
  • 网络major defects;Significant deficiency;material weakness
  1. 此前,该公司发现“对在华客户合同的管理上存在一项重大缺陷”。

    This follows its discovery of " a material weakness with respect to the administration of customer contracts in China " .

  2. 三是进一步完善内控审计准则和应用指南,建议将内部控制缺陷由三类简化为两类,即取消重要缺陷,只保留重大缺陷和一般缺陷,避免实务操作中的界定困难。

    Further improvement the audit standard and guidance , the internal control deficiencies may simplify from three types into two types , namely cancel the significant deficiency , only keep material weakness and general deficiency in order to avoid practical confusion . 4 .

  3. 此过程解决了internet电子邮件中的重大缺陷:任何人都可以阅读任何邮件。

    This process addresses a serious weakness in Internet e-mail : the fact that anyone can read any message .

  4. ssl协议是免费的,但是它有重大缺陷。

    SSL is free but it has a fatal shortcoming .

  5. WTO的报复制度在GATT报复制度的基础上已大为强化,但仍存在重大缺陷。

    The retaliation system of WTO has been greatly strengthened on the basis of the retaliation system of GATT , but there exist great shortcomings in the system .

  6. 然而,5G网络有一个不可避免的重大缺陷:那就是你的位置将不再是隐私。

    However , there is one major-and unavoidable-drawback to 5G : It 's going to cost you your location privacy .

  7. WTO要求建立对行政行为客观公正的审查制度,但是我国当前行政裁决制度在保障公正方面存在着重大缺陷,与WTO的要求和我国的入世承诺尚有相当大的差距。

    WTO requests establishing fair system of review of administrative Act . But there are some limitations in the system of administrative adjudication in China , which is far from the requirements of WTO and commitments of entry to WTO .

  8. 即RSA的重大缺陷是无法从理论上把握它的保密性能如何,而且密码学界多数人士倾向于因子分解不是NPC问题。

    RSA 's major flaw is that in theory can not grasp how the performance of its security and passwords , many academics are not the NPC tends to factorization problems .

  9. 另外,文章还将指出TRIPS协定的一些重大缺陷,这些缺陷包括无法有效消除知识产权持有人的反竞争行为,以及对低知识产权能力国家的援助不足等。

    Second , the section reports on TRIPS Agreement major flaws , and focuses mainly on its lack of effectiveness in the elimination of anti-competitive practices and insufficient assistance to countries with low IP capacities .

  10. 即便报告最终认定维珍银行的“太空船2号”(SpaceShipTwo)不存在任何重大缺陷,该委员会的调查时间之长也将进一步打击李察爵士让该项目重新上马的希望,该项目已较原计划拖延数年。

    Even if it ultimately clears Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo of any major flaws , the length of the NTSB investigation looks set to complicate further Sir Richard 's hopes of getting back to development of the project , which is already years behind schedule .

  11. 内部控制重大缺陷影响因素的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on Influence Factors of Internal Control Material Weaknesses

  12. 高等学校图书馆与学生读者的关系是一种平等的契约关系&兼谈《普通高等学校图书馆规程》立法法理上的重大缺陷

    The Relation between College Library and Student Readers Is a Contract Relation

  13. 然而,从系统的角度来看,这种自由选择存在一个重大缺陷。

    But this free-for-all contains a radical flaw from a systemic standpoint .

  14. 不确定性既是合理原则的重要特征之一,也是它的重大缺陷。

    Uncertainty is an import an t character of the rule of reason .

  15. 然而,全球贸易体系仍存在许多令人不安的重大缺陷。

    But the flaws in the global trading system are large and worrisome .

  16. 红外线测温发现一起耦合电容器重大缺陷

    A Serious Trouble of Coupling Capacitor Discovered by means of Infrared Temperature Detection

  17. 尽管只有两种选择,且两者都有重大缺陷,

    Despite having only two options , both of which have significant drawbacks ,

  18. 电站锅炉安全性能检验中承压设备重大缺陷分析

    Analysis on Important Defects of Pressure Equipment during Safety Inspection of Power Plant Boiler

  19. 博客正在为一个单反拍摄高清视频的重大缺陷而疯狂。

    Blogs are buzzing about a supposed flaw in DSLRs that shoot HD video .

  20. 我国目前商誉权法律保护的立法存在重大缺陷。

    There exist some serious problems in the legislation for protecting the right of goodwill .

  21. 这是一个重大缺陷。

    This is a major flaw .

  22. 测量分析一次设备直流电阻对发现设备重大缺陷的作用

    Effect of Measuring and Analysing DC Resistance of Primary Equipment on Detecting the Equipment Major Defects

  23. 再次社区矫正适用率低是推进社区矫正发展的重大缺陷。

    Community correction low rate applicable to promote the development of community correction is major defects .

  24. 还有些轿车一开始看起来很吸引人,后来才发现它们存在重大缺陷。

    Other misfires are for cars that seemed initially appealing but turned out to be deeply flawed .

  25. 缺少公益诉讼,是我国诉讼制度的一个重大缺陷。

    The lack of public-welfare lawsuit system is a serious defect of the litigation system of our country .

  26. 这不能不说是这种理论的重大缺陷,利益衡量论因此受到激烈的批判。

    This is a major defect of the theory , and thus it has met with severe criticisms .

  27. 这些事件的背后都存在一个共同的问题,即公司内部控制存在重大缺陷。

    All these companies have a common problem that these companies exist material internal weakness and financial problems .

  28. 但他承认,由于去年的测试暴露出重大缺陷,中国移动需要更好的手机。

    However , he admits that China Mobile needs better handsets following trials last year that highlighted significant shortcomings .

  29. 同时,也暴露出市场经济发展过程中所存在的一些重大缺陷和诸多发人深省的问题。

    In the meanwhile , a lot of drawback and consideration about market economy developing process had been exposed .

  30. 首先,这些网络应用软件是简单的,因此里面存在重大缺陷的可能性很小。

    For a start , these Web applications are simple , so the chances of big bugs are small .