
  • 网络Sukkot;Succoth
  1. 就在住棚节前夜,他决定去耶路撒冷最贫困的一区走走。

    On the night before Sukkot , he decided to take a walk in one of the poorest quarters of Jerusalem .

  2. 在犹太文化中,人们会庆祝为期一周的住棚节(Sukkot)以感激丰收。

    In Jewish culture , thanks for the harvest is given during the week long Feast of the Tabernacles or Sukkot .

  3. 犹太新年,赎罪日,住棚节。

    Jewish New Year , Day of Atonement , feast of tabernacles .

  4. 当时犹太人的住棚节近了。

    But the feast of the jews , the feast of tents , was near .

  5. 五天后是住棚节,庆祝最后秋季的丰收。

    Five days later Feast of Booths also called Tabernacles the festival of final Autumn harvest .

  6. 你晓谕以色列人说:'这七月十五日是住棚节,要在耶和华面前守这节七日。

    Say to the Israelites : 'On the fifteenth day of the seventh month the Lord 's Feast of Tabernacles begins , and it lasts for seven days .

  7. 摩西吩咐他们说,每逢七年的末一年,就在豁免年的定期住棚节的时候。

    And Moses commanded them , saying , At the end of every seven years , in the solemnity of the year of release , in the feast of tabernacles .