
  • 网络pan-pearl-river delta region
  1. 第三部分,在泛珠三角区域合作的大背景下,做出云南民族文化旅游资源开发的SWOT分析,即优势分析、劣势分析、机遇分析及挑战分析。

    Part 3 make a analysis on SWOT in Yunnan national culture tourist resources participation cooperation development in the background of regional cooperation in Pan Pearl River Delta .

  2. 随着CEPA的实施、泛珠三角区域经济合作的推进、中国&东盟自由贸易区的建立,大珠三角地区将成为南中国区域经济发展的龙头。

    With the implement of CEPA , the construction of China-ASEAN free trade zone , the promotion of economic cooperation in Pan-Pearl River Delta area , the Great Pearl River Delta area would become the leader of economic development in South China .

  3. 泛珠三角区域经济发展的法律保障

    Legal Guarantee for the Regional Development of the Pan-Pearl River Delta

  4. 广东是泛珠三角区域合作的主核心区。

    Guangdong province is the core area of pan-pearl rive delta .

  5. 泛珠三角区域科技实力发展水平不均,各省的差距较大。

    The levels of science and technology are uneven in Pan-PRD region .

  6. 泛珠三角区域农业合作的可行性分析

    The Possibility Analysis on the Regional Agriculture Cooperation in Pan-pe arl Delta

  7. 泛珠三角区域环境合作:现状、挑战及建议

    Pan-Pearl River Delta environmental cooperation : present situation , challenges and suggestions

  8. 欧盟制度化发展的研究及对泛珠三角区域合作的借鉴

    Institutional Development of EU and Reference for Extensive Pearl Delta

  9. 泛珠三角区域投资环境综合评价研究

    The Comprehensive Evaluation on Regional Investment Environment in the Pan-Pearl River Delta

  10. 第五部分,提出了参与泛珠三角区域旅游合作中的云南民族文化旅游资源开发的对策。

    Part 5 puts forward developing plan for Yunnan national culture tourist resources .

  11. 泛珠三角区域合作框架下广西利用外资的思考

    Thinking on Guangxi Utilizing Foreign Direct Investment under Pan-PRD

  12. 经济全球化环境下泛珠三角区域物流一体化动因及其模式研究

    Research on Driving Factors and Models of Regional Logistics Integration under Economic Globalization

  13. 泛珠三角区域合作中的利益冲突与政府协调

    Interest conflict and government coordination in " Pan pearl river delta " district cooperation

  14. 泛珠三角区域经济收敛因素实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on the Factors of Economic Convergence in the Pan-Pearl River Delta

  15. 泛珠三角区域旅游文化特色评析

    On Region Traveling Culture Characteristic of Pan-Zhujiang Delta

  16. 浅谈泛珠三角区域合作战略与贵州省十一五规划

    Zhujiang River Delta Interregional Economic Cooperation and the Eleventh Five-Year Plan of Guizhou Province

  17. 泛珠三角区域共赢与深圳功能定位

    The Role Shenzhen Plays in Pan Pearl River Delta in A Mutual Benefit Context

  18. 云南省深化泛珠三角区域经济合作的对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures of Yunnan to Deepen Economic Cooperation with Pan-Pearl River Delta Provinces

  19. 云南省参与泛珠三角区域合作的空间机会分析

    Yunnan space opportunity analyse that to extensive worked together in the pearl triangle area

  20. 试论泛珠三角区域金融合作

    Financial Co-operation of the Pan-Pearl River Delta

  21. 泛珠三角区域合作的推进与对东盟开放合作的思路

    Ideas of Promoting the Regional Cooperation of Pan-Pearl River Delta and Its Openness to ASEAN

  22. 人口流动迁移与泛珠三角区域经济的协调发展

    Population Mobility and Migration and the Coordinated Development of Regional Economy in Pan-Pearl River Delta

  23. 泛珠三角区域与东南亚华人经济合作分析

    An Analysis on the Pan-Zhujiang River Delta and the Economic Cooperation for Southeast Asian Oversea Chinese

  24. 泛珠三角区域合作为湖南加快发展提供了一个难得的机遇。

    PPRD regional cooperation conception provides a rare opportunity for speeding up the development of Hunan .

  25. 泛珠三角区域经济合作中湖南农产品比较优势研究

    Study on Comparative Advantage of Hunan Agricultural Products in Regional Economic Cooperation of Pan Pearl River Delta

  26. 泛珠三角区域合作对高等教育及其专业设置的影响

    The Influence of Regional Cooperation in Pan-Pearl River Delta on the Higher Education and Its Specialty Layouts

  27. 构建泛珠三角区域合作机制的障碍及对策

    The problems and countermeasures for the establishment of the cooperation mechanism in the extensive pearl river delta

  28. 基于博弈论的泛珠三角区域旅游协作问题研究

    Study on the Collaboration of Regional Tourism in " Pan-Pearl River Delta " Area Based on Game Theory

  29. 因此,泛珠三角区域合作与发展的关键在交通。

    Hence , the cooperation and development of Pan Pearl River Delta re-gion hinges on its traffic conditions .

  30. 珠三角优势农产品发展与泛珠三角区域农业合作

    Development of superior agricultural products in Pearl River Delta and regional agricultural corporation in Pan - Pearl River Delta