
  • 网络loyalty marketing;loyal marketing
  1. 忠诚营销在IR公司售后服务中的应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Loyalty Marketing Management in IR after Sales Service Practice

  2. 同时回顾国外银行营销的演进过程,并结合国外营销发展的现状特点总结出内部营销、CRM战略、忠诚营销和银行品牌营销这四大发展趋势。

    Thinking back the development of the foreign bank marketing , we describe the characteristics of it today , and sum up four currents : internal marketing . CRM strategy , loyalty marketing and marketing of bank ' brand .

  3. 电子零售网站的E忠诚营销与策略分析

    E-retail Websites ' E-loyalty Marketing & Strategies Analysis

  4. 除此之外,本文还探讨了国内电子零售网站借鉴E忠诚营销的成功经验和开展网站E忠诚营销问题。

    Furthermore , using these successful examples as reference and putting e-loyalty marketing strategies into practice of domestic e-retail websites were also discussed .

  5. 在此基础上,文章结合在线顾客网上消费的心理及行为特征,重点探讨了电子零售网站E忠诚营销的4R策略,并以国外电子零售网站的成功做法为例,考察了这些策略的具体实践。

    Moreover , after analyzing the characters of online customers ' psychologies and behaviors , this paper put forward 4R strategies for e-retail websites ' e-loyalty marketing , and also discussed their applications with foreign successful experience as examples .

  6. 为此,各种营销理念层出不穷,从4P营销、4C营销到服务营销及忠诚营销、积分营销等等。

    For this reason , various marketing ideas emerge in an endless stream , from 4P marketing , 4C marketing to the service marketing and loyal marketing , marketing of total mark , etc.

  7. 对旅行社导入忠诚营销策略的分析

    Analysis on Introducing the Loyalty-Marketing Tactic into Chinese Travel Agency Industry

  8. 忠诚营销理论及其实施

    Theory and Execution of Loyalty Marketing

  9. 论零售商的顾客忠诚营销

    On Customer Loyalty Marketing of Retailers

  10. 顾客忠诚营销管理研究

    On Customer Loyalty Marketing Management

  11. 忠诚营销是针对建立客户忠诚而全面展开的市场活动和策略。它契合了现代企业的营销实践活动,能帮助企业取得高的市场份额。

    Loyalty marketing is regarded as marketing strategy which enterprises carry out thoroughly in order to build up consumer loyalty and gain a high market share .

  12. 通过开展忠诚营销活动,妥善解决顾客抱怨,建立与顾客的互动关系,为顾客提供更加完善的服务,可造就永久的顾客。

    Permanent loyal clients can only be attracted by carrying out sincere marketing activities , solving clients ' complaints properly , establishing a client-interactive relationship and deliver perfect service to the clients .

  13. 在营销战略的指导下,本文提出了产品策略、价格策略、销售渠道策略、引导需求策略、企业形象策略、忠诚营销策略、行业渗透策略七种营销策略。

    At the guide of the general marketing strategy , the article comes out the seven kinds of strategy : product strategy , price strategy , place strategy , leading requirement strategy , corporation identity strategy , loyalty strategy and industry penetration strategy .

  14. 忠诚客户营销实施与我国商业银行竞争力提升的分析

    The Analysis of Implementing Customer Loyalty Marketing in Chinese Commercial Banks

  15. 忠诚客户营销是商业银行营销发展的高级阶段。

    Customer loyalty marketing is the advanced stage in the development process of banking marketing .

  16. 常客计划是服务性企业奖励老顾客,留住核心客人,培育顾客忠诚的营销项目。

    Advantage program is a marketing program used to retain core customers and build customer loyalty .

  17. 由此可见品牌忠诚对于企业营销活动是非常重要的。

    This shows that brand loyalty is very important for corporate marketing activities .

  18. 顾客忠诚管理是营销界和管理界学者关注的焦点。

    Customer loyalty management has been a hotspot concern of academics and managers .

  19. 如何提高品牌忠诚一直是营销领域研究的重点。

    The topic how to improve brand loyalty has been the focus of in the marketing research field .

  20. 在市场竞争的今天,顾客忠诚、品牌营销、关系营销等以顾客为中心的营销理论相继成为学术界和企业界关注的重点。

    Competition in the market today , customer loyalty , brand marketing , relationship marketing such that based on the customer-centric marketing theory have become the focus of academic and industries .

  21. 顾客满意和顾客忠诚是服务营销的核心理念,要提高顾客满意和顾客忠诚,服务质量是首要因素,三者关系研究是服务营销的重要内容。

    The core concept of service marketing management is customer satisfaction and customer loyalty , the primary factor improving customer satisfaction and loyalty is the service quality . So research of the relationship between them is an important aspect of service marketing management .

  22. 因此,提高消费者的满意度,培育消费者的忠诚感是企业营销的重要课题。如何提高消费者的满意度,其关键就在于实施CS战略。

    Therefore , it is important for the business of enterprises to improve customers satisfaction and foster customers loyalty .

  23. 顾客忠诚是企业提高营销绩效永恒不变的话题。

    Customer loyalty is a eternal topic for the enterprise to improve marketing performance .

  24. 第五章是基于消费体验对提升品牌忠诚提出具体的营销对策。

    Chapter ⅴ proposed the specific marketing advisement about enhancing the brand loyalty based on the consumption experience .

  25. 结合化工产品的特点,论述品牌忠诚在化工产品营销中的战略价值;

    Combined with special features of chemical product we illustrated the strategic value of trade loyalty in chemical product market ;

  26. 在市场经济主导的市场中,消费者具有众多选择,如何防止消费者的背叛,建立消费者的顾客忠诚,成为企业营销的重点。

    As customers have various choices in the market economy , it is difficult to prevent betray and establish customer loyalty .

  27. 顾客忠诚管理是服务营销学的重要内容,在第一产业、第二产业、尤其是第三产业的发展中起着日益重要的作用。

    The service quality of customer loyalty is the important content of service marketing , playing an increasingly important role in the development of primary industry , the secondary industry , especially the tertiary industry .

  28. 培养和维系顾客的忠诚一直是市场营销学界的核心研究课题,它直接关系到企业的盈利能力和发展战略,网络销售的出现,并没有改变企业获得忠诚的基本需求。

    Cultivating and maintain customer loyalty has been the core research topic in marketing circles , it is directly related to corporate profitability and development strategies , the emergence of network sales model does not change the corporate loyalty basic needs .

  29. 要建立顾客忠诚,必须实施顾客忠诚营销计划,提高顾客转换成本;同时提供附加服务,提高顾客感知服务质量。

    To establish customer loyalty , the commercial bank must carry out customer loyalty plan , increase customer shifting cost , improve customer perceived service quality by offering attached service .

  30. 人们发现满意和价值是营销品牌忠诚的重要因素,但有时顾客满意不一定导致顾客忠诚,由此,营销领域开始探讨其他影响品牌忠诚的因素。

    People find satisfaction and value is an important influence factor of brand loyalty , but sometimes customer satisfaction does not necessarily lead to customer loyalty and , thus , the marketing scholar began to explore other factors that affect brand loyalty .