
  1. 对传销违法犯罪人员,应采取分散矫治、心理关助、认知干预和帮扶救助等措施进行转化。

    The correcting measures are including dispersion of correction , psychological attention , cognition intervene etc.

  2. 综上所述,本文研究的是一个具有实用价值的应用系统,该系统的成功应用为高密市总工会职工帮扶救助提供了方便。

    In summary , this paper discusses a practical application system , which successfully applied for provides Convenience for the Federation of Trade Unions Gaomi workers help and aid .

  3. 职工帮扶救助平台,是建立起协调各方救助资源、满足辖区内职工不同层次需求、高效规范运转的服务体系。

    Workers help and aid platform is the service system of setting up to coordinate all aid resources and meeting area demand for workers at different levels and efficient normal operation .

  4. 方法:运用利益相关者分析法分别对河南省艾滋病在预防控制政策、医疗救治政策、帮扶救助政策以及经费和补助政策进行分析评价。

    Methods : interests analytic approaches were used to evaluate AIDS policies such as the policy of prevention and control , the policy of medicil aid , the policy of Medicaid and the policy of funds and subsidy .