
jí tǐ tǔ dì
  • collective land;collectively-owned land
  1. 土地征收中集体土地权利研究&基于物权法视角之思考

    Research On Right Of Collectively-Owned Land In Land Expropriation

  2. 论我国农村集体土地的动态保护

    On Dynamic Protection to Rural Collectively-owned Land

  3. 我国集体土地征收法律问题研究

    Legal Research on the Problem of the Collective-owned Land Levying System

  4. 集体土地使用权流转分析及对策

    The Circulation Analysis and Countermeasures of Right to Ues Collective Land

  5. 农村集体土地权利的状况分析及其建议

    Analysis of Problem and Measures to the Rural Collective Land Right

  6. 农民集体土地所有权的独立性价值研究

    Research on the Independence Value of the Collective Ownership of Land

  7. 农村集体土地征收中的政府角色研究

    Studies on Government Roles in the Expropriation of the Rural Collective Land

  8. 再次,建立集体土地所有权实现机制。

    Moreover , set up the realization mechanism of collective land ownership .

  9. 三是研究原农村集体土地的资本化,从根源上寻求解决意识形态城市化的途径;

    The third is promoting capitalization of rural ' land ;

  10. 首先,山国家对集体土地权利构制作出重新安排。

    First , state should rebuild structure of right of collective land .

  11. 国有化:中国农村集体土地所有权制度变革之路

    Analyzing the Nationalization of China Country Collective Landownership ; change of title

  12. 从制度创新理论分析集体土地流转问题

    Transferences of collective land from the theory of institutional innovation

  13. 第四部分:集体土地征收补偿的分配。

    Part ⅳ: The distribution of collective land acquisition compensation .

  14. 农村集体土地所有权问题研究

    A Study of the Ownership Right of Rural Collective Land

  15. 该部分在对我国现行集体土地征收法律制度进行分析的基础上,剖析了其存在的问题。

    The part is an analysis of this legal system and its problems .

  16. 但是与其并存的农村集体土地使用权却处于一种较为尴尬的境地。

    But the coexistence of the collective land was in aless embarrassing situation .

  17. 论集体土地所有权的缺陷及其完善措施

    Drawbacks and Perfecting Measures of the Collective Land Ownership

  18. 农村集体土地所有权登记发证主体确定问题研究

    Probe into Register and Certificating Main Bodies Confirmation in Country Collective Land Proprietorship

  19. 集体土地的使用人或所有权人皆可对集体建设用地使用权设立抵押。

    All collective land users or owners are able to mortgage the land .

  20. 中国集体土地所有权权能探析

    A Probe into Powers and Functions of the Collective Land Ownership in China

  21. 但我们不能因此而否认集体土地所有权是一项私权。

    But we can not deny that collective land ownership is a private right .

  22. 泉州市农村集体土地使用权的流转探析

    Explore and Anslyze on the Usufruct Circulation of Rural Collective Land Use in Quanzhou

  23. 农村集体土地物权体系的构建

    Building of Real Right System of Countryside Land

  24. 我国农村集体土地股份合作制的实践与评价

    The practice and appraisal of the stock cooperation system of Chinese village collective land

  25. 集体土地所有权的处分权应能得以实现。

    The managing right of the ownership right of collective land should be realized ;

  26. 我国城市郊区集体土地非法流转产生的原因及对策研究

    Research on Our Suburban Collective Land Illegal Transition

  27. 集体土地入市问题是当前土地管理的热点和难点。

    Nowadays , collective land entering market has become a focus in land management .

  28. 实行农村土地国有化,取消集体土地所有权;

    Replacing rural collective land ownership with nationalization ;

  29. 在该部分中,笔者首先论述了农村集体土地所有权信托的概念、功能。

    This section mainly introduces the definition and functions of collective land ownership trusts .

  30. 农村集体土地征用制度改革的思考

    Study on the Reformation of Collective Land Confiscation