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  • Pan-European
  1. 明年,“金融工具市场指令”(marketsinfinancialinstrumentsdirective)将减少现有欧洲证交所管理方面的优势,同时,一些主要的投资银行刚刚宣布成立一个新的泛欧交易所。

    Next year , the markets in Financial Instruments Directive reduces the regulatory advantages of incumbent European exchanges and a group of leading investment banks has just announced a new pan-European exchange .

  2. 股票交易平台Turquoise今天将宣布开通泛欧股票交易服务的计划,该服务将把由各银行运行的资金暗池(darkpools)连接起来。此举是旨在对抗整个欧洲地区流动性日益分散化的最新努力。

    Turquoise , the equities trading platform , will today announce plans for a pan-European share trading service linking dark pools operated by banks in the latest effort to combat the increasing fragmentation of liquidity across the region .

  3. 据欧洲航空业协会(AssociationofEuropeanAirlines)透露,去年,泛欧航班连续第四年航班延误率上升。

    Last year was the fourth straight year that delays increased on intra-European flights , according to the Association of European Airlines .

  4. 对于德意志证券交易所和纽约泛欧证券交易所的CEO而言,本周在达沃斯经济论坛上的碰面谈的可都是正经事儿。

    FOR the chief executives of Deutsche Boerse ( DB ) and NYSE Euronext , this week 's hobnobbing in Davos was strictly business .

  5. 德意志交易所(DeutscheB?rse)已放弃与泛欧交易所合并的尝试,但它不太可能继续单干。

    Deutsche B ? rse has abandoned its attempt to merge with Euronext , but is unlikely to remain alone .

  6. 泛欧交易所(euronext)也在向此类公司邀宠。

    Euronext has also been wooing such firms .

  7. 几个月后,纽约证交所合并了欧洲竞争对手泛欧证券交易所(Euronext)。

    A few months later , NYSE merged with Euronext , its European rival .

  8. 其他交易所运营商,例如CME集团可能会竞购纽约泛欧交易所。

    Other exchange operators , like the CME Group , could try to offer a higher price for NYSE Euronext .

  9. 保留泛欧证交所的上市身份,KKR能得以避免纽约证交所冗长的注册过程和公司治理规则。

    By remaining on Euronext , KKR will avoid the lengthy registration process and governance requirements of the NYSE .

  10. 他通过对archipelago进行反向收购,促成该交易所上市,随后又策划了与欧洲交易所集团泛欧交易所的合并。

    He took the exchange public through a reverse takeover of archipelago and then engineered a merger with Euronext , the European exchanges group .

  11. 凯雷集团(CarlyleGroup)昨日承认,未能挽救旗下陷入困境的220亿美元抵押贷款担保证券基金。该高杠杆投资基金在阿姆斯特丹的泛欧交易所(Euronext)上市尚不满8个月。

    The Carlyle Group yesterday admitted that it had failed to save its troubled $ 22bn mortgage-backed securities fund less than eight months after floating the heavily leveraged vehicle on Euronext Amsterdam .

  12. 纽约泛欧交易所首席执行官邓肯·尼德奥尔(DuncanNiederauer)预计将继续掌管新公司。

    Duncan Niederauer , chief executive of NYSE Euronext , is expected to keep that job in the new company .

  13. 决心在世界上占据一席之地的纽交所购买了美国的一个电子交易平台,并于2006年与巴黎的泛欧交易所(euronext)合并。

    The global story , the NYSE bought an electronic trading platform in the US and in 2006 merged with Euronext in Paris .

  14. 我记得那是2003年,Eminem来到了苏格兰举办他的泛欧演唱会,第一站就是格拉斯哥。

    I remember in2003 , Eminem came to Scotland for his Europe Concert tour and his first station was Glasgow .

  15. KKR曾计划将其业务与其在泛欧证交所(EuronextAmsterdam)上市的基金KKRPrivateEquityInvestors(KPE)合并,然后在纽约证交所整体上市。

    KKR had planned to merge its operations with those of KKR Private Equity Investors ( KPE ), its Euronext Amsterdam-listed fund , and then list the entire operation on the NYSE .

  16. 格雷菲尔德面临来自其他交易所特别是其劲敌纽约-泛欧交易所(nyseeuronext)的激烈竞争,以及投资银行在定价方面向交易所发起的挑战。

    He faces fierce competition from other exchanges , most notably bitter rival NYSE Euronext , and also from investment banks challenging exchanges on their pricing .

  17. 纽约泛欧交易所集团(NYSEEuronext)的管理人士说,他们正在检查数十只证券的交易中可能存在的问题,这些证券包括道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数的成分股。

    Officials at NYSE Euronext said they were examining potentially erroneous trading in dozens of securities , including members of the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average .

  18. 英国采取AV似乎会带来的好处就是大量的首选票投给诸如反泛欧英国独立党的小党派,但在议会的席位并不会因此巨变。

    One plausible effect of moving to AV in Britain would be hefty first-preference votes for small parties such as the anti-European United Kingdom Independence Party , but without a corresponding haul of Westminster seats .

  19. 纽约证交所-泛欧交易所还与东京证交所(TSE)达成了一项谅解备忘录,今年早些时候公布此笔交易时,在华尔街上的纽约证交所(NYSE)进行了热烈庆祝。

    NYSE Euronext also has a memorandum of understanding with the Tokyo Stock Exchange , a deal unveiled amid much ceremony at the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street earlier this year .

  20. 当时,泛欧交易所总部位于巴黎,如今是位于纽约的纽约证交所-泛欧交易所集团(NYSEEuronext)的一部分,但伦敦则继续受益于不断增长的成交易。

    Euronext was controlled from Paris at the time , and is now part of the New York-based NYSE Euronext group , but London has continued to benefit from increased trading volumes .

  21. 纽约泛欧交易所(nyseeuronext)正在筹建一家新的泛欧洲证券交易所,专门面向创业者,以弥补小企业的融资缺口,并帮助它们从投资者那里更容易的筹集资金。

    A new pan-European stock exchange for entrepreneurs is being planned by NYSE Euronext to plug the gap in funding for small companies and help them raise money from investors more easily .

  22. 但在周三发表的一份声明中,KKR宣布了一项修改后的计划,合并KKR与KPE,并保留KPE在泛欧证交所的上市身份。

    However , in a statement on Wednesday , KKR announced a revised plan for combining KKR and KPE , under which the Amsterdam listing would be retained .

  23. 但竞争对手们也并非手头拮据;就连最极端的纽约-泛欧交易所,其净债务水平也仅为息税折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)的1.6倍。

    But its rivals are hardly stretched ; the most extreme is NYSE Euronext with net debt worth just 1.6 times earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation .

  24. 话虽如此,但一些专家认为,他们在当前法国总统大选中发现了“泛欧认同感”成型的充满希望的迹象:德国方面宣布,默克尔将与尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)并肩作战。

    Some pundits nonetheless thought they had spotted hopeful signs of the formation of a pan-European identity in the current French presidential election , when it was announced that Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , would campaign alongside Nicolas Sarkozy .

  25. 从泛欧无绳通信(DECT)标准出发,介绍了无绳局域网的概念,主要应用场合中的网络组成结构、协议及技术优势。

    This paper deals with Cordless LAN technique , based on DECT , and introduces its definition , network construction in main applicational environment , network protocol and technical advantages .

  26. 相关报道在纽约证交所上市的所有证券的交易,都将通过由纽交所母公司纽约泛欧交易所集团(NYSEEuronext)运营的电子交易平台进行。

    Trading in all securities listed on the Big Board will take place through Arca , an electronic trading platform operated by New York Stock Exchange parent NYSE Euronext which operates the Big Board , the company said .

  27. 到目前为止,去除中间业务行动主要是在欧洲,欧洲绿松石计划的目标交易是顶尖的350只股票,纽约证交所则在欧洲收购了大陆交易所运营商泛欧交易所(euronext)。

    So for now , the disintermediation action is mainly in Europe , where turquoise is targeting trading in the top 350 Stocks - and where the NYSE has taken over Euronext , operator of continental bourses .

  28. 纳斯达克omx与纽约证交所-泛欧交易所合为一体后,将会合并其交易、上市、期权与市场技术业务,以缔造一个总部位于纽约的“领先国际交易所”。

    A combined NASDAQ OMX and NYSE Euronext would merge their trading , listings , options and market technology businesses to create " a leading international exchange " headquartered in New York .

  29. 纽约泛欧交易所表示,将坚持德意志证交所提出的合并方案,并拒绝了竞争对手纳斯达克omx和洲际交易联合提出的更高价格的收购方案。

    NYSE Euronext said it would stick with a merger bid proposed by Deutsche B RSE , rejecting a rival , and higher , offer made jointly by Nasdaq OMX and IntercontinentalExchange .

  30. 作为纽约泛欧交易所每个人的代表,我想感谢NealWolkoff以及美国证券交易所全体员工和成员的大力支持。

    On behalf of everyone at NYSE Euronext , I want to thank Neal Wolkoff as well as the staff and members of the Amex for their outstanding support .