
fàn dà lù
  • Pangaea;Pangea
泛大陆[fàn dà lù]
  1. 在侏罗纪时代,泛大陆一分为二,部分开始漂移。

    During the Jurassic , Pangea broke in half and started drifting apart .

  2. 取而代之,泛大陆号驶入更靠近大陆的区域以躲避暴雨。

    Instead , Pangaea was moved closer to the mainland where she could take shelter from the storm .

  3. 一亿五千二百万年前:泛大陆裂解分离中侏罗纪时期,泛大陆全面裂解。

    The supercontinent of Pangea began to break apart in the Middle Jurassic .

  4. 在三叠纪的时代,所有的大陆是连在一起的,被称为泛大陆(盘古大陆)。

    During the Triassic , all the continents were in one giant landmass known as Pangea .

  5. 欧洲是否会进一步一体化,并朝泛大陆市场这一美好境界前行?

    Will Europe continue to integrate , and move towards the promised land of a continent-wide market ?

  6. 全球前寒武纪基底构造格架与构造单元的划分是古大陆再造和泛大陆拼合的重要基础。

    The tectonic frame and subdivision of tectonic units of the world Precambrian basement are essential for paleocontinent reconstruction .

  7. 我们的青少年探险队员今早醒来,围绕着泛大陆号帆船四周是明亮的晨光。

    Our YE 's woke up this morning , bright and early in their new surroundings of the Pangaea sailboat .

  8. 南美与非洲大陆上已灭绝蛇类的相似处说明它们可能拥有生活在泛大陆时期的共同祖先。

    Similarities to other extinct snakes in South America and Africa suggest a common ancestor from the days of Pangaea .

  9. 正如你所知道的那样,泛大陆环球项目的宗旨是“探索、学习和行动”。

    As you may know , the slogan of Pangaea 's project is to " explore , learn and act " .

  10. 泛大陆号还有媒体和广播中心,配备最先进的技术以便制作高质量的播出内容。

    Pangaea has a media and broadcast centre onboard equipped with the latest technology allowing the creation of high quality broadcast content .

  11. 泛大陆号从头开始就采用特别设计并综合运用了最新的可持续技术以保证其船员和乘客在各种环境下人身安全为最高宗旨。

    Pangaea has been specially designed and adapted to integrate the latest sustainable technologies and keeps safety for its crew and passengers a top priority at all times .

  12. 中国蒙古各地块大致于印支运动末期(210Ma)重新聚合,成为劳亚超大陆,即二叠纪&三叠纪泛大陆北支的一部分。

    China and Mongolia were on the whole re-assembled after the Indosinian orogeny to become part of the Laurasia Supercontinent , which was the northern half of the Permian-Triassic Pangaea .

  13. 泛大陆环球探险的宗旨和使命是与青少年探险家们一起在富有经验的和有资历的团队帮助下探索、学习和行动,我们成功地达到了我们的这些目标。

    The mission of Pangaea is to EXPLORE , LEARN and ACT with the Young Explorers and with the help of an experienced and qualified team we successfully achieved our goals .

  14. 世界上早二叠世生物礁分布于泛大陆的西北陆棚、乌拉尔山脉的西侧、美国的二叠盆地等地,并集中分布于前两个地区。

    The Early Permian reefs in the world are distributed in the northwestern Pangean shelf , west slope of the Ural Mountains or eastern margin of the Russian Platform , the Permian Basin of North America and other localities .

  15. 泛大陆解体后,震旦纪&早中奥陶世为被动大陆边缘,中晚奥陶世至志留纪为夭折前陆盆地,代表三大陆块与周边洋盆的盆山转换。

    After breakup of the supercontinent , all the three basins became passive continental margins from the Sinian to Early-Mid Ordovician and failed foreland basins from the Mid-Late Ordovician to Silurian , reflecting basin-range transition between the three blocks and ocean basins on their margins .

  16. 泛华夏大陆群与东特提斯构造域演化

    Evolution of the PAN-CATHAYSIAN landmass group and Eastern Tethyan tectonic domain

  17. 昆仑多岛弧盆系及泛华夏大陆的增生

    Multi-arc-basin system of Kunlun orogenic belt and the PAN-CATHAYSIAN continental accretion

  18. 泛华夏大陆群东南缘多岛弧盆系统

    The multi-arc basin system on the south-eastern margin of the PAN-CATHAYSIAN continental group

  19. 泛古大陆之所以开始破裂的原因是:菲尔普斯厌倦了绕着它游泳。

    Pangea only broke up because Michael Phelps got tired of swimming in circles around it .

  20. 正如拉加德在柏林所言:如果诉诸于全盘、泛欧洲大陆的预算削减政策,只会加大衰退压力。

    As Ms Lagarde said in Berlin : Resorting to across-the-board , across-the-continent , budgetary cuts will only add to recessionary pressures .

  21. 两个大陆边缘系统,即北侧的泛华夏大陆边缘和南侧的冈瓦纳大陆边缘。

    The two Continental Margin Systems were the north part of the Pan-Cathaysian continental margin and the south part of Gondwana continental margin .

  22. 两亿年以前,所有的大陆都是一整块叫做泛古陆的大陆的一部分。

    Two hundred million years ago , all the continents were parts of a single land mass called Pangaea .