
  • 网络home ownership rate
  1. 一项针对美国人口普查局(CensusBureau)数据进行的分析显示,美国黑人和白人的住房拥有率差距创下自16年前开始编制相关数据以来的最高纪录。

    The gap in home ownership between black and white Americans is the widest since records began 16 years ago , according to an analysis of US Census Bureau data .

  2. 第一个群体的住房拥有率最高。

    The first group has the highest rate of home ownership .

  3. 相比之下,在多数西方国家,平均住房拥有率在60%左右。

    In most Western countries , by comparison , average home-ownership rates are around 60 per cent .

  4. 随着经济放缓,即使没有借贷款过度,我们的高住房拥有率还是可能产生问题的。

    Even without lending and borrowing excesses , though , our high rate of homeownership would likely create problems as the economy slows .

  5. 两党共同的信念提高住房拥有率具有社会和经济效益已经因金融危机而动摇。

    That bipartisan belief in the social and economic benefits of higher rates of home ownership has been shaken by the financial crisis .

  6. 然而,美国的住房拥有率正在下滑,就像英国那样,这一变化加剧了日益严重的金融不平等状况。

    Home ownership rates in the US are nevertheless declining , just as UK ones are , a development that exacerbates growing financial inequality .

  7. 亚裔、黑人、以及拉丁裔的住房拥有率分别从60.7%降至59.4%,从46.5%降至45.6%以及从49.9%降至49.1%。

    The Asian homeownership rate fell to 59.4 % from 60.7 % in 2007 . The black home ownership rate fell to 45.6 % from 46.5 % ;

  8. 但下降情况参差不齐,非洲裔的住房拥有率下滑至44.9%,而白人的住房拥有率下滑至74.2%。

    But the decline is not uniform , with African-American ownership declining to 44.9 per cent in the last quarter while white ownership fell to 74.2 per cent .

  9. 非拉丁裔美国白人的住房拥有率下降了0.4个百分点,降至73.4%。

    Latinos dropped to 49.1 % from 49.9 % in 2008 , while the home ownership rate for non-Hispanic whites fell 0.4 percentage points , to 73.4 % .

  10. 在过去6个月内,两个族群住房拥有率之差达到1994年人口普查局开始收集此项数据以来的最高水平,而前几届政府均承诺要缩小二者差距。

    In the past six months that gap , which previous administrations pledged to close , reached its widest level since the Census Bureau started collecting the information in 1994 .

  11. 从住房拥有率的下降,到家庭转而与他人合住,再到伴侣推迟结婚,这份报告从多方面阐述了美国人的生活怎样因当前衰退遭到了颠覆。

    From falling home ownership to families moving in with other to couples putting off marriage , the report illustrated the multiple ways that the recession has upended Americans ' lives .

  12. 美国住房拥有率从2004年创下的峰值(超过69%),降至2010年第4季度的66.5%,达到12年来的最低水平。

    US home ownership fell from a peak rate of more than 69 per cent in 2004 to 66.5 per cent in the last quarter of 2010 , its lowest level for 12 years .

  13. 对全体美国人来说,关于政府将致力提高住房拥有率的想法已随着白宫出台的住房融资计划而烟消云散。该计划将逐步关闭受政府支持的住房抵押贷款担保机构,强调租房的作用。

    For all Americans , the idea that the government would drive the rate of home ownership has evaporated with the White House plan for housing finance , which winds down the government-sponsored mortgage guarantors and emphasises the role of renting .