
  1. PLC冗余控制在机房监控系统中的实现

    Implementation of PLC Redundancy Control for Supervise and Control System of Control Centre Cabinet

  2. 我们根据通信机房监控系统的特点,提出了集中监控体系结构的混合模式&C/S和B/S模型。

    According to the characteristics of Supervisory System of Power & Environment in communications equipment rooms , our resolution is a mixed architecture of C / S and B / S.

  3. 户外移动基站机房监控系统的研究

    The Research on Room Monitoring System for Outdoor Mobile Base Station

  4. 通信机房监控系统的设计方案

    Introduction of the Design for the Communications Center Monitor and Control System

  5. 机房监控系统中数据网关服务器的设计

    Design of Data Gateway Server in Engine Room Monitoring System

  6. 浦东电话局机房监控系统及在接入网中的应用

    Monitoring System in Equipment Center of Pudong Telecommunication Bureau and its Application in Access Network

  7. 电力通信机房监控系统在宜昌供电公司的应用

    Application of the Electric Power Telecommunication Station Monitor and Control System in Yichang Electric Power Bureau

  8. 根据实际需要论文设计了无线机房监控系统,能够和有线机房监控智能设备进行很好的衔接。

    The paper designed the wireless computer monitoring system which linked well with the intelligent device of wire computer monitoring system according to the actual needs .

  9. 本文通过一机房监控系统程序中串口通信对多线程的应用来介绍Windows9X/NT操作系统中多线程的应用和VC++对多线程的支持。

    The paper introduces multithreading application during Windows9X / NT and support of VC + + about multithreading through a serial-port communication program example which applies multithreading .

  10. 本文设计开发了海洋风速风向监测系统和智能机房监控系统,对组件的实用性、稳定性及通用性进行了验证。

    In order to validate the practicality , stability and generality of the components , this paper developed the marine wind speed monitoring system and intelligent engine room monitoring system .

  11. 嵌入式Web机房环境监控系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Embedded Computer Room Environment Monitoring System Based on Web

  12. 基于笔记本电脑的机房电源监控系统改造

    Improvement of Power Supervision System for Power Room Based on PC

  13. 此单元为机房环境监控系统的重要组成部分。

    This unit room environment monitoring system is the important component .

  14. 使用了这些技术的福州东郊变电站2×30Mvar无人值守调相机机房的监控系统已投入运行。

    The system operates in Fuzhou east suburb substation 2 × 30 Mvar .

  15. 基于面向对象的机房电力监控系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Object-oriented Rooms Power Monitoring System

  16. 华中电网公司信息中心机房综合监控系统应用研究

    Application Research of Integrated Monitoring System for Information Center of Central China Grid Company

  17. 通信机房集中监控系统的建模与实现

    Model Building of Centralized Supervisory Control System and Its Realization in Communication Devices and Environment

  18. 浅谈通信电源机房远程监控系统的设计与实现

    Discussion on Design and Implementation of Remote Monitoring System for Telecommunication Power Supply Engineering Room

  19. 本文以某一火车站的铁路信号机房环境监控系统为背景,将嵌入式技术应用到环境监控系统中。

    This paper is set in railway signal equipment room Control system of environmental monitoring and embedded technology is used to Control system of environmental monitoring .

  20. 并给出了集中监控体系中的各模块功能说明、集中监控体系架构的工作原理以及后台监控核心处理系统、前端机房处理机监控系统、报警信息终端三个核心工作模块的设计思路。

    And it gives the specification of every modules , the principle of the centralized monitoring system framework and three kernel modules ' design of background kernel monitoring system , front processor of computer room monitoring system , alarm information termial .

  21. 本文所设计的机房视频监控系统提供了用户管理功能、学生智能定位功能和学生机图像监控功能,使其成为机房的辅助管理信息系统。

    The computer room video surveillance system designed in this article performs the function of user management , student 's intelligence fixed position and student 's machine screen supervision , so that the system becomes the auxiliary management information system of the computer room .

  22. 基于ARM的通信机房动力环境监控系统

    ARM-based Dynamic Environment Monitoring System of Communication Station

  23. 通信电源和机房空调集中监控系统的实现

    Implementation of Monitoring System for Communication Power Supply and Air-conditioning

  24. 计算中心机房环境综合监控系统设计

    Design for Environment Comprehensive Monitoring System in Computer Center Room

  25. 基于IC卡的机房管理与监控系统的设计与实践

    The design and practice based on IC card lab management and monitoring system

  26. 中心机房中央集中监控系统的设计

    Design of Central Monitoring System for Central Computer Laboratories

  27. 通信机房环境设备监控系统与设计分析

    On environmental equipment system of computer room in telecommunication and its design analysis

  28. 一种新型机房环境自动监控系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a New Kind of Computer-Room Enviroment Automatic Monitoring System

  29. 通信机房远程综合监控系统性能优化策略的研究与实现

    Research & Implementation on Performance Optimization Strategies for Remote Synthesis Monitoring System of Communication Chamber

  30. 本课题要研究的机房管理与监控系统的目标是适应不同的需求,用户既能在IC卡方式下工作,也可选择纯软件的帐号方式。

    In spite of IC card or accounts mode , our computer room management and monitor system has corresponding solution means .