
  • 网络placer mineral
  1. 本文系统地论述了新一轮1:20万溪流重砂测量的目的意义、野外采样、重砂矿物鉴定、数据处理、异常查证等各项方法和要求;

    The purpose and significance , field sampling , identification for placer mineral , data pro - cessing and investigation and verification for the anomaly of placer survey at scale of 1 : 200000 in the rivulet are present .

  2. 重砂矿物的种类、标型特征具有明显的继承性;

    The type and typomorphic characteristics of the placer minerals have obviously property in the inheritance ;

  3. 南沙海槽南部表层重砂矿物及其成矿远景

    Prospecting division of heavy placer minerals in surface sediments of the southern Nansha Trough and adjacent sea area

  4. 重砂矿物为钛铁矿、金红石、锆石、独居石等,主要分布于北康暗沙和南康暗沙一带、曾母暗沙浅滩海域的钙质生物砂中。

    The valuable heavy placer minerals consist of ilmenite , monazite , zircon , and rutile etc , which are mainly distributed in calcareous biological sand in the Beikang , Nankang and Zengmu submarine banks .

  5. 重砂矿物中除了主要元素外,还含有多种杂质元素,这些杂质元素的种类、含量高低及元素间的比值变化,是受矿物生成时的地质环境制约的。

    In association with major elements , there exist in heavy placer minerals a variety of impurity elements whose types , contents and proportions must have been governed by the geological environment during the formation of the minerals .