
hū xī jí cù
  • Shortness of breath;broken winded
  1. 她的呼吸急促不匀。

    Her breathing was quick and uneven .

  2. 她呼吸急促,尽力让自己平静下来。

    She was breathing quickly and tried to calm herself

  3. 他仰面跌进了水中,胸部起伏,呼吸急促。

    He fell back into the water , his breath rasping in his heaving chest

  4. “你好呀!”我对他说,猜测他只是在打滚玩,但他动作非常僵硬,当我走近的时候我看到他在空中蹬着四肢,呼吸急促。

    " Hello ! " I said to him , assuming he was just rolling for fun , but he was very still and , as I got closer , I saw him kicking his legs in the air and breathing heavily .

  5. 他们还会被询问决策能力如何,是否出现呕吐、肿胀、呼吸急促、非计划性体重减轻、脱水或食欲不振。

    The ability to make decisions is also asked and whether they have suffered vomiting4 , swelling5 , shortness of breath , unplanned weight loss , dehydration6 or loss of appetite .

  6. 你的心跳加速,呼吸急促,赶紧把手伸进兜里,发现手机还在那里,才感到了一丝欣慰。

    Your heart rate accelerates , you feel short of breath , you reach quickly to your pocket and feel a wave of relief as you find your phone is still there .

  7. b组动物于照射后2~3周后出现不同程度的精神差、呼吸急促、活动减少、饮食减量,呼吸频率增加,照射野内皮毛开始脱落。

    The animals in group b have different levels of spiritual worse , shortness of breath , decreased activity , diet reductions , the respiratory rate increase , and the fur began shedding within the radiation field after 2 to 3 weeks of irradiation .

  8. IVIG治疗的副反应包括,有三位患者出现可逆性的肾功能障碍,5位患者出现流感样症状,5位元患者发生头痛,1位元患者出现呼吸急促。

    Adverse reactions to IVIG included reversible renal dysfunction in3 patients , flu-like symptoms in5 , headache in5 , and chest pain and shortness of breath in1 .

  9. 结果:1.伤情特点:冲击伤-缺氧复合伤伤情较冲击伤重,伤后大鼠主要表现为烦躁不安,呼吸急促,BAⅡ组见明显口鼻紫绀。

    Results 1.characteristics of the injury : the combined blast-anoxic injury was more severity than the blast injury , the main characteristics of the injured rats were dysphoria , tachypnea . Cyanosis was observed in BA ⅱ .

  10. 病痛:美国过敏、哮喘与免疫学院(AmericanCollegeofAllergy,AsthmaandImmunology)发布的数据显示,大约有2600万美国人患有哮喘。这是肺部呼吸道的一种慢性炎症,能引发咳嗽、胸部压迫感、气喘、以及呼吸急促等病症。

    The Ache : Some 26 million Americans suffer from asthma -- a chronic inflammation of airways in the lungs that causes coughing , chest tightness , wheezing and shortness of breath , according to the American College of Allergy , Asthma and Immunology .

  11. 感染结果发现犬出现厌食、发烧、结膜炎、呼吸急促和咳嗽等症状,其中一只气管接种的犬(B10)于感染后的第4天死亡。

    The dogs showed flu-like disease symptoms , including anorexic , fever , conjunctivitis , labored breathing and cough , and one i.t. inoculated animal died on day 4 post-infection .

  12. 日本筑波大学的三个学生发明了一种名为满足外套(Riajyuucoat)的装置,让孤独的同伴们能体验到被咯咯笑的呼吸急促的女孩从后面抱住的感觉。

    Three students from the University of Tsukuba in Japan have created a device called the " Riajyuu Coat ," or fulfillment coat , to let their lonelier peers experience the sensation of being hugged from behind by a giggling , breathless female .

  13. 呼吸急促,无论是进行身体活动时还是休息时

    Shortness of breath , either during physical activity or while resting

  14. 甚至在我连续四小时呼吸急促地说…

    Even after four hours of me breathing heavily and saying ...

  15. 哈利低头盯着飞贼,呼吸急促而粗重。

    Breathing fast and hard , he stared down at it .

  16. 呼吸急促在胸部不适时或不适之前发生。

    Shortness of breath may occur with or before chest discomfort .

  17. 他上楼时呼吸急促。

    He was breathing heavily as he climbed up the stairs .

  18. 铁哲军马上要来了,(呼吸急促)他们是为雨石而来。

    Tie The battalion is coming , they want the Rain-stone .

  19. 他痛苦地紧闭双眼,呼吸急促。

    His eyes were closed in pain , his breath ragged .

  20. 在阅读的过程中凯瑟琳明显呼吸急促。

    And Katherine was visibly breathing rapidly during the readings .

  21. 当我走进病房时她脸上发红,呼吸急促。

    She was flushed and breathing hard when I entered her room .

  22. 她呼吸急促,大口地吸着气。

    She fought for breath , taking in great gasps of air .

  23. 血压下降,呼吸急促,心率快。

    Blood pressure falls , along with polypnea and quick heart rate .

  24. 他的脸部开始抽搐,呼吸急促,气喘吁吁。

    His face began to twitch and her breath came in explosive puffs .

  25. 有更多比正常呼吸急促当你的体力活动。

    Having more shortness of breath than normal when you 're physically active .

  26. 我只是有点呼吸急促。

    I 'm just a little short of breath .

  27. 她呼吸急促,不停地拍着头发。

    She sounded breathless and kept patting her hair .

  28. 孩子患感冒引起呼吸急促。

    The child 's cold caused him to sniff .

  29. 他心脏状况不佳使他呼吸急促。

    His heart condition makes him short of breath .

  30. 肝移植术后呼吸急促的康复治疗

    Rehabilitation training on respiratory rapidity in a patient after matched body liver transplant