
  • 网络Spatial differences;spatial variation;spatial differentiation;spatially differentiated;spatial variability;spatial discrepancy
  1. 变量施肥对改善土壤养分空间差异性的综合评价

    Comprehensive evaluation of effect of variable rate fertilization on spatial variability of soil nutrients

  2. 长期连续种植苜蓿草地地上部分生物量与土壤水分的空间差异性

    Spatial variability of soil moisture and aboveground biomass of Medicago sativa under long term continuous planting

  3. 基于模型与GIS的小麦籽粒品质空间差异分析

    Spatial Variation Analysis of Wheat Grain Quality Based on Model and GIS

  4. 第四:利用GIS技术分析区域经济空间差异性问题具有自身的优势;

    Forth , utilizing GIS to analyze the space distinction of regional economy has its own advantages .

  5. 超过85%的地乐酚吸附参数的空间差异可由土壤有机C含量的空间差异来解释。

    More than 85 % of the variation of Dinoseb sorption parameter could be attributed to the variation of the soil organic carbon content .

  6. 在充分研究西辽河流域生态环境的基础上,讨论了基于GIS的西辽河生态安全空间差异的评价方法。

    The paper discusses the method of ecological security spatial differences of west areas of Liaohe River based on GIS and ecosystem non-health .

  7. 土壤P、K含量与成土母岩有关,与有机质含量、植被类型、土地利用方式等因素有关。相同土地利用方式下土壤肥力变化空间差异性显著。

    The results show that soil organism content , N Content , P Content , K Content are lower as the increasing in strength of land-use .

  8. 第五,利用GIS技术进行区域经济空间差异性研究是区域经济研究领域和GIS技术应用研究的方向和趋势之一。

    Fifth , utilizing GIS to study the space distinction of regional economy is now becoming one of the directions and the tendencies of the regional economic research field and the study on the application of GIS .

  9. 分布式水文模型作为具有物理机制,充分考虑水文参数的空间差异性的水文模型,结合GIS、RS技术,可以更精确地再现水文过程。

    Distributed hydrological model as a physical mechanism hydrological model , giving full consideration to the spatial differences in hydrologic parameters , combined with GIS and RS technology , can reproduce more accurate hydrological processes .

  10. 采用因子分析和GIS技术,对河南县域经济体的经济实力进行综合评价和空间差异分析。

    Based on constructing evaluation indicator system and the county data , this paper applies factor analysis model and GIS techniques to evaluate the economic power of counties and to probe the spatial difference of county development in Henan .

  11. 基于ESDA的区域经济空间差异分析&以江苏省为例

    Analyzing regional economic disparities based on ESDA

  12. 从省域层次通过CV系数和Theil指数分解的结果发现各省域的许多科技指标的空间差异还在不断扩大。

    Then from the provincial leves , the results of CV index and Theil index show that the spatial difference of many ST indicators are increasing .

  13. 结果表明,松花江流域植被覆盖存在着显著的空间差异,山区NDVI值明显高于中部平原区。

    The results showed that there were significant spatial differences of Songhua river basin vegetation ; NDVI of mountain was significantly higher than that of the central plain .

  14. 对土壤养分的空间差异及其空间插值方法进行研究,获得田间土壤养分的连续空间分布,是精准农业技术体系中用GIS管理和分析土壤背景数据的一项基础性工作。

    It is a base works that to take the study on the spatial difference of soil characteristic and the method of its spatial interpolation at the GIS data management and the soil background data analysis in the technical system of Precision Agriculture .

  15. 根据调查收集的丰富的数据和信息,借助SPSS软件进行描述性统计分析和二元逻辑分析方法,全面分析农户对于生态系统服务的认知度、影响因子、空间差异和原因。

    According to the data and information from survey , used the description statistics and the logic analysis of the SPSS to understand farmers ' perception of ecosystem services , the influence factors , spatial differences and reasons .

  16. 反应器稳定运行后,不同高度处的DGGE分离图谱表明,反应器内微生物群落结构存在空间差异,为不同位置PBS的质量损耗差异提供了微生物层面的证明。

    Stable operation of the reactor after the separation of different height of the DGGE profiles showed that the reactor there is room for differences in microbial community structure , for the loss of different positions between the quality of PBS to provide proof of the microbial level .

  17. 安徽省区域经济发展空间差异研究

    Study on spatial differential of regional economic development in Anhui Province

  18. 中国区域创新效率及其空间差异研究

    Analysis of Regional Innovation Efficiency and Spatial Discrepancy in China

  19. 江苏降水长期趋势及年代际变化空间差异分析

    Spatial variation of precipitation trend and interdecadal change in Jiangsu

  20. 西部地区工业发展空间差异研究

    Positive study of spatial differences of industry development in the west China

  21. 基于生态功能空间差异性的生态调控研究

    Ecological Regulation Mechanism based on Spatial Difference of Ecological Functions

  22. 江苏省土地利用协调性空间差异研究

    Spatial Difference Research of Land Use Coordination in Jiangsu Province

  23. 江西省人口城市化发展水平的空间差异研究

    The difference existing in space of the urbanization level in Jiangxi Province

  24. 20世纪90年代中国城市发展空间差异变动分析

    The Change of Spatial Disparities of Urban Development in China , 1990s

  25. 伏牛山旅游发展空间差异研究

    Analysis on spatial difference of tourism development in Funiu Mountain

  26. 河南县域经济实力评价及空间差异分析

    Economic Assessment and the Spatial Difference of County Development in Henan Province

  27. 植被覆盖调节气候空间差异性的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Spatial Difference of the Vegetation Coverage Adjusting to Climate

  28. 台湾海峡表层叶绿素a年变化特征的空间差异

    Spatial patterns of annual cycles in surface chlorophyll a in the Taiwan Strait

  29. 安徽省人居环境空间差异分析

    Analysis of human settlement regional difference in Anhui Province

  30. 汉江中下游春季浮游甲壳动物群落结构的空间差异

    Spatial variations of planktonic Crustacea communities in the middle and lower Hanjiang River