
  • 网络Kungfu Cyborg;KungFu Cyborg Metallic Attraction;Kung Fu Cyborg;Robo Rush
  1. 同许多国产科幻电影一样,刘镇伟的《机器侠》让人感到失望。

    Jeffrey Lau ` s Kungfu Cyborg disappoints much like most of China ` s sci-fi films have .

  2. 相对于像《终结者》或《变形金刚》这样大片动辄上亿美元的投入,《机器侠》的预算少得可怜。

    Kungfu Cyborg 's relatively small budget can 't hold a candle to the billions of dollars thrown at movies like Terminator and Transformers .

  3. 如果你去看电影,我推荐《机器侠》,写的是一个机器人爱上人类,为爱情奋不顾身的故事。

    It is about a robot falling in love with a human and devoting himself for their love .

  4. 《机器侠》故事背景被设置在2046年,影片讲述了一个机器警察的故事,片中他爱上了漂亮的人类女警花素梅(孙俪饰)。

    Set in the year 2046 , Kungfu Cyborg tells the story of a police robot who falls in love with a pretty human officer named Su Mei ( Sun Li ) .