- 网络Spectral distribution;spectrum distribution

It is a new method to analyze the fractal nature of pore structure and petrophysical property by using NMR T2 spectrum distribution .
Spatial evolutionary spectrum distribution is derived and used to estimate direction of signals which have constant or time-varying amplitude .
20 element concentrations and elemental distribution were obtained .
Determination of Primary Energy Spectrum Distribution of X-Ray Tube in X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
It 's considerable to use WT technique to extract the feature of EEG energy distribution to diagnose AD.
The fine-mode distribution and high enrichment factors of fine aerosols of K indicated its main source of biomass burning .
Effect on Output Spectrum of DDS in Presence of Phase Truncation
On the basis of aerosol optical depth we calculate size distribution of by using the method of Monte carlo .
Comparative study of exponential and gamma functional fits to observed raindrop size distribution
Preliminary analysis of the hailstone spectra distribution and the relations between Z E and
In order to realistically simulate the projections of X-ray computed tomography ( XCT ), a projection simulation algorithm is presented by combining the X-ray energy spectrum distribution function with the tissue boundary approximation strategy .
In this paper , an electrostatic model for transitional domain of ESF is derived from plasma two-fluid equations , then , its spectrum equation is obtained according to the weak coupling approximation formalism of plasma turbulence .
The elemental concentrations and elemental distribution of particles were obtained by PIXE method . RIA was used to examine the concentration of estradiol and progesterone .
Neutron Fluence Rate and Energy Spectrum in SPRR-300 Reactor Thermal Column
In this paper , the ideal conductor at the same time through the membrane and metal structure of Ag control of surface plasmon plasmon enhanced transmission at the role of analysis .
A premise of X-ray fluorescence analysis is the determined acquisition of the primary energy spectral distribution emitted by the X-ray tube , and the energy spectral distribution function affects the accuracy of the final measurement greatly .
Based on the distance spectrum of turbo codes , this paper presented the corresponding BER performance union bounds in short-frame data transmission , which was proved by simulation results .
By analyzing ground observation data , the seasonal variation of total suspended particles ( TSP ) concentration , size distribution and dry deposition in Beijing are studied .
The effects of the different energies and energy spectra in the input radiation on the image quality of a large object radiation inspection system were evaluated using a Monte Carlo computer simulation .
UWB signals and their power spectrum mask are important factors which need to be considered when studying the spectrum coexisting and compatible problems between UWB systems and other radio systems .
The main features of the turbulence spectrum distribution of the large scale equatorial spread'f
Based on the great nonlinear curve fitting capability of the ANN , a fault location method using the energy distribution is proposed by analysising the mapping of the energy distribution and the fault location .
The accelerated electrons approximately exhibit a power spectrum distribution . The calculated power index is basically consistent with the observed power index of electrons derived from the hard X ray and microwave burst in the impulsive phase of solar flare .
The measurement for energy spectrum distribution and emittance of high-energy pulse electron beam in LIA injector is introduced simply in principle .
Application of Arai ′ s Experimental Spectral Distribution Data
TSP Mass Concentration and Number Concentration of Particles in Dust Storm Weather in 2002 Spring of Beijing But in few summer weather , the pollution of PM2.5 is serious .
Absorption and scattering properties of monoenergetic X rays of 30 keV-110 keV in iron have been studied with Monte Carlo method . The angular distributions of scattered photons and the spectra of backscattered radiation are presented .
Emm types and superantigen analysis of streptococcus pyogenes isolated from Chinese children Antimicrobial susceptibility of extended-spectrum β - lactamase producing strains among pathogens in urinary tract infection
With the method of differential optical absorption spectroscopy ( DOAS ), aerosol along the light path is monitored and its size distribution is measured with double optical path method .
Polarization curves , corrosion potentials and electrochemical impedance spectra inside and outside the crevice of mild steel , pure aluminium and stainless steel were measured in NaCl and inhibitor-containing NaCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization and the wire beam electrode technique .