
  • 网络spatial features;spatial characteristics;spatial signature;space character
  1. 青海湖地区生物多样性的空间特征与GAP分析

    Biodiversity spatial characteristics and gap analysis in Qinghai Lake Region

  2. 基于遥感与GIS技术的城镇体系空间特征的分形分析&以绍兴市为例

    Fractal Analysis of Urban System Spatial Characteristics Based on Remote Sensing and GIS & A Case Study of Shaoxing

  3. GIS支持下的黑土区环境地球化学空间特征研究&以黑龙江省黑土区为例

    Study On Environmental Geochemistry Spatial Characteristic of Black Soil Based on GIS & A Case Study on Black Soil Region of Heilongjiang

  4. QT的空间特征与T波的形态的相关研究

    The study or spatial properties of QT and the T-wave morphology

  5. 基于SARS时空传播模拟原型系统,在具有真实医院空间特征的三维虚拟医院中,对SARS在医院内的传播过程进行模拟。

    · A simulation is carried out to analyze the transmission of SARS in a virtual 3D hospital , which is built according to a real hospital .

  6. 首先,在比较FDI集聚与本土化集聚区别的基础上定义FDI集聚,描述其空间特征和产业特征,并对FDI集聚现象的形成做出理论阐释。

    Firstly , this paper defines FDI cluster based on the comparison between FDI cluster and local cluster , describes the geographical character and industrial character , and explains formation mechanism of FDI cluster phenomenon .

  7. 此外,通过7省Mo的比较可以看出,省份多维贫困分布与收入贫困的空间特征基本一致,农村多维贫困也主要集中在中西部和东北地区。

    In addition , the seven provincial Mo comparisons tell us that the distribution of multidimensional poverty and income poverty is basically the same , which mainly concentrated in Midwest and Northeast regions .

  8. 模糊C均值(FCM)聚类算法广泛用于图像的自动分割,但是该算法没有考虑像素的灰度和空间特征,对噪声十分敏感。

    Fuzzy c-means ( FCM ) clustering algorithm has been widely used in automated image segmentation . However , the conventional FCM algorithm is sensitive to noise because of taking no into account the gray and spatial information .

  9. 第四,采用CARE算法和PRO-VESPA算法估计多个信源的信道空间特征,并进行性能分析,再由各信源的空间特征估计出其多径信号的二维到达角。

    Fourthly , the spatial features of channel are estimated and analyzed by CARE algorithm and PRO-VESPA algorithm . Then the two dimensional angle of the multipath signal is estimated according to the spatial feature of the signal .

  10. 本文研究表明,与分形维数相比,M-R曲线所包含的更丰富的地理空间特征信息使之成为更值得关注的分形分析对象。

    This paper showed that , being compared with the single fractal dimension , the M-R curve comprises more abundant characteristic information of geographic spatial details , so it should be considered as a more important fractal analysis object .

  11. 使用马尔可夫模型对读请求的空间特征进行建模、预测。

    It used Markov modeler to model and forecast spatial series .

  12. 火行为的扩展具有时间性和空间特征。

    Fire spreading has the feature of time and space .

  13. 沪宁杭三市一日交流圈的空间特征及其比较

    The Comparison of Spatial Characteristics and Dynamic Changes of Daily-communication-areas of Hu-Ning-Hang

  14. 黄河源地区草地退化空间特征

    Grassland Degradation in the Source Region of the Yellow River

  15. 空间特征在遥感影像分析中的应用

    Spatial Feature in the Analysis of Remote Sensing Images

  16. 城市的街道模式往往赋予城市独特的空间特征。

    Streets & patterns of city usually give the city special space characteristic .

  17. 上海市一日交流圈的空间特征和动态变化研究

    Dynamic Changes and Spatial Characteristics of Shanghai 's Daily-Communication-Area

  18. 北京城市发展历史的空间特征分析

    Spatial Features of Beijing City 's Development History

  19. 灾害经济损失的空间特征指标及其计算

    Space characteristics and calculation of disaster economical losses

  20. 东海中南部鱼类群聚结构的空间特征

    The spatial pattern of the fish assemblage structure in the mid-southern East China Sea

  21. 碰摩信号的小波表示及其相空间特征研究

    Characteristics of Rub-Impact Signal in Phase Space

  22. 失业空间特征分析

    The Analysis to Spatial Characteristic of Unemployment

  23. 北方农牧交错带降水极值变化空间特征

    Spatial distribution of precipitation extremum in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in northern China

  24. 特征时期黄土高原风化成壤强度的空间特征与气候梯度

    Spatial variations of weathering intensity of the Loess Plateau and the climate gradients within characteristic timeslices

  25. 中国区域经济差异变化的空间特征及其政策含义研究

    A Study on the Space Characteristics and Policy Meaning of Regional Economic Differentiation Change in China

  26. 跨国汽车公司在华研发机构空间特征研究

    Research on Spatial Characters of MNCs ' R & D Facilities in Automobile Industry in China

  27. 最后从居民物质性消费与收入关系及空间特征角度讨论了现阶段加速中西部地区发展的必要性与合理性。

    Finally , it elaborates on the necessity and rationalization of accelerating the development of the middle-western regions .

  28. 网络时代的城市空间特征及演变

    Urban Space and Cyberspace

  29. 通过乡村社区研究可以较为全面地洞察乡村社会的组织结构、空间特征与过程及其变迁的动力机制。

    Research on rural community contributes to insight into organizational structure , spatial characteristics and mechanism of its changes .

  30. 并将该思想应用到该四种子空间特征提取算法中,在人脸识别率方面取得了很好的效果。

    The idea is applied to the four extraction algorithm and achieved good results in terms of recognition rate .