测结果对比表明基于tf-idf词权重信息的余弦相似度方法改善了缺少评测语料的多文档文摘自动评测的质量。

    A comparison of term weight calculation strategies shows that the tf-idf weighting has improved the cosine similarity based multi-document summarization evaluation performance with less test data .

  4. 搜索引擎的问世,解决了信息的定位问题,但是第一代搜索引擎例如AltaVista提供的是全文索引,排名只依据查询向量与文档向量的余弦相似度。

    But the first generation of search engines , such as AltaVista , provide full text index . Its ranking strategy is based on the cosine similarity between a query vector and a document vector .

  5. 在建立索引和进行检索时,将经典的基于词条的向量空间模型改造为基于概念的概念向量空间模型,使用TF-IDF策略对概念进行加权,使用余弦相似度来度量医学图像和查询之间的相似性。

    To achieve knowledge-based retrieval , classical Vector Space Model is replaced by Concept Vector Space Model . Concepts are weighted by TF-IDF weighting strategy , and similarity between queries and images are calculated by Cosine similarity measure . 3 .

  6. 基于余弦相似度的文本空间索引方法研究

    An Approach for Spatial Index of Text Information Based on Cosine Similarity

  7. 在检索的过程中,通过计算查询词和文档特征向量的余弦相似度来进行相关性的评定。

    The cosine similarity is used to estimate the relevance between the query and the document .

  8. 为进行快速、可重复地自动文摘评测,提出利用文本余弦相似度评价自动文摘系统的方法,研究了不同项权重选取策略对评测结果的影响。

    A fast and reliable content-similarity-based evaluation method is proposed and implemented for automatic summarization system evaluation .

  9. 综合上述比较,认为峰对峰夹角余弦相似度是稳定性和敏感性良好的结合点。

    Cosine with the peak-to-peak data provides an effective approach resulting in a compromise between sensitivity and stability .

  10. 余弦相似度聚类不但体现了向量之间的相似关系,而且包含了向量内部元素的变化状况。

    Cosine similarity is a good reflection of vector 's similarity , and it also reflect the variations of vector 's elements .

  11. 之后利用向量的余弦相似度计算文本相似程度,从而确定两个实体是否匹配。

    Finally , it will utilize Cosine Similarity of the vector of to calculate text closed extent and ensure whether two entities are matching or not .

  12. 通过沿时间轴对采样信号加窗的方式构造向量集合,利用余弦相似度进行向量间亲合度的匹配计算,实现在实数域进行匹配计算的实数值负向选择算法。

    The matching affinity between two vectors was measured using cosine similarity to develop a real-valued negative selection algorithm with the matching calculation in the real domain .

  13. 在当前研究的基础上,基于本体层次结构和向量空间模型,提出了一种用于服务语义匹配的扩展的余弦相似度度量方法。

    On the basis of the current research , integrating with ontology hierarchical structure and vector space model , we propose an extensible cosine similarity measure for service matching .

  14. 针对缩略语词典资源稀少的现状,提出一种利用余弦相似度方法在生语料中自动抽取现代汉语缩略语的方法;

    Because of being short of abbreviation dictionary now , an approach was proposed , which would realize the automatic identification of modern Chinese abbreviation and automatically produces the abbreviation dictionary using Cosine similarity ;

  15. 根据共有峰的峰面积用相关系数法和向量夹角余弦法计算相似度,两种方法的计算结果一致。

    Relative retention times for the common peaks of various samples were calculated , and the similarities of all the samples were figured out through each peak area with the vectorial angle cosine method and correlative coefficient method .

  16. 比较了相关系数和夹角余弦两种不同相似度测度计算相似度的差异,以及不同指纹图谱相似度评价系统得出的相似度的异同。

    The differences between Pearson correlation and Cosine of the angle , and differences of similarity calculated by two evaluation software were compared .