
kōnɡ hé qì yā biǎo
  • aneroid barometer
  1. 本文是对空盒气压表实验室间比对测量结果的不确定度分析。

    This article makes an analysis of the uncertainty for measurenment result of aneroid barometer of interlab comparison .

  2. 空盒气压表的滞后现象并产生光亮的表面,从而避免产生气泡的现象。

    And make a shine surface on the parts to aviod air bubble between base & coat .

  3. 文章介绍了一种气压和温度自检定系统,用于检定空盒气压表和空盒气压计等气象仪表。

    A system which can control air pressure and temperature is introduced , and it is used to examine empty-box air-pressure instruments and apparatus .

  4. 空盒气压表的滞后现象鲜奶蛋糕,不宜久藏,请注意盒底保质期。

    Fresh cream cakes can 't Be kept for a long time . Please note the quality guarantee period indicated on the Bottom of the Box .