
táo rán
  • Tao Ran;happy and carefree
陶然 [táo rán]
  • [happy and carefree] 闲适欢乐的样子

陶然[táo rán]
  1. 在南方每年到了秋天,总要想起陶然亭的芦花,钓鱼台的柳影,西山的虫唱,玉泉的夜月,潭柘寺的钟声。

    When I am in the South , the arrival of each autumn will put me in mind of Peiping 's Tao Ran Ting with its reed catkins , Diao Yu Tai with its shady willow bell .

  2. 以北京市陶然亭公园内的月季园为例,应用DCA、TWINSPAN、综合多样性指数等数量分析方法,对北京市园林绿化植物进行生态关系的研究。

    Using the rose garden in the Taoranting Park located in Beijing as its subject , the case study adopted such methods as DCA , TWINSPAN and Comprehensive index system to quantitatively study the ecological relationship of garden plants .

  3. 陶然亭与中国近代革命

    Tao Ran Pavilion and Modern Revolution of China

  4. 北京市园林植物数量生态关系的研究&以陶然亭月季园为例

    Ecological Relationship of Garden Plants in Beijing & A Case of Rose Garden in Taoranting

  5. 我喜爱那洁净的暖风吹拂在我的皮肤上使我陶然欲醉,也喜爱那清凉的流水把我的身体托浮在水面上。

    I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of water .

  6. 陶然,相信我,当我说一分钟没有通行证,我的思想转向你。

    Tao Ran , believe me when I say that not a minute passes without my thoughts turning to you .

  7. 不过中国人民大学教授陶然认为,仅靠房产税平抑不了房价。

    However , according to Tao Ran at Renmin University , the tax is only one part of the solution .

  8. 陶然,但事实是,如果没有你的信,我的孤独感将完全是灾难性的。

    Tao Ran , the fact is , if it weren 't for your letters , my loneliness would be totally devastating .

  9. 让我们连线我台驻哥斯达黎加首都圣何塞记者王陶然了解更多相关信息。

    For more , we are joined with our reporter Wang Taoran joining us from the capital of Costa Rica , San Jose .

  10. 此时,安分守己的个人便陷入陶然忘我之境,顿然忘掉梦神的清规戒律了。

    The individual , with his limits and moderations , forgot himself in the Dionysian vortex and became oblivious to the laws of Apollo .

  11. 同时,对四月和四月的日暮黄昏,还产生一种陶然忘情的欣赏共鸣—一种为之怦然心动的神驰向往,进入壮年之后,又无可挽回地逐渐淡化平息。

    and also a far higher sensibility for April and April evenings-a heartache for them , which in riper years is gradually and irretrievably consoled .

  12. 陶然表示,这样的计划有时还给官员们提供了一个借口,让他们把不情愿的农民赶出自己的土地,而无需支付合理的价格。

    Mr ran says that such schemes have also sometimes provided an excuse for officials to push reluctant farmers off their land without paying a reasonable price .

  13. 作为移民作家,陶然经历了南来身份(移民身份)与香港身份(商业文化身份)的双重认同,并在作品中得到充分的凸显。

    As a migrant writer , Taoran experienced the double identity of South identity ( Immigration identity ) and Hong Kong identity ( Commercial cultural identity ) and they were fully highlighted in his works .

  14. 据北京中国人民大学的经济学教授陶然说,地方政府往往从国有银行借用大量的金钱支付昂贵的开发项目,希望其将推动当地的产业价值。

    According to Tao Ran , an economics professor at Renmin University in Beijing , local governments often borrow massive sums of money from state-owned banks to finance expensive development projects , hoping that they will drive up the value of local property .

  15. 文章以陶然亭的革命遗迹和历史胜地为切入点,再现了近代以来众多爱国志士和革命先烈为中国之崛起而奋斗的历史,追溯了陶然亭的变迁。

    Based on the revolutionary remains and historic places around Tao Ran Pavilion , the article shows the history that many patriots and revolution pioneers fought for China 's freedom and rise in modern times . It also describes the vicissitudes of Tao Ran Pavilion .