
jī dú mù lù
  • machine-readable catalogue
  1. 谈连续出版图书的机读目录建设现状

    Talking about the Construction of the Machine-readable Catalogue of Serialized Books

  2. 授权影印西文书的特点及其机读目录的著录方法

    The characteristics of authorized photo-offset books in Western languages and description of their machine-readable catalogue

  3. ILAS中文期刊机读目录数据库建设与研究

    Construction and Research of Database of Machine-Readable Catalogue for ILAS Chinese Periodicals

  4. MARC(MachineReadableCatalogue机读目录)作为一种元数据格式,在信息描述、存储、交换、标准化和检准率方面具有不可比拟的优势。

    MARC ( Machine Readable Catalogue ) is a kind of metadata format . It has the tremendous advantage in information description , storage , exchange , standard and precision .

  5. 从实用的角度,理论联系实际,论述了析出文献的概念及其MARC格式机读目录的编制。

    From the angle of practice and combination of theory with practice , this paper has expounded the concept of extracted literature resource and its cataloging in CNMARC format .

  6. 为了使图书馆界在机读目录格式中所累积的庞大资源,也能被都柏林核心集的系统所利用,有必要实现图书馆目前使用最广泛的机读目录格式MARC到都柏林核心集DC的转换。

    In order for the DC ( Dublin Core ) system to make use of the bibliographic resources created in the MARC ( MAchine-Readable Catalogue ) format , it is necessary to ensure that the MARC and DC data are interchangeable .

  7. MARC是国际图联统一使用的,标准化、规范化的一种通用机读目录格式,各图书馆利用这种格式来存储和传递文献源数据,以实现资源共享。

    MARC is a standardized and universal computer read-out catalogue form used by IFLA . Every library uses the form to store and pass document source data to realize the sharing of the computer resource .

  8. 文中首先介绍CNMARC的产生与发展,分析CNMARC结构,列举了中国机读目录格式图例,对CNMARC有一个基本的认识。

    At first , the paper introduces the production and development of Chinese Machine Readable Catalog ( CNMARC ), analyzes its structure .

  9. 传统的古籍普查方式耗费大量的人力物力,主要采取中国机读目录格式CNMARC(ChinaMachine-ReadableCatalogue)、古籍普查表、国家珍贵古籍名录申报书和Access数据库等传统载体进行记录。

    The traditional way of ancient book survey is spending a lot human and material resource , and mainly using traditional carriers such as CNMARC ( China Machine-Readable Catalogue ), ancient book census form , declaration of national precious ancient books and the access database to record information .

  10. 试论机读目录标目的多面引向原则

    On the Multiaspect Directing Principle of Machine Readable Catalog Entry Word

  11. 机读目录中丛书名检索点的制作

    On the Facture of Series Name Search Point in the Catalogue

  12. 浅谈机读目录格式中题名的著录差异

    Brief Discussion on the Differences of Title Description in MARC Format

  13. 谈谈机读目录中丛书与多卷书的著录

    Description Cataloguing of Series and Multivolume Printed Monographs in Machine-Readable Catalogue

  14. 新一代机读目录的设计与研究

    The design and research for a new format of machine readable catalog

  15. 提高机读目录检索效率的方法

    The Methods of Increasing the Retrieval Efficiency of Computer-readed Catalog

  16. 机读目录中责任者的著录应该统一

    Description of Responsible Person in Machine Readable Catalogue Should Unify

  17. 中文期刊机读目录著录中的一些问题及其解决方法

    Some problems in the MARC description of the Chinese journals

  18. 现阶段卡片目录与机读目录并存原因初探

    On the Co-existence of Card Catalog and MARC The Reason

  19. 对中文机读目录格式中字段使用的探讨

    Probe into Field Utilization in Format of Chinese Machine-readable Catalog

  20. 对机读目录中606、690字段的规范性分析

    Analysis on Standardizing Norm 606 and Norm 690 in Computer Reading Catalogue

  21. 机读目录性能分析及其制约因素

    Performance Analysis of Computer - reading Catalogue and Restriction Factors

  22. 机读目录引发的目录革命与影响

    The Revolution and Influence of Catalogues Caused by MARC

  23. 中文机读目录外国个人责任者著录浅说

    Some ideas about Chinese computer contents of foreign person with responsibility ' record

  24. 机读目录格式与元数据格式用于网络资源组织的比较研究

    Application of MARC and Metadata in Organizing Web Resources : a Comparative Study

  25. 要编制光盘电子资源的机读目录,首先要判断的就是其类型。

    The first step to make CD-ROM resources'MARC is to judge their types .

  26. 机读目录中书目、规范和馆藏信息间的关系

    The relationships between bibliographic , authority and local holdings information in online catalogs

  27. 中文图书机读目录相关字段的对应关系分析与著录

    Analysis of the Corresponding Relation between Related Fields

  28. 对我国书目提要演变的思索&兼论机读目录提要项的著录

    Thinking about Chinese Development of Bibliography Abstract Discuss the Summary Item of MARC Concurrently

  29. 电子资源及其机读目录的编制

    Electronic Resources and Establishment of Machine Readable Catalogue

  30. 机读目录中影印本和译著本的并列题名及版本项的著录

    Description of parataxis title and edition item of photocopy books and translations on MARC