
  • 网络Redirect;Re-Orient;redirecting;Redirects;Reorient
  1. 如果不希望看到这些错误消息,请将标准错误重新定向到/dev/null./mqsend“Thisistestmessage”2>/dev/null。

    If you don 't want to see these error message , redirect standard error to / dev / null . / mqsend " This is test message " 2 > / dev / null .

  2. 集合中,以便将输出从日志记录重新定向到一个文本文件。

    Collections to redirect output from logging to a text file .

  3. 程序片段可以操作数据库、重新定向WEB等等,这就是最好的利用星型网络的功能。

    Program fragments can operate the database , re-orientation WEB , etc. , it is the best use of satellite-based network capabilities .

  4. 还有一些高级特性,比如根据URL重新定向,目前还不受支持。

    More advanced features , such as redirecting based on the URL , are not currently supported .

  5. 现在,以/blog开头的那些URI都将会被重新定向到条目控制器和列表动作。

    Now URIs that begin with / blog will be redirected to the entry controller and the list action .

  6. 阿索引和排名的数量惊人的问题是来自错误的重新定向,因此它以确保关键的HTTP状态代码都是正确的。

    A surprising number of indexing and ranking problems come from erroneous re-directs , so it 's crucial to be sure all of the HTTP status codes are correct .

  7. 通过将请求重新定向到集群中的另一个具有处理该请求的数据库副本的服务器,Domino服务器为客户机提供故障转移。

    Domino servers provide failover to clients by redirecting requests to another server in the cluster that has a replica of the database needed to service the request .

  8. 结果表明:(1)两个实验结果一致揭示,在听觉通道研究中,听觉中央重新定向不是听觉IOR产生的关键因素。

    The results of study one indicate : ( 1 ) the results of experiment 1 and experiment 2 show the same points that in the study of auditory channel , auditory reorienting is not the crucial factor in the production of auditory IOR .

  9. 听觉中央重新定向不存在时,也发现了听觉IOR;(2)听觉中央重新定向对听觉IOR效应量的大小没有显著影响,该结果支持了在视觉通道中的相关研究结论。

    When the central reorienting does not exist , auditory IOR can also be found ; ( 2 ) auditory central reorienting has no significant influence on the amount of auditory IOR effect . This result also supports the relative conclusion in the study of vision channel .

  10. 经过2,4D处理的根,不但皮层细胞微管表现重新定向,同时也伴随着生长受到强烈抑制。

    And obliquely oriented in the root hair zone . After treatment with 2,4_D , MTS displayed distinct changes with reorientation in the cortex of the root tip coupling with the inhibition of root growth .

  11. o:将输出重新定向到给定的文件名。

    O : Redirects the output to the given file name .

  12. 科学理性与人文精神的融合&论高等教育的重新定向

    Merge with Rational Science and Human Spirit redirection of higher education

  13. 这意味着您可以将输出重新定向到远程命令。

    This means that you can redirect output to a remote command .

  14. 找到(请求被重新定向到另外一个URL/URI上)

    Found ( the request was redirected to another URL / URI )

  15. 重新定向现在对于范围内从强盗的狡诈获得的(连击点数)也有效。

    Redirect now also redirects any insight gained from Bandit 's Guile .

  16. 路径,由重新定向的路经数组代表

    Paths , represented by an array of redirection paths

  17. 空间关联和中央重新定向对听觉返回抑制的影响

    The Influence of Spatial Relevancy and Central Reorienting on Auditory Inhibition of Return

  18. 健康城市:城市规划的重新定向

    The Healthy City : the Reposition of Urban Planning

  19. 图中的马正把支点腿重新定向,使它面对新的方向。

    Here the horse is reorienting the foot to face the new direction .

  20. 或许所有需要的就是重新定向。

    Maybe all that 's needed is some refocusing .

  21. 中国乡村地理学研究的重新定向

    The reorientation of rural geography in China

  22. 采用线索-靶子范式考察听觉中央重新定向对听觉返回抑制的影响。

    The thesis explores the the effects of auditory central reorienting on auditory inhibition of return .

  23. 他们每个人都下载了一个应用软件,可以使他们能够接到来自世界各地的被重新定向的电话。

    Each has downloaded an app that makes them available to receive redirected calls from around the world .

  24. 如果不匹配,请求将重新定向回登录屏幕。

    If there isn 't a match , the request will be redirected back to the login screen .

  25. 根据用户的安全组成员身份,该文件夹会被重新定向到不同的位置。

    This folder will be redirected to different locations based on the security group membership of the users .

  26. 介绍了大庆油田运用地面侧斜仪绘图法所研究的重复压裂法和重新定向测量的案例分析。

    The paper presents case study on re-fracture treatments and reorientation measurement results by surface tiltmeter mapping in the Daqing oilfield .

  27. 文件夹重新定向策略应用程序被延迟到下次登录,原因是组策略登录优化仍在使用。

    Folder redirection policy application has been delayed until the next logon because the group policy logon optimization is in effect .

  28. “我们发现了一种新的方法,使我们可对被分离细胞的命运进行重新定向,”他说。

    " We discovered a new trick that allowed us to redirect the fate of the removed cell ," he said .

  29. 新场气田的实际运用结果也表明,重复压裂气井中的初始应力差和生产时间是决定应力重新定向的关键因素。

    The application to Xinchang gas field shows that the initial differential stress and production time are the key factors to determine the stress reorientation in refracturing gas well .

  30. 注意,图中的支点腿正对着原来的方向,所以马必须抬起它,重新定向到新的位置。

    Note that the pivot foot is facing the " old direction " and is twisting in place , so the horse will have to pick it up to reorient it to the new direction .