
zhònɡ ɡǎn mào
  • bad cold
  1. 他得了重感冒,还不能上班。

    He 's had a bad cold and isn 't fit enough for work yet .

  2. 他断定富兰克林一定是得了重感冒。

    He decided Franklin must be suffering from a bad cold

  3. 他感到恼火和莫名其妙的虚弱,仿佛经历了一场重感冒,正在康复。

    He felt irritated and strangely fragile , as if he were recovering from a severe bout of flu .

  4. “我得了重感冒。”——“是吗?哦,天啊。对了,那你这个周末就不走了吧?”

    ' I 've got a terrible cold . ' — ' Have you ? Oh dear . Anyway , so you 're not going to go away this weekend ? '

  5. 重感冒迫使她退出了游泳比赛。

    A bad cold forced him to withdraw from the swimming competition .

  6. 重感冒使我闭门不出。

    I was confined to my house by a bad cold .

  7. 医生诊断她得的是重感冒。

    The doctor concluded that her disease was a heavy cold .

  8. 任何重感冒都可能把疾病传染给周围的人。

    Anyone with a bad cold may infect the people around him .

  9. 男孩患了重感冒。

    The boy has caught a bad cold .

  10. 约翰尼掉进冰水里得重感冒差一点一命呜呼。

    Johnny fell in icy water and almost caught his death of a cold .

  11. 她上星期得了重感冒,一定传给我了。

    She had a bad cold last week and must have infected me with it .

  12. 如果你打算冒风雪外出的话,请穿上外套,要不然你会得重感冒的。

    Put on a coat if you are going out in the snow or you 'll catch your death .

  13. “我得了重感冒。”“彼此彼此我也得了重感冒。”

    " I have a bad cold . "" join the club . I have one , too . "

  14. B:医生说我得了重感冒。他给了我一些药,让我在床上躺几天。

    B : The doctor said I had a terrible cold . He gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days ..

  15. A:恐怕你得了重感冒。最好让我送你去中心医院。

    A : I 'm afraid you 've had a bad cold . You 'd better let me take you to Center Hospital .

  16. 2.pneumonian.肺炎玛丽十月间得过一场重感冒,抵抗力大为减弱,因而肺炎难以痊愈。

    Set up by a severe cold in October , Mary could not throw off her pneumonia .

  17. 我的朋友和我的律师两人都得了重感冒。

    My friend and my lawyer have caught a bad cold .

  18. 我昨晚在舞会上患了重感冒。

    I got a bad cold at the dance last night .

  19. 他患了重感冒,非常难受。

    He 's got a heavy cold and is feeling terrible .

  20. 我兄弟本周因患重感冒而病倒了。

    My brother fell ill with a bad cold this week .

  21. 我知道。我得了重感冒了。

    B : I know . I have a bad cold .

  22. 她得了重感冒,眼睛红红的。

    She had a bad cold and her eyes were red .

  23. 因为重感冒,我的鼻子不通气。

    My nose is blocked up because of a heavy cold .

  24. 我一直患有重感冒和头痛。

    I still have a bad cold and a headache .

  25. 我得了重感冒,不过现在好些了。

    I had a dreadful cold , but I 'm better now .

  26. 医生诊断他只是得了重感冒。

    Is that he 's just got a bad cold .

  27. 我第一次到保加利亚的时候得了重感冒。

    I had a bad cold when I first came to Bulgaria .

  28. 我重感冒到现在已经十天了。

    I 've had a very bad cough for ten days now .

  29. 你能去看看他吗?他也得了重感冒。

    Can you see him please ? He has bad cold too .

  30. 我似乎从什么地方染上了重感冒。

    I seem to have picked up a terrible cold from somewhere .