
  1. 需要重点注意,必须启用PMI以便查看本文之前记录的指标并从性能审查程序获取建议。

    It is important to note that PMI must be enabled to view the metrics documented earlier in this article and to receive advice from the performance advisors .

  2. 还需要重点注意的是,存储器是完全可用的。

    It is also important to note that the storage is fully usable .

  3. 最后提出了在信息化建设过程中几点重点注意事项。

    Finally the paper offers several key issues .

  4. 意外事故很有可能发生,并且身体健康也得重点注意。

    Accident prone tendencies are quite likely and physical health does require strong attention .

  5. 但要重点注意的是,要用白色的牙膏而不是凝胶状的牙膏。

    It is important to note that white paste must be used rather than gel .

  6. 虽然这种做法是无可异议的,但是有两件事情是学校没有教给你而需要你重点注意的。

    Though that is undeniably true , there are two caveats that don 't get taught in schools .

  7. 因此,在刚构桥设计及施工时,应该重点注意纵桥向的动力响应。

    Thus we should pay more attention to the dynamic response of the longitudinal direction in design and construction .

  8. 健康风险图的主要特点在于大部分亚洲国家都聚集在重点注意阈限之上。

    The striking feature of the health risk map is the accumulation of Asian countries above the heightened attention threshold .

  9. 列表中有个地方要重点注意,就是第7个习惯。

    If there is a one single area to focus on this list , it is definitely the item # 7 .

  10. 在分布系统建设的新建或改造中,重点注意馈线、耦合器和天线的选择。

    Feeder lines , couplers and antenna selection should be the focus of attention in rebuilding or building of indoor distribution system .

  11. 将这个标签放到下一个字段中,从而精确地说明用户应该重点注意哪些内容。

    Place this tag next to the field to point out exactly what the user should focus his / her attention on .

  12. 以下这一点要重点注意,在两种情况下,整个数据库服务器都将被还原到指定的时间点或逻辑日志。

    It is important to notice that in both cases the whole database server will be restored to the specified point-in-time or logical log .

  13. 文章简要讨论了岩土工程勘察工作各个环节中应重点注意的问题,并以太原地区岩土工程特性为例,对此进行了说明。

    The article briefly discusses and explains problems should be paid attention to in geotechnical investigation taking the geotechnical engineering properties of Taiyuan as an example .

  14. 结合设计,阐述了变电站一次部分设计的思路,并从设备选型、总平面布置等方面提出了几个设计中需重点注意的问题。

    Combined with design , the design thought of transformer substation is introduced and some key problems are also discussed from lectotype , plane arrangement and other aspects .

  15. 因医务人员存在医疗过失造成的并发症赔偿责任应适用过错责任原则,过错的判定和举证责任是要重点注意的问题。

    Medical complications caused by the existence of medical negligence should apply the principle of fault liability . Determine fault and the burden of proof is to focus attention .

  16. 值得重点注意的是,因某个错误而失败的调用可能并不是该错误的原因,错误的原因可能已经在更早以前发生。

    It 's important to note that the call that fails with an error might not be the cause of the error , which could have happened much earlier .

  17. 幸运的是,相对较高的地缘政治风险仅局限于少数小国,大部分区域均在重点注意阈限以下。

    Fortunately , comparatively high geopolitical risks are limited to a few of the smaller countries and the bulk of the region is located below the heightened attention threshold .

  18. 接着,总述梅译版存在的八大问题,以具体统计数据加以量化,说明哪些部分需要重点注意与改善。

    Then the author elaborates on the eight problems in Mei Ruhe ′ s translated version , which are quantified in order to show which part needs more attention and improvement .

  19. 文章最后对我国房地产开发企业设立私募股权房地产投资基金需要重点注意的问题做了具体的论述。

    Last , this paper analyzes the points the real estate enterprises should focus on when they plan to set up a private equity real estate fund as the general partner .

  20. 需要重点注意,共享类不能防止类加载器取消加载&但它会造成类数据的一个子集保留在类缓存中。

    It 's important to note that shared classes doesn 't prevent classloaders being unloaded & but it does cause a subset of the class data to remain in the class cache .

  21. 最后,建议今后应重点注意微生物安全性、臭氧副产物控制和工艺运行控制标准等问题。

    For all the above mentioned questions solution and suggestions are proposed . Eventually , several problems are mentioned about microbial safety , ozonation disinfection by-products control and operation standards of the process .

  22. 作者对软件从用户层、应用层、功能层等层次进行了测试并给出结果。用软件的测试点来说明软件设计中应重点注意的问题。

    Author tests the software in customer layer , application layer and function layer respectively , and gives the results , and uses the test point to show where has been paid more attention .

  23. 需要重点注意的是,这不是一个简单的静态图形和一组显示的可点击定位销它包含了当地居民以及有关观察者的重要信息。

    It 's important to note that this isn 't simply a map with static graphics and an array of clickable location pins displayed it contain [ s ] vital information for local residents and concerned observers .

  24. 文中以5个引进水电厂计算机监控系统的改造为例,探讨了为实现无人值班(少人值守),水电厂计算机监控系统的设计和研制中应当重点注意的问题。

    Based on the reformation of 5 imported monitoring control systems , this paper discusses the key issues on the design and development of monitoring control systems for the realization of " unmanned on duty " hydropower plants .

  25. 除了理论上的研究和总结,笔者亦引用了巴林银行倒闭的具体案例,并对案例进行分析,从案例中找出风险管理存在的不足以及需要重点注意的地方。

    In addition to theoretically of research and summary , the author also quote from the case of " Collapse of Barings ", also analysis to the case to find out the shortage in risk management of OBS .

  26. 而且由于是对运行中的网络上进行建设,因此本工程涉及相当多的网络割接,在本论文中将列举一个具体的割接方案来说明割接的详细操作步骤和重点注意事项。

    And because it is building on the existing network , this project involves a considerable number of network cutover , cited in this thesis , a specific cutover cutover plan to illustrate the detailed steps and key considerations .

  27. 并且公司应重点注意公司技术人才的培养和引进,人力资源的协调以及建立现代企业制度,这样相关多元化的发展战略才可以使公司更加健康和长远的发展。

    The company should pay attention to train and employee the technical people , coordinate the human resource and establish the modern enterprise system , so that the relative diversified strategy could make the company develop healthily and permanently .

  28. 在分析合成氨生产煤棒制气的原料处理、气化工艺、设备和控制系统特点的基础上,详细论述了煤棒制气中应重点注意的问题。

    The problems to be highly noticed in the coal rod gas production are discussed in detail , based on analyzing the raw material disposal of coal rod gas production in ammonia synthesis production , gasification process , equipment and control system feature .

  29. 委托建库的图书馆应仔细规划整个委托建库工作的流程,重点注意选择数据制作公司、签署合同及数据质量控制等方面的问题,它是委托建库工作得以顺利实施的重要保证。

    The library that will entrust databases to other companies should plan the whole process of entrusting carefully and devote more attention to choosing companies , signing agreement and controlling the data quality . These are very important for carrying out the entrustment successfully .

  30. 介绍了煤棒用于合成氨造气的特点、技术经济评价,简述了煤棒制作和气化工艺中应重点注意的问题。

    The characteristics are presented of the gasification of the coal bars for the synthesis of ammonia , a techno-economic assessment is given , and a brief account is given of the preparation of the coal bars and key points for attention in the gasification process .