
jī xiè shī
  • mechanic;machinist;engineer;mechanician
  1. 他生来就是个有设计天赋的机械师。

    He was a born mechanic with a flair for design

  2. 他是个撒谎高手/熟练的机械师。

    He is an adept liar / mechanic .

  3. 英国皇家空军表彰他是一名非常能干的机械师。

    The RAF recognized him as an outstandingly able engineer

  4. 罢工使约55,000名机械师无事可做。

    The strike has idled about 55,000 machinists .

  5. 机械师拆开机器,看问题出在哪。

    The machinist dismantled the machine to see where the problem is .

  6. 我从我这位修理工身上学到了很多:出版商需要打印工人,工程师需要机械师,建筑师也需要建筑工人。

    I have learned a lot from my motorhead : publishers need printers , engineers need mechanics , and architects need builders .

  7. 机械师对发动机作了必要的调整

    The mechanic made the necessary adjustments to the engine .

  8. 这时,一个机械师来了。

    Then in comes a mechanic .

  9. 当时由于我既没有带机械师也没有带旅客,我就试图独自完成这个困难的维修工作。这对我来说是个生与死的问题。我随身带的水只够饮用一星期。

    And as I had with me neither a mechanic nor any passengers , I set myself to attempt the difficult repairs all alone . It was a question of life or death for me : I had scarcely enough drinking water to last a week .

  10. 在那里,保罗找到了一份工作——在国际收割机公司(InternationalHarvester)做机械师。

    where he got a job as a machinist for International Harvester .

  11. 问题8.W:机械师叫了汽车修理师吗?

    Question 8 . W : Has the mechanic called the bus repairers ?

  12. 美国联合航空(unitedairlines)也尝试过员工所有制,却以机械师险些发动罢工收场。

    Another attempt at employee ownership , United Airlines of the US , ended up with the mechanics calling a strike , which was only narrowly averted .

  13. 他是个肌肉发达、有着文身的引擎机械师,6英尺高,长相酷似詹姆斯·迪恩(JamesDean)。

    He was a taut , tattooed engine mechanic , six feet tall , with a passing resemblance to James Dean .

  14. 日落之前,两名男性登上了飞机:美籍飞行员本·帕迪拉(BenPadilla)和机械师约翰·穆坦图(JohnMutantu)。

    Shortly before sunset , two men boarded the aircraft : American pilot Ben Padilla and mechanic John Mutantu .

  15. 例如,在航空行业中,SAML属性role:mechanic定义了飞机的机械师。

    For example , in the aerospace industry the SAML attribute role : mechanic defines a mechanic at an airline .

  16. 他的作品包括精彩饰演《美国精神病人》(AmericanPsycho,2000年)、《机械师》(TheMachinist,2004年)以及奥斯卡获奖影片《斗士》(TheFighter,2010年)。

    His career includes challenging films such as American Psycho ( 2000 ) and The Machinist ( 2004 ) , as well as an Oscar-winning performance in The Fighter ( 2010 ) .

  17. 当时媒体报道称,2003年5月25日傍晚,佛罗里达租赁公司AerospaceSales&LeasingCo.的一位美国机械师在罗安达登上了这架喷气式客机。该公司是这架机龄18年的飞机的所有者。

    At dusk on May 25 , 2003 , an American mechanic for Aerospace Sales & Leasing Co. , the Florida-based lessor that owned the 18-year-old plane , boarded the jetliner in Luanda , according to press reports at the time .

  18. 利观的估计是几天,但是直到机械师在RV上花费了更多时间,他才能确定的告诉我们(非常像调查代码中的缺陷)需要多长时间。

    The optimistic estimate is a few days , but the mechanic can 't tell us for sure until he spends more time with the RV ( much like investigating a defect in our code ) .

  19. 四十岁的机械师告诉Bild报社,他只不过和一友人在柏林西南部的Wiesenburg喝了”一点点“啤酒,然后回家的路上,决定到银行过夜。

    The40-year-old machinist told Bild newspaper he had had " a few beers " with a friend in Wiesenburg , southwest of Berlin , and decided to hit the hay in the bank on his way home .

  20. 亨利是一名机械师,他在一家汽车修理厂工作。

    Henry is a mechanic and he works in a garage .

  21. 机械师为飞机加满油作长途飞行。

    The mechanic gassed up the planes for their long trip .

  22. 那个正在修车的机械师是我姐夫。

    The mechanic who is repairing the car is my brother-in-law .

  23. 机械师们正在进行仔细检查。

    The engineers are making a careful examination of the plane .

  24. 没有机械师我怎么驾驶飞艇?

    You ask me to fly the ship without a mechanic ?

  25. 他的职业是发明家或是机械师。

    He 'd have a vocation , Something inventive or mechanical .

  26. 可以,但得先找机械师修一下刹车。

    OK , but get a mechanic to see to the brakes .

  27. 你真想到《大众机械师》上班吗?

    Do you really want a job with popular mechanics ?

  28. 你认识这个地区的机械师吗?

    Do you know of any mechanics in the area ?

  29. 全体机械师都提出了增加工资的申请。

    All the machinists have put in for a rise .

  30. 我把车拖去修理,机械师很忙。

    I dragged the car to repair , but mechanics is busy .