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zài bài
  • bow twice
再拜 [zài bài]
  • (1) [do obeisance again] 古代一种隆重的礼节,先后拜两次,表示郑重奉上的意思

  • 谨使良奉白璧一双再拜献大王足下。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  • 墨子起,再拜。--《墨子.公输》

  • 再拜大将军足下。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  • 公子再拜。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  • (2) 赵王再拜曰。

  1. 佛子问题中的“就不能再拜八地以下的师父”未知何指?

    Someone asked me a question if one should not learn from a master under the Eighth Ground .

  2. 我还应该去趟图书馆,Forough和Shamlu的诗歌值得再拜读一下。

    I should drop by the library , too . It 's worth it to read the poems of Forough and Shamlu again .

  3. 古代文献的整理者们常常忽略这一点,导致“再拜”的“注释”和“译文”辞不逮义;

    The ancient philologists often ignored this , which resulted in the words notes and annotations failing to express the meaning of " Z à I B à I ";