
  • 网络Spectral distribution;spectrum distribution
  1. 利用NMRT2谱分布进行储层岩石分形结构研究,进而分析岩石物性,是一种分析、评价储层孔隙结构与物性的新方法。

    It is a new method to analyze the fractal nature of pore structure and petrophysical property by using NMR T2 spectrum distribution .

  2. 建立了空间演变谱分布,适用于恒幅和时变幅度的FM信号到达角估计。

    Spatial evolutionary spectrum distribution is derived and used to estimate direction of signals which have constant or time-varying amplitude .

  3. 使用质子X射线荧光法对样品进行了分析,得到20种元素的质量浓度及其谱分布,对太原市冬季气溶胶的化学特征和来源进行了研究。

    20 element concentrations and elemental distribution were obtained .

  4. X射线荧光分析中X射线管原级能谱分布的测定

    Determination of Primary Energy Spectrum Distribution of X-Ray Tube in X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis

  5. 研究结果提示,可考虑试用小波分析提取脑电能谱分布特征作为AD临床工程诊断的特异性指标。

    It 's considerable to use WT technique to extract the feature of EEG energy distribution to diagnose AD.

  6. 发现K元素浓度分布呈细粒态单峰谱分布,细粒态K富集因子较高,表明了生物质燃烧的主要贡献。

    The fine-mode distribution and high enrichment factors of fine aerosols of K indicated its main source of biomass burning .

  7. 相位舍位对DDS谱分布的影响

    Effect on Output Spectrum of DDS in Presence of Phase Truncation

  8. 在计算所得的光学厚度的基础上,利用MonteCarlo方法反演了气溶胶的粒子谱分布。

    On the basis of aerosol optical depth we calculate size distribution of by using the method of Monte carlo .

  9. 川鄂连蕊茶种群的生殖分配是地径大小的函数,拟合回归方程为:雨滴谱分布函数的选择:M-P和Gamma分布的对比研究

    Comparative study of exponential and gamma functional fits to observed raindrop size distribution

  10. 冰雹谱分布及Ze-E关系的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of the hailstone spectra distribution and the relations between Z E and

  11. 为了逼真模拟X射线CT投影数据,提出一种结合X射线能谱分布函数和组织边界逼近策略的投影仿真算法。

    In order to realistically simulate the projections of X-ray computed tomography ( XCT ), a projection simulation algorithm is presented by combining the X-ray energy spectrum distribution function with the tissue boundary approximation strategy .

  12. 本文提出了研究Transition区谱分布的静电模型,并按等离子体弱耦强湍理论对其重正化得到了谱方程。

    In this paper , an electrostatic model for transitional domain of ESF is derived from plasma two-fluid equations , then , its spectrum equation is obtained according to the weak coupling approximation formalism of plasma turbulence .

  13. 样品用质子激发X荧光(PIXE)方法进行了分析,得到大气颗粒物化学元素浓度及其谱分布。

    The elemental concentrations and elemental distribution of particles were obtained by PIXE method . RIA was used to examine the concentration of estradiol and progesterone .

  14. SPRR-300反应堆大热柱内中子注量率及能谱分布

    Neutron Fluence Rate and Energy Spectrum in SPRR-300 Reactor Thermal Column

  15. 本文同时通过对飞秒脉冲经理想导体和镀有Ag膜的纳米金属结构的时域信号分布和谱分布进行了对照,分析了表面等离子激元在透射增强中的作用。

    In this paper , the ideal conductor at the same time through the membrane and metal structure of Ag control of surface plasmon plasmon enhanced transmission at the role of analysis .

  16. 确切知道X射线管激发的原级能谱分布是X射线荧光分析中的一个重要前提,所用能谱分布函数的准确度大大影响了最终的测量结果。

    A premise of X-ray fluorescence analysis is the determined acquisition of the primary energy spectral distribution emitted by the X-ray tube , and the energy spectral distribution function affects the accuracy of the final measurement greatly .

  17. 本文基于8状态Turbo码输出码字的距离谱分布特性,对短帧数据传输中Turbo码的误码性能联合界进行了估计,并进行了验证。

    Based on the distance spectrum of turbo codes , this paper presented the corresponding BER performance union bounds in short-frame data transmission , which was proved by simulation results .

  18. 本文利用北京地面气溶胶观测资料,分析了北京气溶胶质量浓度、谱分布和干沉降的季节变化.结果表明,北京总悬浮颗粒物浓度(TSP)质量浓度有明显的季节变化。

    By analyzing ground observation data , the seasonal variation of total suspended particles ( TSP ) concentration , size distribution and dry deposition in Beijing are studied .

  19. 为了研究各种不同能量和能谱分布的入射射线对于大型集装箱辐射检测系统成像质量的影响,通过采用MonteCarlo(MC)模拟方法,对该问题进行了计算求解。

    The effects of the different energies and energy spectra in the input radiation on the image quality of a large object radiation inspection system were evaluated using a Monte Carlo computer simulation .

  20. 超宽带(UWB)信号及其功率谱分布是研究超宽带通信系统与其它通信系统频谱共存与兼容问题时,需要考虑的重要因素。

    UWB signals and their power spectrum mask are important factors which need to be considered when studying the spectrum coexisting and compatible problems between UWB systems and other radio systems .

  21. ESF大尺度湍谱分布特性

    The main features of the turbulence spectrum distribution of the large scale equatorial spread'f

  22. 分析了故障暂态量能谱分布规律和故障馈线存在着映射关系,借助ANN强大的非线性拟合能力,提出了一种基于能谱分布的智能选线方法。

    Based on the great nonlinear curve fitting capability of the ANN , a fault location method using the energy distribution is proposed by analysising the mapping of the energy distribution and the fault location .

  23. 被加速电子近似呈幂律谱分布,其谱指数与耀斑脉冲相微波和硬X射线推断的电子谱指数基本吻合。

    The accelerated electrons approximately exhibit a power spectrum distribution . The calculated power index is basically consistent with the observed power index of electrons derived from the hard X ray and microwave burst in the impulsive phase of solar flare .

  24. 简单介绍了LIA注入器中强流脉冲电子束能谱分布及发射度的测量原理。

    The measurement for energy spectrum distribution and emittance of high-energy pulse electron beam in LIA injector is introduced simply in principle .

  25. Arai实测谱分布数据的应用

    Application of Arai ′ s Experimental Spectral Distribution Data

  26. 北京2002年春季沙尘暴天气的TSP质量浓度和数浓度谱分布采暖前后PM2.5浓度有明显上升趋势。

    TSP Mass Concentration and Number Concentration of Particles in Dust Storm Weather in 2002 Spring of Beijing But in few summer weather , the pollution of PM2.5 is serious .

  27. 用蒙特卡罗方法研究了能量为(30~110)keV的单能X射线在铁中的吸收及散射特性,给出了散射光子的角分布及背向散射光子的能谱分布。

    Absorption and scattering properties of monoenergetic X rays of 30 keV-110 keV in iron have been studied with Monte Carlo method . The angular distributions of scattered photons and the spectra of backscattered radiation are presented .

  28. 中国儿童A族链球菌感染菌株emm分型及超抗原基因谱分布尿路感染病原菌中产超广谱β-内酰胺酶菌的药敏分析

    Emm types and superantigen analysis of streptococcus pyogenes isolated from Chinese children Antimicrobial susceptibility of extended-spectrum β - lactamase producing strains among pathogens in urinary tract infection

  29. 介绍了利用双光路差分吸收光谱(DOAS)技术监测大气气溶胶并反演其粒谱分布的新方法。

    With the method of differential optical absorption spectroscopy ( DOAS ), aerosol along the light path is monitored and its size distribution is measured with double optical path method .

  30. 应用动电位极化和丝束电极技术测量了碳钢、纯铝和不锈钢在NaCl溶液和添加缓蚀剂的溶液中的极化曲线以及丝束电极表面的自腐蚀电位和电化学阻抗谱分布。

    Polarization curves , corrosion potentials and electrochemical impedance spectra inside and outside the crevice of mild steel , pure aluminium and stainless steel were measured in NaCl and inhibitor-containing NaCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization and the wire beam electrode technique .