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  1. 内部因素分析结果概括为:优势在于21世纪不动产特许经营体系本身,劣势在于区域分部(广桥公司)的内部管理。

    Internal factors concluded as : most of the strengths related with the Century 21 brand and franchising system , and main weaknesses connected with Dalian region 's management ability .

  2. 双液注浆工艺在既有广深桥桩基加固中的应用

    Application of double liquid grouting technology to strengthening bridge pile foundation on existing Guang-Shen line

  3. 新建贵广铁路北江桥设计为(57.5+109.25+230+109.25+57.5)m五跨双塔双索面两主桁四线铁路钢桁梁斜拉桥。

    Beijiang River Bridge on New Guiyang-Guangzhou Railway is designed as a steel truss cable-stayed bridge with span arrangement ( 57.5 + 109.25 + 230 + 109.25 + 57.5 ) m , double pylons , two cable planes and two main trusses , which allows four railway lines .