
  • 网络equilibrium theory;balance theory;isostatic theory
  1. 第二部分阐述了相关的理论基础,包括对债务融资结构和企业绩效的概念界定和MM理论、均衡理论等。

    The second part describes the theoretical basis of relevant , including debt financing structure and defines the concept of corporate performance and the MM theory , balance theory .

  2. 提出了2种保证QOS的准入控制(AdmissionControl)策略和一种基于市场机制(价格)的策略以实现网络资源分配,以一般均衡理论为基础,依靠价格因素实现保证QOS的资源优化分配。

    This article proposes two QOS-based strategies of Admission Control and one market-mechanism-based strategy of internet resources distribution . It also puts forward the Balance Theory , based on which the price factors can work , thus assure the optimal distribution of QOS resources .

  3. 模型以一般均衡理论和市场机制为依据,实现资源的优化分配,使系统中资源实现近似帕累托有效配置,并为资源提供双重QoS保证机制。

    The model can allocate optimally resource according to general equilibrium and market mechanism and provide the double QoS guarantee for resources .

  4. 为进一步增大跨障碍测程和提高精度,根据天文重力水准原理和地壳均衡理论,研究实施天文GPS均衡水准的可行性、具体实施方法并分析精度;

    The forth one studies how to put GPS astro-isostatic leveling in practice , which is based on astro-gravimetric leveling and isostasy and in order to improve range and accuracy .

  5. CGE模型将瓦尔拉斯的一般均衡理论由一个抽象的理论形式变为一个尽可能接近现实经济系统的可计算的数学模型。

    CGE model turns general equilibrium theory into a mathematics model that can be computed .

  6. 详细论述了多电平PAM(脉冲幅度调制)系统的最佳均衡理论。

    The optimum equalization theory for overcoming the intersymbol interferences ( ISI ) in multi-level pulse amplitude modulation ( PAM ) systems is establishead .

  7. 以纳什均衡理论为基础,依靠市场机制,实现基于QoS的网格资源管理和调度。

    A market-based approach is presented to allocate grid resource , which is based on Nash equilibrium theory and which realizes the optimal allocation of grid resources by the market mechanism .

  8. 本文在对近年来使用经济学模型分配分布式系统资源的相关研究进行分析比较的基础上,借用经济学中的博弈均衡理论,提出一种基于服务质量差异的激励模型来提高P2P系统性能和效率。

    In this paper , we use ideas from Game Theory to study the interaction of peers , and propose a differential service-based incentive scheme to improve the system 's performance .

  9. 本文首先对一般均衡理论及CGE模型建模机理进行系统的研究,而后根据一般均衡理论给出CGE模型建模的基本原理。

    But after the basic principle of the CGE model was given according to the General Equilibrium Theory .

  10. 本文对资本市场均衡理论、资本资产定价模型(CAPM)和套利定价模型(APT)的经验检验、有效市场假设的检验进行了分析;

    The article analyzes the theory of asset market equilibrium , some empirical investigation of CAPM and APT and some tests of the efficient market hyPothesis .

  11. 因此,如果离开了一般均衡理论及其具体实现CGE模型,则很难从数量上去评价该项政策对整个国民经济的全面影响。

    Without CGE model , the effects of the tax policy for the full economy system are very difficult to appraise .

  12. 第三章介绍了基本的盲均衡理论、SIMO系统盲辨识模型以及盲均衡的评判指标。

    Chapter III illustrates the blind SIMO system identification model , basic theory and evaluation indicators of blind equalization .

  13. 芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)经济学家罗杰·迈尔森(RogerMyerson)对纳什的推崇则更进一步。他认为纳什均衡理论对经济学的影响,可以与DNA双螺旋结构的发现对生命科学的影响相提并论。

    A University of Chicago economist , Roger Myerson , went further , comparing the impact of Nash equilibrium on economics to that of the discovery of the DNA double helix in the biological sciences .

  14. CGE模型对经济系统中的各个行为主体进行数学描述,通过各行为主体对商品和要素的数量和价格的调整,从而实现瓦尔拉斯一般均衡理论所确定的供需均衡。

    It bewrites main body of economic system , the equilibrium between supply and demand is achieved via adjusting the price and quantity of commodity and factor .

  15. 在没有信道或用户特征波形的先验知识时,我们通过应用盲MIMO信道识别和均衡理论,证明了恢复多用户信息字符的可能性。

    The application of the theory of blind multiple input multiple output ( MIMO ) channel identification and equalization makes it possible to recover information symbols without any prior knowledge of the channel or the user 's signature waveforms .

  16. 简要回顾了岩石圈均衡理论的发展及岩石圈区域均衡和挠曲理论在岩石圈动力学研究中起的作用,阐述岩石圈有效弹性厚度(Te)的概念和特征。

    Lithosphere effective elastic thickness ( Te ) is a term on the bases regional isostasy and flexure theories of lithosphere . This paper firstly outlined the development of the isostasy , and then described the concept and characteristics of Te .

  17. 一般均衡理论是十九世纪末由Walras提出的,以完全竞争经济的分析为主要内容。

    The general equilibrium theory was proposed by Walras at the end of 19 centuries . It regard economic analysis in complete competition as the main contents .

  18. 为此,根据博弈论中的纳什均衡理论提出基于RDEC算法的激励机制。

    To solve the problem , this paper proposes a P2P incentive mechanism based on RDEC algorithm by using the Nash equilibrium theory .

  19. 描述一般经济均衡理论的主要内容,指出证明该理论的关键所在,简略讨论Kakutani不动点定理的泛函分析证法。

    We describe the main contents of the theory of general economic equilibrium , point out the key to its proof , and discuss briefly the functional analysis methods of proving Kakutani fired point theorem .

  20. 其次,对路网均衡理论进行分析,阐述合理路径的选取方法,并利用UE模型中的LOGIT配流模型计算路网各元素的选择概率,为控制方法的提出奠定基础。

    Secondly , the paper analyses the transportation network equilibrium theory , explains how to choose the reasonable path , and uses LOGIT function to compute the selection probability of each element in transportation network , and it also lays a foundation to raising control method .

  21. Debreu所给出的。Debreu也因此于1983年获得了诺贝尔经济学奖,Debreu是利用集值分析的方法以集值映射的不动点定理为工具证明Walras经济均衡理论的。

    Debreu after half a century in 1952 . Therefore Debreu won the Nobel economics prize in 1983 , Debreu proved the Walras compete competition equilibrium exist theorem by fixed-point theorem of set-valued mapping .

  22. 以后的一般均衡理论工作就是对Arrow-Debreu模型假设条件的放宽,因为人们总是认为它的假设条件太不真实了。

    The main thrust of recent work in equilibrium theory has been the relaxation of the assumptions of the Arrow-Debreu model . Since it has been repeatedly argued that its assumptions are not realistic .

  23. 本文研究高速水声通信中正交幅度调制系统的盲均衡理论与算法,主要工作如下:(1)通过研究多模辅助算法的均衡原理,得到了一类基于星座图特点改进的多模辅助算法(CMAMA)。

    In this paper , quadrature amplitude modulation system blind equalization algorithm in high-speed underwater acoustic communication is analyzed and the main work is as follows : ( 1 ) By studying the principle of MAMA , improved a class algorithm ( CMAMA ) based on the constellation features .

  24. 古典市场均衡理论的意义与当代经济学的发展

    The Significance of Classical Market Equilibrium Theory and Contemporary Economics Development

  25. 非均衡理论在云南经济发展实践中的应用分析

    The application of unbalanced theories in economic development of Yunnan province

  26. 这是罪刑均衡理论中需要解决的一个具体细节问题。

    This should be resolved in matching of crime and penalty .

  27. 非均衡理论在长江三角洲实践之效果分析转移份额法的实例应用分析

    The effect of unbalanced theories applied in the Yangtse Delta

  28. 基于高阶统计量的水声信道盲均衡理论与算法

    Blind Equalization Algorithms Using Higher-Order Statistics for Underwater Acoustic Channel

  29. 它是以后一般均衡理论发展的基础。

    It is the foundation of later general equilibrium theory .

  30. 采用非均衡理论解释,可将其划分为五个阶段。

    Non-equilibrium Theory needs to divide them into five stages .