
guǎng dù
  • scope;extent;width;range
广度 [guǎng dù]
  • [scope;range] 事物的范围

  • 改革开放的深度和广度

广度[guǎng dù]
  1. 人类利用自然资源的广度将日益扩大。

    The scope of man 's use of natural resources will steadily grow .

  2. 中国同亚洲和世界的利益融合达到前所未有的广度和深度。

    China 's interests have never been so closely connected with those of the rest of Asia and the world in both scope and depth .

  3. 一个明显的批评是,广度是以深度为代价的;史密斯先生的文章回答了很多问题,但也带来了同样多的问题。

    One obvious criticism is that the price of breadth is depth ; many of Mr. Smith 's essays raise as many questions as they answer .

  4. 全面推进乡村振兴的深度、广度、难度都不亚于脱贫攻坚,决不能有任何喘口气、歇歇脚的想法。

    Promoting rural vitalization on all fronts will be no easier than the anti-poverty battle , allowing no letup or sluggishness .

  5. 曲线、曲面的广度Offset及其性质

    General Offset of Curve and Surface and Its Properties

  6. 在数据查询过程中,还将数据遍历过程放在Reduce函数中,从而使广度优先搜索算法的层次遍历过程也能够并行运行。

    In the data query process , the traverse process is put in the Reduce function , so that the BFS algorithm traverse can also run in parallel .

  7. 从总体来看,这些微创新要比Facebook更具广度。

    Taken as a whole , this network of micro-innovations is broader than what Facebook is offering .

  8. 然后,区域性项目团队会采用新的广度区域网络(WAN)。

    Then , new wide area network ( WAN ) clients are adopted by regional project teams .

  9. 加入WTO以后,中国对外开放的广度和深度进一步扩大。

    China has been pursuing the policy of opening to the outside world , the breadth and depth of which has currently received further expansion after joining the WTO .

  10. 随着GIS应用不断向深度和广度扩展以及计算机技术的不断发展,人们对GIS的应用不断提出更高的要求。

    With the GIS application continuously development to depth and range extension and the continuously developing of computer technology , people continuously propose the more demand at the GIS application .

  11. 文中还对嵌套的SQL语句做了进一步分析,建立了句法树以及句法广度优先和语义深度优先的验证原则。

    In the paper , We also analysis the nesting SQL clause by building syntax tree and then go through syntax width first and semantic depth first .

  12. 信息搜索Agent与Internet搜索引擎连接,采用有限深度-广度优先的搜索算法,减少搜索范围,加快搜索速度;

    The information search Agent through inquiry agent connects Internet search engine . The search algorithm starts its searching from the recalls of inquiry agent to reduce the range of searching and increases the speed of searching .

  13. 随着数字化医院应用研究的迅速发展,医院信息系统(hospitalinformationsystem简称HIS)在医院管理及诊疗活动中的应用深度和广度不断扩大。

    Along with the application and study of digital hospital of rapid development With the construction of digital hospital related concepts unceasingly thorough , the hospital information system in hospital management and clinical activities of the application of the depth and breadth constantly expand .

  14. 在底层,DB2处理递归时采用的方法是逐层递归(广度优先),而Oracle采用的是深度优先的方法。

    The underlying problem is that DB2 processes recursion by essentially producing one level of recursion at a time ( breadth first ), while Oracle uses depth first .

  15. 为SOA客户提供建议或指导的顾问,需要同时具备Andre所讨论的深度、广度和经验。

    Consultants advising or mentoring customers on SOA need to have the combination of depth , breadth , and experience that Andre talks about .

  16. 本文是一项关于EFL环境下词汇知识的广度和深度与阅读关系的实证性研究。

    This paper reports an empirical study of the relationship between breadth of vocabulary knowledge ( or VS ), depth of vocabulary knowledge ( DVK ) and reading comprehension .

  17. 应用词语回忆测验、图片回忆测验、数字广度测验、本顿视觉保持测验C式A法及D式D法进行测试。

    Four neuropsychological tests were used to examine memory function , including the words recall test , the pictures recall test , the digit span test and Benton visual retention test ( C pattern A method and D pattern D method ) .

  18. IRS在评论颁奖时表示:举报人提供的全面信息兼具广度和深度。

    In granting the award , the IRS said : The comprehensive information provided by the whistleblower was exceptional in both its breadth and depth .

  19. 认知功能由韦氏成人智力测验量表-数字广度测验(DST)及简明智力状态检查(MMSE)得分评定。

    All the subjects were tested with the digit span subtest ( DST ) of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Mini - Mental State Examination ( MMSE ) .

  20. 算法复杂度分析的结果显示,在TS进行临域搜索时本文提出的启发式算法优于布尔矩阵乘法以及重复调用广度优先算法。

    Algorithm analysis reveals that , the heuristic algorithm presented in this paper is better than other two algorithms ( Boolean Matrix Multiplication and repeated calling Breadth First Search Algorithm ) during neighborhood searching of TS.

  21. 基于最大似然(MaximumLikelihood,ML)估计算法,提出两种改进的算法,一种从广度上考虑(即拓宽的ML算法),一种从深度上考虑(即迭代ML算法);

    Be based upon Maximum Likelihood ( ML ) estimation , it proposes two improved algorithms , one is considered from the point of extent ( namely globally optimum ML estimation ), the other is considered from the point of deepness ( namely iterative ML estimation );

  22. 近年来,我国的新兴消费类数字电子产品对DSP需求旺盛,种类繁多,功能齐全,普及率越来越高,也推动了DSP产品应用的广度和深度。

    In recent years , digital consumer electronics has been in great demand in the Chinese market . A great variety of the products , the complete functions of the products as well as the increasing penetration of the products have broadened and deepened the application of them .

  23. 采用HAMD、MMSE、词汇流畅测验、联想学习、数字广度测验、相似、领悟及副反应量表,于治疗前、治疗后第1、4、12周末分别对两组进行评定。

    Both groups were assessed before and after the first , forth and twelfth weeks of treatment with HAMD , MMSE , Semantic Fluency Test , Associate Learning , Digit Span , Similarity and Comprehension .

  24. 工程可视化仿真(EVS)作为一种重要的工程技术研究,已经越来越被人们所重视,其实际工程应用也在深度和广度上有了很大的扩展。

    Engineering visual simulation as an important engineering technology research has been attached more and more importance by people and makes a quite extension in profundity and scope in practical engineering applications .

  25. 该算法将深度可调的广度优先搜索策略引入传统Dijkstra算法中,使它能够随路由器CPU负载和实际网络规模而实时调节算法的运行时间,因而BFS-MCP算法具有广泛的适应性。

    Bringing the breadth-first search with the adjustable depth to the standard Dijkstra 's algorithm , BFS_ MCP can adjust its computation complexity according to the CPU load on a router in real time . Therefore , it has an extensive adaptability .

  26. 随着信息时代的到来,新型业绩评价体系EVA和平衡积分卡从不同侧面诠释了企业价值增值活动,而我国企业的业绩评价体系大多使用简单的评价指标,在评价深度和广度上都存在问题。

    With the coming of the information age , new achievement appraisal systems of EVA and balanced scorecard explain enterprises ' value activities from different aspects . But many Chinese enterprises adopt simple appraisal indexes , where there are many problems in width and depth .

  27. 所实施的心理测验包括数字广度、WMS视觉记忆测验、本顿视觉保持测验、连线测验、符号数字、栓子安插和手指敲击测验。

    The psychological tests consisted of Digit Span , Visual Reproduction of WMS , Benton Visual Retention Test , Trail-Making Test , Symbol-Digit Modality Test , Grooved Pegboard Test , and Finger Tapping Test .

  28. T3处θ波功率的增加为8.75μV2,对数字广度得分下降诊断的灵敏度为0.75,特异度为0.56。结论:EEGθ波功率的增加对了解认知功能下降有重要的参考价值。

    The sensitivity is 0 . 75 , and the specificity is 0 . 56 at the point 8 . 75 . Conclusions : The in crease of EEG θ power is of great importance in the diagnose of cognitive decline .

  29. 实验测试了84名英语专业二年级学生的词汇广度知识(接受性词汇量)和词汇深度知识(包括词义、形名搭配和动名搭配),并且收集了他们2004年TEM-4中阅读的有关数据。

    Eighty-four second-year English majors ' performances in a VS test , a DVK test ( two parts ) and the reading part of TEM-4 are collected as the original data .

  30. 方法:采用儿童韦氏智力量表中的数字广度测验和韦氏记忆量表中的逻辑记忆和视觉记忆及威斯康星卡片分类测验分别对45例正常儿童和45例ADHD患儿进行检测。

    METHODS : The digit span test of Wechsler Child Intelligence Scale , the logical memory and visual memory test of Wechsler Memory Scale , and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test were used to assess the memory and executive functions of ADHD children .