
  • 网络Yoichi;Nikka;YOITI;Yochi
  1. 自70年代以来,尤其是1976年唐山地震后,渭河盆地20余县(市)相继不断地出现地裂缝,其中以西安和泾阳为甚。

    Since the 70s , especially after the year when the earthquake happened in Tangshan , the ground fissures are appearing constantly in over 20 county ( city ) of Wei river basin , especially in Xi ' an and Jingyang .

  2. 去年,已有10余个省、市、自治区的人均GDP超过了这一数字。

    Last year , per capita GDP in more than 10 municipalities , provinces and autonomous regions surpassed that figure .

  3. 最鼎盛时期曾有90余只权证在市,随着股权分置改革的逐步完成,权证渐渐退市,到目前仅剩长虹权证在市交易。

    There are 90 warrants in the market at the most prosperous time . With the split share structure reform step by step , warrants gradually withdraw from the market .