
  • 网络Vacant house;vacant dwellings;Vacant Housing Unit
  1. 做好空置房的日常管理维护工作;

    Keeping regular maintenance works for the vacancies ;

  2. 由于房产市场的萧条,在美国有数以千计的空置房,半成品房或者法拍屋,这意味着这里应该有很多经济适用房,对吗?

    The housing bust left thousands of empty , unfinished or foreclosed homes laying empty across the U.S.

  3. 例如,我们处理掉了数千栋政府所有的空置房,因为他们不需要这么多。

    For example , we 're getting rid of thousands of government-owned buildings that sit empty because they aren 't needed .

  4. 黑石公司是机会主义式的投资策略:寻找可以修缮并卖出的破旧空置房。

    Blackstone 's strategy is to invest opportunistically : it looks for empty and run-down buildings that it can improve and sell .

  5. 遍布全国各地的大批空置房和烂尾楼可作为泡沫之证据。可惜的是,我交谈过的最聪明的一些人意见并不一致。

    Forests of empty or half built apartment complexes across the country would suggest there is . But , unfortunately , the smartest people I talk to do not agree .

  6. 对青岛开发区房地产市场调查评估,发现房地产投资持续快速发展、商品房销售供给两旺、个人购房比例上升、空置房减少。3.大力发展和规范证券市场。

    Through the investigation to real estate market in Qingdao Development Zone , it is found that real estate investment keeps growing rapidly , the ratio of individuals among house purchasing is rising , and the amount of vacant housing is decreasing .

  7. 我国于上世纪90年代引入分时度假产品,分时度假的发展对我国将起到促进旅游业升级、消化空置商品房、扩大内需等巨大的经济和社会效益。

    Our country adopted timesharing in 90 's last century .

  8. 二级市场消化不良,出现大量空置商品房,市场开始降温;

    In the secondary market , a large number of idle apartments appear and the market begins to lower the temperature ;

  9. 文章认为,尽管住房信贷正逐步成为商业银行的业务增长点,但是考虑到居民可支配收入的增长情况和空置商品房数量,住房信贷面临一定的潜在风险。

    It is shown that some potential risks can be signaled through the slow-down growth of households'dispensable income and unsold house , though housing credit is dramatically expanding .

  10. 现行房地产市场税收调控政策的重点应是对空置的房地产征收较重的保有环节的税收,对百姓消费居住的房地产则应实施合理的减免税。

    The emphases of tax policies that focus on stabilizing the volatile real estate market is to levy heavy taxes on the current vacancy real estate , and to let resident 's living houses share some reasonable tax-exempt volume .

  11. 主要就房地产业面临的空置率及房地产信贷风险展开探讨,并对此提出笔者的解决对策。

    This article explores the high laid-off rate and credit rish in current real-estate and its solution .

  12. 我国房地产经过近几年的快速发展,总量增长很快,但也出现了诸多问题,特别是商品房大量空置已成为房地产市场运行中最突出的问题之一。

    After several years fast development of the real estate in China , the total quantity growth is very quickly , but has appeared some problems , especially the quantity of vacant commodity housing is high in China while becomes one of most prominent questions in the real estate market .

  13. 第三章首先分析了房地产市场所存在的区域性房地产泡沫风险,房价下跌风险、房屋空置率高、房地产投机热潮的风险。

    The third chapter analyzes present risk of the real estate industry , including regional risk of high price bubble , decrease of housing price , high housing vacancy rate , speculation boom .

  14. 近年来,也出现了房地产投资增速过快、空置率上升及房地产价格迅速上涨等一系列问题。

    In recent years , a series of problems appear , for example , the rapid investment in real estate , the high rate of vacancy , the rapid rise of the real estate price .

  15. 阐述了商品房空置的相关定义及原理,在此基础上,对商品房空置现象进行经济学分析,详细论述了空置商品房出现的成因、存在的必然性及过高空置率所带来的危害。

    Expounded the vacant housing for principle and definition , on this basis , to the phenomenon of vacant housing economics analysis , discussed in detail the vacant houses for causes , and the inevitability for existence and high vacancy rate brought about by the against .