
  1. 其中包括内阁的机构沿革和内阁的职权范围两个部分。

    The two part including cabinet institution evolution and cabinet power .

  2. 第二部分,回顾了我国食品安全监管机构历史沿革,分析监管机构的现状及存在的主要问题。

    The second part reviews the evolution history of food safety regulatory agencies in China , analysis the status and major problems .

  3. 本文从概述我国研究生教育评估机构的沿革出发,着重从其特点、作用、不足及存在原因四个方面分析我国目前研究生教育评估机构的现状。

    After retrospective the brief history , the paper analyzes the features , functions , limitations and the causes of graduate education evaluation agencies in China .

  4. 本报告从中国国家认可体系的组织机构、沿革、现状、工作理念和面临问题等方面详细介绍了中国实验室认可制度与运行模式。

    Here is presented in detail that the composition of board , evolution , current situation , work principles and relevant issue of national accreditation system in China .

  5. 第三章主要从林业政策和法规、林业机构的沿革、森林权属的划分、森林管理与保护等方面进行考察,总结了民国时期西南地区林政管理上的成败得失和经验教训。

    The third chapter investigates the forestry policy and regulation , the evolution of the forestry institutions , and the forest administration and protection , meanwhile , summarizes the experiences and lessons of the forest administration in Southwest China .

  6. 日本占领海南岛时期的日军军事机构及兵力沿革研究海军仍旧象往常那样全神贯注在日本方面。

    Japanese Invaders Military Institutions and Troop Variation during Their Conquest of Hainan ; The Navy was preoccupied as ever by Japan .

  7. 本文简述建设系统行政机构的历史沿革,分析目前建设系统行政机构设置的矛盾,提出建设系统行政机构职能转变的现实操作和机构设置的模式。

    By introducing the historic evolution of administrative institutions in constructional profession , this paper analyses its current contradiction of institution status , and expounds the operation of function change of administrative institution and a new model of institution structure .

  8. 中国法官的日常司法工作与他们的正式角色经常只有松散的联系,而案件的司法决策过程要受到司法机构的历史沿革、行政干预以及本地居民的法律意识的影响。

    The day-to-day grassroots judicial work of Chinese judges is only loosely coupled with their formal roles , and the judicial decision-making process is contingent upon historical origin of the judiciary , administrative influence , and the legal consciousness of local communities .

  9. 论延安时期史学机构的产生、沿革及特点

    The Emergence , Change and Characteristics of Historical Institute in Yan ′ an ; flywheel time base

  10. 有鉴于此,笔者择取明代南京都察院这一司法机构为研究对象,对其机构沿革、设置及职权诸方面作一初步探究,以抛砖引玉。

    Because of this , the author of this thesis take the Censorate of Court of Censors at Nanjing as the object of research , studies its evolution , set of organization and power on the initial stage .