
  • 网络Earth History
  1. 有人把原因归结为地球历史上曾经有过的冰期和间冰期。

    Ice age when someone summed up the reason as the earth history to once had and interglacial stage .

  2. 达尔文是在查尔斯·莱尔地质学的背景中研究进化,但我们目前对地球历史的了解包括一些在过去的半个世纪里取得的重大进展。

    Darwin studied evolution in the context of Charles Lyell 's geology , but our present understanding of Earth history includes some critical advances made during the last half-century .

  3. 人类只有占有极小部分地球历史。

    The human race only a minuscule portion of the earth 's history .

  4. 晚元古代末的陡山沱期(550~600Ma)是地球历史生物、化学和气候变化的剧烈时期。

    The Doushantuo period , ranging from 550 Ma to 600 Ma , represents a period in which drastic biological , biochemical and climatic changes took place in terminal Proterozoic in South China .

  5. 人类确实把自己铭刻到了纪录地球历史的石碑上。

    Humanity inscribes itself into the rock record of Earth 's history .

  6. 有关记载于岩石的地球历史的科学。

    A science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks .

  7. 地球历史的开、合节律与古地磁变化

    Correlative rhythms of opening and closing and palaeomagnetic variations in the evolution of the earth

  8. 研究火星地质对于揭示地球历史演变的蛛丝马迹是十分重要的。

    A study of Martian geology is crucial toward revealing clues into the history of the Earth .

  9. 最后我们可利用这些信息去将支离破碎的地球历史以及生命历史拼贴起来。

    Finally we use this information to piece together the history of earth and the history of life .

  10. 这些时期的高峰段是地球历史上冰川运动最广泛的时候。

    These were , at their maxima , among the most extensive glaciations in the Earth 's history .

  11. 2005年早些时候曾有人预计,去年将是有观测记录以来地球历史上最暖的一个年头。

    Predictions early in2005 that the year would be the warmest on record turned out to be off the mark .

  12. 我们正处于地球历史上人类必须对其未来作出抉择的关键时刻。

    We stand at a critical moment in Earth 's history , a time when humanity must choose its future .

  13. 在地球历史进程的期间,已经有许多不同的种类生命生活在这里。

    During the course of the Earth 's history , there have been many different species who have lived here .

  14. 他们在保护地球历史的同时,让自己的每一天都充满无穷的乐趣。

    These people help preserve the earth 's history while having the opportunity to make each day a load of fun .

  15. 有些科学家指出人类文明是在地球历史上的很短的温暖时期繁荣起来的。

    Some scientists suggest that human civilization has thrived in what is no more than a brief warm spell in Earth 's history .

  16. 这种相互作用或影响,从地球历史早期到现在,是一直在协同、耦合地进行着。

    Such interaction or mutual influence has been going on in a synergetic and coupled manner since the emergence of life on earth .

  17. 地球历史与当前人为的地球能量不平衡,共同描绘出一幅海平面上升、令人不安的远景。

    The history of the earth and the present human-made planetary energy imbalance together paint a disturbing picture about prospects for sea-level change .

  18. 自然灾害是贯穿于整个地球历史的事件,无处不有,无时不在。

    The natural disaster is an incident that runs through the whole history of earth , which exists in everywhere and every moment .

  19. 他们已经分析了数百种这样的沉积层,包括地球历史上最冷的时期——冰河期形成的沉积层。

    They 've analyzed hundreds of such layers , including some from the coldest periods of Earth 's history - the ice ages .

  20. 地球历史上.第四纪曾有大规模的冰川活动。

    In the history of the earth , there once had been the larg - scale glacier activity in the Qua - ternary period .

  21. 不过,至少到目前为止,我们对于气候敏感度最精确的知识,来自地球历史的实证数据。

    But our most accurate knowledge about climate sensitivity , at least so far , is based on empirical data from the earth 's history .

  22. 合成实际上并不是一个持有能量的新方式,而只是一个在地球历史上随时间而丢失的旧方式。

    Synthesis is not really a new manner of holding energy , but rather an old manner that was lost over time in Earth 's history .

  23. 对我们自己而言,我们已不再了解地表地球历史,直到最近一次经历把我们跟你们的旅程取得联系为止。

    For ourselves we have existed outside of the historical understanding of the outer earth up until a recent experience put us into contact with your journey .

  24. 在地球历史上湖泊沉积大规模的发育或缺失,都和一定的构造背景和气候环境条件相关。

    The development in large scale of lacustrine sediments or their deficiency in geologic history of the earth is closely related to the definite geostructural background and climatic conditions .

  25. 但在地球历史的短短一瞬,其百万分之一的时间部分,也就不过是近几千年里,植被产生了比以往快得多的变化。

    But in just a tiny sliver of the Earth 's history , the last one-millionth part , a few thousand years , the patterns of vegetation altered much faster than before .

  26. 作为板块运动的最终结果,大陆碰撞造山带是识别地球历史演化中板块构造机制起主导作用的重要标志。

    As a final result of plate tectonics , continental collisional orogens are formed , and the identification of such orogens is regarded as a milestone in recognizing the operation of plate tectonics in Earth 's history .

  27. 矿床学研究的4个重要趋势是:1.向宏观发展:如地球历史中成矿作用的时空演化和成矿的大地构造背景;

    Significant tendencies can be identified in the studies of ore deposits in the four areas : 1 . macroscopic studies , such as temporal and spatial evolution of metallogenesis in earth history and tectonic background of metallogenesis ;

  28. 粘土矿物在现代海洋环境中分布十分广泛,是海洋沉积物的重要组成部分。海洋沉积物作为一个巨大的信息库,储存着丰富的有关地球历史、环境演化的信息。

    Clay minerals are a widely distributing phenomenon in modern marine environment . And become the important components of the marine sediments which act as an enormous information basement storing abundance messages about the globe history and environment evolvement .

  29. 地球的历史包含着许多不如全新世稳定与温和的地质时期。

    The planet 's history contains many less stable and clement eras than the holocene .

  30. 这使得很多人主张,地球生命历史的起点是在富含核酸的汤里反复出现的&也就是RNA世界。另外一些人非常怀疑这一观点。

    This has led many to argue that the starting point for the history of life on Earth was the denovo emergence of the RNA world from a nucleotide-rich prebiotic soup .