
  • 网络gravitative differentiation;Gravitation differentiation;gravitational differentiation
  1. 烃源岩和砂岩裂缝中的沥青脉表明油气在裂缝中容易产生重力分异。

    Bituminous veins in cracks of source rock and sandstone is the direct evidence of oil / gas gravitational differentiation in cracks .

  2. 同时由于注入气的重力分异作用,驱扫了顶部的剩余油。

    Simultaneously , residual oil on the top is driven and swept due to the effect of gravitational differentiation of injected gas .

  3. 具有很厚油柱的油田其产层内会有更加微妙复杂的重力分异。

    Fields with thick oil columns may show a more subtle gravity variation through the pay zone .

  4. 油气藏内的重力分异和沿断层及不整合面的运移分异是中、浅层气藏形成的机制,因此,中、浅层气藏在盆地中的分布主要受断层控制。

    Middle gas reservoir forming . So the distribution of shallow ? middle gas reservoir in basins is mainly controlled by fault .

  5. 在重力分异和热对流过程中,地核不仅有巨量热能,而且有巨量的旋转能和放射性蜕变能。

    In the Earth 's core , there exists not only huge thermal energy , but huge rotation energy and radioactive heat source .

  6. 含矿岩体是同化了壳源组分且经历了充分的岩浆重力分异作用后脉动式侵位的。

    It seems quite probable that the ore bearing intrusions were formed by repeated intruding after assimilating crustal materials penetrated and after sufficient gravitational differentiation .

  7. 本文认为重力分异作用是地球中钙、镁元素发生径向迁移的动力。

    It is explained in this article that gravitational segregation is the motive force for the radial migration of calcium and magnesium in the earth 's crust .

  8. 这些作用包括生物降解、水洗作用、微生物硫酸盐还原、气洗脱沥青、热化学硫酸盐还原、重力分异、热成熟等。

    The processes include biodegradation and water washing , bacterial sulfate reduction , deasphalting by gas influx , thermochemical sulfate reduction , gravity segregation , and thermal maturation .

  9. 原油物性不仅受原油族组成的影响,而且也受成熟度、埋藏深度、保存条件、组分重力分异作用等的影响。

    It is shown that physical characteristics of crude oil depend not only on group compositions , but also on maturity , burial depth , preservation condition and compositional gravity differentiation .

  10. 运用油藏数值模拟技术,对油藏剖面进行了注气模拟研究,研究了采油速度、重力分异、储层非均质性、毛管压力、注入气粘度等对采收率的影响。

    With reservoir numerical simulation technique , gas injection is simulated with reservoir profile ; the effects of oil recovery rate , gravity variance , reservoir heterogeneity , capillary pressure and injected gas viscosity on recovery ratio are studied .

  11. 在重力分异过程中,随着地球质量不断向地心集中,地球自转动能也不断向地核集中,从而产生圈层分化和差异旋转。

    During gravitational differentiation the earth mass is gradually concentrated to the core of the earth and the motion energy of the earth self rotation is also to the core and cause division of spheres and their differential rotation .

  12. 受注水波及程度和重力分异作用的影响,储层内部垂向上形成中上部剩余油富集,而平面上低渗结构单元和注采不完善地区剩余油富集。

    Influenced by water injection and gravitational differentiation , abundance zone of remaining oil was formed vertically in middle-to-upper-parts of the reservoir beds and horizontally in the low porosity units on the plane and the area with poor injection-production .

  13. 该方法通过冻胶型选择性堵剂的选择性注入和由工作液与原油的密度差而产生的重力分异作用形成隔板,控制底水锥进。

    This technique takes fully advantage of selective plugging effect of gel blocking agent and gravity segregation resulted from density contrast of oil and water , and could control water coning by gel barrier in vicinity of oil-water interface .

  14. 油气的重力分异作用使油气呈现出有规律的分布,一般高部位的构造圈闭为气藏,低部位的构造圈闭为油藏。

    The regular distribution of oil , gas and water due to gravitational differentiation tends to the fact that a gas reservoir forms in structural trap at higher part , while an oil reservoir in structural trap at lower part .

  15. 受储层非均质性、采液强度和流体重力分异作用的影响,叶状体和水道间微相、构造高点、正韵律油层顶部水淹程度相对较轻,剩余油富集。

    It points out the fact that residual oil gathers in the leaf face belt between channels , area of the structure high point and the upper part of the positive rhythm which resulted from the reservoir heterogeneity , different intensity of the liquid production and gravity differential effect .

  16. 硫化铜镍工业富集需要相对稳定的构造环境,构造长期活动,使得含矿岩浆能够上侵到地壳浅部并发生良好的结晶重力分异作用和硫化物硅酸盐熔离作用,并进而富集成矿。

    The industrial enrichment of Cu-Ni sulfide needs a relatively stable structure environment , and the long - time movement of structures makes ore magma invade into the shallow crust , gives rise to better crystallization , gravity differentiation and liquation of sulfides and silicates , and further forms ores .

  17. 第一侵入期构成岩体的主体部分,分异良好,由重力结晶分异形成自橄揽岩相、橄榄辉长岩相向含石英苏长辉长岩相的分异趋势,基性程度依次降低。

    The first intrusive phase which constitutes the main part of the complexes is best differentiated and has a differentiation trend , due to gravitative crystallization differentiation , from peridotite facies and olivine-gabbro , facies to quartz-bearing norite-gabbro facies with basicity decreasing successively .