
  • 网络hollow villages
  1. 以宁德市周宁县纯池镇为例可以发现,城镇化进程与空心村的出现存在着必然的联系,农村空心化给城镇化带来诸多负面影响。

    Take Ningde City Zhouning County Chunchi Town for example , there is necessarily linked to the process of urbanization and the emergence of the " hollow villages ", rural hollowing has brought out many negative impact to urbanization .

  2. 面对社会的发展,人口的增长,工业化、农村城镇化步伐的加快,村镇的盲目扩张,在全国范围内出现空心村现象,造成土地浪费严重。

    Along with the social development , the growing of population , the speeding up of industrialization and urbanization , the blind expansion of townships and villages have caused a great waste of land resources and the phenomenon of " hollow villages " occurred .

  3. 关于河北省空心村治理的理论探讨

    On The Theory of Vacant Village in Hebei Province

  4. 永城市农村空心村整治浅析

    Analysis of renovating hollow village in Yongcheng

  5. 新农村建设中空心村规划整治对策研究

    A Study on the Planning Countermeasures of the Inner Decaying Village in the New Rural Construction

  6. 县域城市化和新农村建设是河南城市化战略的重要组成部分。空心村整治是我国补充耕地的最后源泉。

    Urbanization in countryside and the building of new village is an important part of Henan 's urbanization strategy .

  7. 空心村闲置住房治理对策研究&以宁波市英雄水库水源保护区为例

    The Counter Measures Research of Idle Housing in Hollow Village & Take Water Source Protection Zones of Heroes Reservoir in Ningbo as an Example

  8. 河南省郸城县地处平原地区,内空外延的用地状况,即空心村现象非常普遍,空心化的研究具有很强的现实意义。

    Henan province is located in plain region , land extension , hollow village phenomenon is very popular , about this research has a strong representing significance .

  9. 高度重视农村留守儿童、妇女、老人和空心村问题。

    We will give high priority to resolving problems facing children , women and older people who are left behind in rural villages by rural migrant workers working in cities .

  10. 空心村治理及改造对策探讨&基于石城县湖下、珠坑和耸岗三村的改造实践

    Discussion on the Countermeasure of Governance and Transformation to the " Hollow Village " & Based on the Transformation Practice of Huxia 、 Zhukeng 、 Songgang Three Village in Shicheng County

  11. 与此同时,区内特别是北部湾沿海劳动力供不应求的矛盾开始显现,农村大量出现的空心村与土地撂荒现象有所缓解。

    At the same time , the region in particular has begun to show the Beibu Gulf coastal labor shortage eased rural areas a large number of " empty villages " and the phenomenon of land abandonment .

  12. 梯田文化遭到生存危机,弃稻从蕉、空心村现象及急功近利旅游开发策略等正吞噬着其民族文化的传承和发展。

    Terrace culture now are facing survival crisis : people abandon " crop " and grow " banana ", hollow village and pursuing a strategy of quick success and instant benefit in tourism exploitation are now devouring national cultural transmission and development .

  13. 2000版总规仍然将老城置于城市空间结构发展之外,导致老城出现空心化、城中村的问题。

    Hancheng city urban planning of 2000 still placed the old city outside the development of urban spatial structure , leading to some problems that the old city appear hollow and became villages in the city .