
  1. 运用均衡价格理论探讨高教服务价格改革

    Discussion as to the Reform of Higher Education Service Price Based on Equilibrium Price Theory

  2. 需求弹性理论是西方经济学核心理论&均衡价格理论的重要组成部分。

    Elasticity of demand theory is the core of western economics theories-an important component in the theory of equilibrium price .

  3. 接下来,先是简单阐述了传统的期货价格形成理论,即持有成本理论和均衡价格理论。

    Secondly , traditional futures price forming theories mainly including the cost-of-carry theory and equilibrium price theory are simply introduced .

  4. 马克思的劳动价值论和西方均衡价格理论既有明显区别,又不乏相同之处。

    There are same viewpoints as well as different ones between the labor value theory by Marx and equilibrium price theory in the West .

  5. 文章运用经济均衡价格理论,对高教服务价格改革的必要性和可行性进行了分析和论证。

    The necessity and possibility of the service price reform within higher leaming institutions are analyzed based on the equilibrium price theory , and the establishment of the higher education market is also .

  6. 本部分首先通过持有成本理论和均衡价格理论分析了期货定价的问题,之后用现金流贴现模型、零增长模型、不变增长模型分析了股票价格的决定理论。

    This section first by holding cost theory and price theory analysis of equilibrium futures pricing issue , followed by the discounted cash flow model , zero-growth model , the same growth model to analyze the stock price determination theory .

  7. 三是说明发展劳动价值论应该对西方经济理论的合理成分进行吸收利用,用新古典经济学的均衡价格理论来充实劳动价值论的价格分析部分。

    The second one is the basic theory innovation , it includes the third charter ; To utilize the reasonable factors of modern Western Economics , especially to enrich market-price analysis of Marx 's labor theory of value with equilibrium-price analysis of Neoclassical Economics .

  8. 李嘉图比较成本理论中的过剩供给曲线和国际均衡价格是该理论的教学重点和难点内容。

    Curve of excess supply and international equilibrium price in Ricardian comparative cost theory are teaching content , important and difficult .

  9. 实际上,在现实发展中,市场不能充分自由发展,部分的政府干预会影响自由之手的发挥,因而所谓的均衡价格收入分配理论只是一种理想状态。

    In fact , in the development of realistic , development of the market is not completely free , part of government intervention will affect the free hands to play , thus the so-called equilibrium theory of income distribution is an ideal state .

  10. 完全的自由市场竞争以及与此相联系的劳动力均衡价格只不过是理论意义上的抽象。

    Complete free market competition and the related balanced labor force price are nothing but theoretical abstract .

  11. 如何确定碳金融资产的均衡价格是碳金融理论研究者和实践工作者关注的焦点,亦是碳金融研究必须回答的最基本问题,因此本研究试图解决碳金融资产均衡价格的确定问题。

    How to determine carbon finance assets ' equilibrium price becomes the theory researchers and practitioners ' main issue , and one of the basic issues in carbon finance research . Therefore , this study tries to solve the issue of determining carbon finance assets ' equilibrium price .

  12. 资源基础论的理论分析是基于均衡经济学基础上的,并且很大程度上应用了基本的均衡价格理论。

    The theoretical analysis of the resources-based theory is based on the balanced economics , and to a great extent , it employs the basic theory of balanced prices .