
  • 网络isostatic compensation
  1. 中国大陆及其邻区岩石层挠曲强度变化和均衡补偿机制

    The variations of lithospheric flexural strength and isostatic compensation mechanisms beneath the continent of China and vicinity

  2. 依据岩石圈弹性挠曲均衡补偿理论建立地形-均衡补偿重力、大地水准面异常的球谐级数表达式。

    Base on theory of lithosphere elastic flexure isostatic compensation , the spheric harmonic series expressions of topography-isostasy compensation gravity and geoid are established .

  3. 模型对比表明,以莫霍界面作为均衡补偿面的模型是不可取的;Airy模型比Pratt模型的补偿效果略好,这同地壳构造以层状为主而侧向变化有限的特征相符。

    Comparison of models indicates that the Moho discontinuity is not suitable to be taken as a compensation interface , and the compensation effects in Airy model are better than in Pratt model , which is consistent with the feature of dominantly layered structure with less lateral inhomogeneity in crust .

  4. 一种高性价比的视频电缆均衡补偿放大器

    A Video Cable Equalization Amplifier with High Performance Price Ratio

  5. 地形&均衡补偿重力、大地水准面异常频谱分析

    Frequency analyze of topography-isostasy compensative gravity and geoid anomaly

  6. 亚洲中部地区岩石圈均衡补偿深度和弹性板模型反演结果分析

    Equilibrium compensation depth and inversion analyses for elastic slab model of the lithosphere in the Central Asian region

  7. 简要叙述了岩石圈均衡补偿深度和弹性板复合补偿的理论与方法;

    In this article , we relate the theory with the methods of the equilibrium compensation depth of the lithosphere and compound compensation of elastic slab .

  8. 根据位理论和挠曲均衡补偿理论,推导了重力梯度异常垂直分量与海深之间的关系。

    Based on the theory of potential and flexural isostatic compensation , the relationship between ocean depth and the vertical component of gravity gradient anomalies is derived .

  9. 通过分析,认为在区域性小比例尺及均衡补偿基本完善的条件下,重力值与高程有极好的线性相关关系;

    The results show that there is perfect Linear correlation relation between gravity value and elevation under the conditions of areal small scale and perfect isostatic compensation .

  10. 从观测大地水准面异常和自由空气重力异常扣除地形&均衡补偿大地水准面、重力异常,可以得到均衡大地水准面异常和均衡重力异常。

    Deducted topography-isostasy compensation gravity , geoid anomalies from observed free air gravity and geoid anomalies , isostatic gravity anomaly and isostatic geoid anomaly could be obtained .

  11. 本文以爱黎-海斯卡宁均衡补偿假设模式为基础,利用圆模板编制了滇西北及邻区均衡重力异常图。

    In this paper , the map of isostatic gravity anomaly in the northwest of Yunnan province and its adjacent region are compiled by mechanism assumed Ainy-Heiskanen , using the circular model .

  12. 在隆起东侧由均衡补偿作用伴生一西缓东陡的边侧坳陷(盆地),称(内)陆棚盆地亚环境。

    At the same time , as a result of equilibrium activity , in the east of the basin formed an unsymmetrical compensation basin ( depression ), which is named inner shelf basin .

  13. 将地形高、地球内部质量异常以及重力、大地水准面展开成球谐级数,依据岩石圈弹性挠曲均衡补偿理论建立地形&均衡补偿重力、大地水准面异常的球谐级数表达式。

    Expending geography , earth interior mass , gravity and geoid into sphere harmonic series , we establish topography-isostasy compensation gravity and geoid sphere harmonic series expression according to isostatic compensation theory of lithospheric flexibility .

  14. 晚期转变为大范围的整体沉降,显示重力均衡和补偿过程是从浅往深发展的。

    The late stage of subsidence was featured by a large-scale and whole motion , indicating the isostatic compensation mechanism at depth became dominant .

  15. 研究表明,提供灌溉水的耗费能够得到足额、及时、均衡的补偿往往决定着农业水利基础设施是否能够有效运行。

    Whether the consumption of providing irrigation water can be obtained full amount , promptly and balanced often decide the operating efficiency of agriculture water conservation infrastructure .

  16. 通过运用经济学的帕累托均衡、补偿理论和机会成本全面分析了我国银行监管的现状及存在的问题,并提出了相应的改善措施。

    It analyses all-sidedly current situation and problems of banking supervision in our country in use of the theory equilibrium , compensation and opportunity , and puts forward the corresponding measures of improvement .

  17. 我们可以采用均衡技术来补偿信道中由于多径效应产生的码间干扰(ISI)。

    Equalization technology should be used to compensate for intersymbol interference s created by multipath fading .

  18. 为了保证高速数据传输的可靠性,OFDM系统需要准确的无线信道信息来进行信道均衡,从而补偿信道多径衰落对信号的影响。

    In order to ensure the reliability of high-speed data transmission , OFDM system needs accurate wireless channel information for channel equalization so as to fully compensate the multi-path fading impacts .

  19. 预失真技术和均衡技术是补偿信道非线性的有效措施。

    Predistortion and equalization techniques were pragmatic to counteract nonlinear distortions .

  20. 当然,任何侵蚀作用都可能趋向于为进一步的均衡响应所补偿。

    Any erosion would , of course , tend to be offset by further isostatic response .

  21. 主要研究了利用接收机侧的电域均衡进行色散补偿的问题。

    Investigation of the performance of electronic equalization applied to receiver in the optical communication systems is introduced .

  22. 提出相应的相位均衡、温度补偿、阻抗均衡及寄生通带抑制等电路提高雷达接收性能。

    Methods of phase equalizing , temperature compensating , impedance equalizing and spurious band suppression are proposed to improve the receiving performance of radar .

  23. 求出了亚洲中部地区岩石圈均衡的最佳补偿深度为75km,通过线性反演得到该区岩石圈弹性板复合补偿模型的基本参数。

    Then we get the best lithospheric equilibrium compensation depth of 75 km in the Central Asian Region and the basic parameters of the lithospheric elastic slab in this region by linear inversion .

  24. 虽然系统结构可以消除符号间干扰,OFDM系统仍然需要精确的信道信息来进行信道均衡,从而完全补偿多径衰落。

    Accurate channel state information is needed in OFDM systems to perform channel equalization and compensate the multi-path fading .

  25. 图片预处理包括图片的去噪,运动图像的模糊度复原,直方图均衡,光照补偿,同态滤波。其中利用二维小波变换实现了光照补偿。

    Preprocessing including denoising , recovering the fuzzy motion picture , histogram equalization , two-dimensional wavelet transform to compensate for illumination , median filtering .

  26. 本文认为构建利益相关者的协调机制,政府必须做到利益表达顺畅、利益均衡博弈、利益补偿合理。

    Analysts believe that to build stakeholder coordination mechanism , the government must make the expression of interests smooth , balance the interests and make the compensation of each interests reasonable .

  27. 根据艾利均衡假设,进行均衡补偿归算.编制莫氏界面图和1°×1°均衡异常图。

    According to the Airy isostatic hypothesis , computation of isostatic compensation is made and a map of the M surface and a 1 °× 1 ° map of isostatic anomaly are drawn up .

  28. 多台变压器力率不均衡附加铜损及均衡补偿计算

    Calculations of additional copper loss with disharmonious power factor and harmonious compensation for several transformers