
  • 网络spatial economics;Spatial Economic
  1. 另外,用Swarm仿真研究并验证了原始中心&外围模型以及扩展后的模型;在通过ACE方法研究空间经济学方面进行了初步探索。

    This paper also explores the ACE research method in spatial economics research and testifies propositions drawn out from the original and extended core-periphery models with Swarm simulation .

  2. 空间经济学与一般经济学的分离与融合

    Separation and Mergence of Spatial Economics and General Economics

  3. 空间经济学视角下的城市空间结构变迁

    Evolution of urban spatial structure from Perspective of Spatial Economics

  4. 关税升级与中国汽车产业发展&基于空间经济学的经验研究

    Tariff Escalation and the Development of Chinese Automobile Industry

  5. 空间经济学的渊源与发展

    The Original Source and Development of Space Economics

  6. 空间经济学是在区位论的基础上发展起来的多门学科的总称。

    Spatial economics is a whole name to many subjects whose common base is location theory .

  7. 关税升级与垄断竞争产业发展:基于空间经济学的分析

    Tariff Escalation and the Development of Monopolistic Competition Industry : A Study Based upon Spatial Economics

  8. 空间经济学的理论发展

    Theoretical development of Spatial Economics

  9. 第三章主要介绍了基于空间经济学的城市群的形成与演化。

    Chapter three mainly discusses the formation and evolvement of urban agglomeration on the basis of spatial economics .

  10. 区域经济协调发展中的区域公共支出政策失灵及矫正&基于空间经济学理论背景

    Regional Public Expenditure Policy Failure and Correction in Regional Economic Coordinated Development & Based on Spatial Economy Theory

  11. 现代区域经济学和空间经济学缺乏相应的微观基础,无法从微观主体的区位决策演绎到空间集聚。

    The modern regional economics and spatial economics lack micro-economic foundation , and can not deduce location choice to agglomeration .

  12. 逐渐放松中的假设与聚集生成机制的不断结合将增加空间经济学理论对现实的解释力。

    The integration of a loosened-up assumption mechanism and the generative mechanism of agglomeration improves the explanation power of spatial economies .

  13. 从空间经济学的发展轨迹看,对集聚经济的研究始终是它的一个重要环节。

    View from the evolution of spatial economics , the research on agglomeration economy is an important component all the time .

  14. 通过空间经济学模型分析认为,交易成本是导致金融集聚和产业集聚或产业转移的重要原因。

    Analyses of Space Economics models show dealing cost is a major reason for financial agglomeration , industrial agglomeration and industrial transfer .

  15. 廖士曾希望他的研究能够形成一个新的领域&空间经济学,并能引起经济学自身的重构。

    He had hoped that his own research would form a new field space economy and brought the reconstruction to the economy itself .

  16. 小城镇建设研究的主要理论是协同发展理论、空间经济学理论、系统科学理论等。

    The main theories of the small towns study are the theory of cooperation , the theory of intersperse economics , system theory etc. .

  17. 综合人口迁移与新空间经济学等理论,对区域、城市(都市圈城市)经济发展轨迹进行实证分析和合理解释。

    Integrating population migration and the new space economics theory , this thesis analyzed and explained regional and urban ( metropolitan areas ) economic development .

  18. 近年来,国外空间经济学和经济地理学的大量研究已经证明了集聚可提高劳动生产率并促进就业。

    In recent years , many studies of spatial economics and economic geography have proved that aggregation can improve labor productivity and promote employment at abroad .

  19. 论文以资源配置方式为标准,将经济学划分为要素经济学和空间经济学。

    Using the standard of resource allocation , the paper divides economics into two parts : one is factor economics , and the other is space economics .

  20. 本文整合了一个基于空间经济学和博弈分析的框架,试图用新的视角阐释城市群整合的进程。

    An analysis framework is built up by combining spatial economics and game analysis to describe the process of urban agglomeration from a new point of view .

  21. 我们可以根据当前的人口分布状况,让它们散布在英国各地,但空间经济学与历史告诉我们还有更好的办法。

    We could scatter them across the country in line with current population patterns , but both spatial economics and history tell us that we can do better .

  22. 地区经济格局变动及其发展差异研究是新经济地理学、区域经济学、空间经济学和发展经济学研究的核心问题之一。

    Regional differences in economic structure and development of changes are one of the core issues in the new economic geography , regional economics , spatial economics and development economics .

  23. 另外,本文通过构建数理模型空间经济学的方法运用于区域金融学理论研究,为以后中国区域差异问题提供了一个很好的思路。

    In addition , this paper constructs the mathematical model of spatial economics methods applied in regional financial theory research , and provides a good idea to Chinese area difference problem .

  24. 在基础理论部分,首先介绍了城市土地利用的4个学派,然后根据论文的研究内容指出本文将立足于城市空间经济学与经济区位学派;

    Then the paper indicates it will base on the school of urban space economics and location theory , and it illuminates the urban land rent and land price theory on the basis of W.

  25. 企业迁移的区位选择就是对地区经济发展环境的选择,从空间经济学的角度来说,企业迁移区位选择就是对贸易自由度与市场规模的选择。

    The enterprise migration locational choice is to regional economic development environment selection , from the perspective of special economics enterprise migration is to trade freedom locational choice with the size of the market choice .

  26. 本文系统地阐述了空间经济学的传统与演进,廓清了空间经济学和区域经济学及地理经济学的区别,指出了空间经济学的最新发展和现实意义。

    This article elaborates the history and development in space economics and clarifies the difference among space economics , region economics and geography economics , pointing out the new development of space economics and its significance .

  27. 运用空间经济学的核心&边缘理论提出了港口在区域经济空间发展中的作用。

    Core-periphery theory in spatial economy is adopted to study the function of ports in regional economic development . Secondly , in empirical research some key indicators , including port throughput , regional GDP , and FDI are utilized .

  28. 从空间经济学发展历史来看,空间经济学发源于一般经济学,是一般经济学的一个重要分支,并运用一般经济学理论和方法分析经济空间。

    From the history of spatial economics , it developed out of the general economics and was ever an important branch of general economics , conducting the fundamental theory and analytical method of general economics to study economic space .

  29. 运输通道理论形成于20世纪60年代,它是以系统的思想,综合区域经济学、城市空间经济学、运输经济学、运输地理学及运输规划学等学科的理论与方法而形成的一个新的理论体系。

    Transport Corridor theory formed in the 1960s , it is the integration of Regional economics , urban space economics , transport economics , transport geography and transport planning and other subjects of the theory and methods of formation of a new Theoretical system .

  30. 首先,对农业生产布局成因的宏观和微观方面研究成果进行梳理;其次,对农业区域规划分析进行综述;另外对新空间经济学在农业经济的应用及空间计量经济模型进行综述。

    To begin with , this part summarizes the theories about agriculture production distribution mainly from the macrostructure and microstructure hands . Secondly , comments on regional programming analysis . Thirds , summarizes the application of spatial economic in agriculture and spatial econometrics model method .