
  • 网络The British Education System;UK Educational System
  1. 上学啦!&英国教育制度

    Back to School ! & British Education System

  2. 英国教育制度历经数百年的发展,以高水准的教学质量而名扬四海。

    Britain educational system after several hundred year development , by high standard quality of teaching , but is famous far and wide .

  3. 从教育本身来看,1944年教育法是对英国教育制度的弊端否定的产物;

    From the viewpoint of education itself , the 1944 Education Act was the outcome of negating the drawbacks of the Britain 's traditional education system ;

  4. 近日,查尔斯由于在一份备忘录中批评了英国教育制度,遭到了媒体和部分内阁高官的猛烈抨击。

    A recent scandal has centered on a memo written by Charles that criticized British schools for offering children too much false self-esteem and not enough realistic criticism .

  5. 香港的教师教育制度保留了英国教育制度的传统,美国的教师教育则自成一系,分析并借鉴其管理制度,将对我国大学教师教育体制的改革提供新的思路。

    Teachers education system in Hong Kong follows the British tradition while the American system has its own way . Learning from them offer some insights for our college teachers education reform .

  6. 英国的教育制度急需进行改革。

    The education system in Britain was crying out for reform .

  7. 20世纪90年代以来英国教育督导制度的改革与借鉴

    The Reform and Experience of the British Educational Inspection System

  8. 研究英国教育督导制度对完善我国教育督导制度具有重要借鉴意义。

    Studying British educational inspection system is very important for perfecting our system .

  9. 英国的教育制度中有着足够多的伪善。

    There is hypocrisy aplenty in those British norms .

  10. 英国高等教育制度评介

    Evaluation of British Higher Education System

  11. 第二章是20世纪90年代以来英国教育督导制度的改革。

    The second chapter is on the reform of the British educational inspection in the 90 's.

  12. 第三部分主要论述欧文从哪些方面对当时英国的教育制度进行批判问题。

    The third part focuses on these aspects of British educational system that Owen criticized seriously .

  13. 第三部分:英国教育实习制度的历史演进与现状。

    Part III : The historic development and present conditions of the teaching practice institution in England .

  14. 本文主要研究英国教育督导制度特别是20世纪90年代以来的改革。

    This paper focuses on reform of British educational inspection system , especially on the one in 1990 's.

  15. 全世界的人提及英国的教育制度都会想到“公立学校”,尤其是比较出名的几所高校,伊顿,牛津和剑桥。

    A.the whole of English educational practice has been greatly influenced by them.B.some of them are as famous as the universities Oxford and Cambridge .

  16. 第一章为英国教育督导制度的产生和发展,主要阐释英国教育督导制度产生的背景、发展阶段及特征。

    The first chapter is on the birth and development of the British educational inspection system mainly on the background , process and features of it .

  17. 作者所描述的英国高等教育制度,重要的是启发,而不是事实本身。因而论文的第三部分为重点和关键。

    To describe the higher education system in UK , the author focuses on the inspiration , not the facts , thus the third part of is the key point .

  18. 诚然,英国高等教育制度的历史沿革与发展能够为我们所提供的借鉴与启示当然远不止于本文所谈。

    Frankly speaking , what enlightens us and what we can learn from the historical evolution and development of British higher education system is far from what we discussed in this thesis .

  19. 其二,在综述英国高等教育制度变迁动因的已有研究的基础上,借鉴新制度经济学的制度变迁理论提出英国高等教育大众化政策变迁的利益驱动论及其表现。

    Second , after commenting on some conclusions about the drive of higher educational system in Britain , the dissertation brought forward the interests ' driving by reference to System Changes theory of new institutional economics .

  20. 第一、二章分别对英国高等教育制度和高校招生考试历史传统进行了考察,目的是寻求现行英国高校招生考试制度的制度记忆和历史记忆。

    Chapter one and chapter two have an appreciation of British education system and historical context of examinations and admissions system to higher education in the UK , which provide system memory and historical memory respectively for further study .

  21. 使这些人改行成为可能的FME基金是一个公益机构,成立于1960年,资金来源于企业捐款,目的是帮助发展英国的管理教育制度、技能和知识。

    The FME , which made these career changes possible , is a charity founded in 1960 and funded by corporate donations to help develop management education institutions , skills and knowledge in the UK .

  22. 英国公共教育的制度变迁与组织重构

    System Transformation and Organizational Reconstruction of British Public Education

  23. 根据我国高等教育发展实际,可以从英国高等教育保障制度中吸取有益的经验,完善高等教育评估与保障制度。

    According to the facts of development in higher education , China may learn the beneficial experience from the quality assurance system of English higher education , to make the present system of evaluating and safeguarding higher education perfect .

  24. 为了实现2010年使18-30岁人口的50%接受高等教育的目标,英国高等教育招生制度正面临二战以来的最大改革。

    In order to enable 50 % of the people aged from 18-30 to get access to higher education by the year 2010 , the United Kingdom is launching the greatest reform on its university admission system since the World War II .

  25. 学徒制度是英国古老的职业教育制度,经过了历史发展的巨大变迁,从形式到内容都打上了许多现代印迹。

    Apprenticeship system is an ancient system vocational education in Britain .

  26. 英国基础教育教师评价制度改革评鉴

    A Use for Reference on British Elementary Educational Teachers ' Evaluation System Reform

  27. 20世纪80年代以来英国基础教育教师评价制度改革探究

    Studies in British Elementary Educational Teachers ' Evaluation System Reform Since 1980 's

  28. 英国高等教育质量管理制度变迁探析

    A Study of Transformations of the System of Quality Management in British Higher Education

  29. 英国研究生教育证书制度对我国高师教育实习的启示

    Enlightenment from the Post-graduate Education Certificate System in Britain on the Practice Teaching in Normal Colleges in China

  30. 苏格兰的教育制度与英国其他地区的教育制度既有相同之处,也存在一定差异。

    There are the same and differences between the educational system in Scotland and the other areas in the UK .