
zhōng jūn ài guó
  • patriotic and loyal to the throne
忠君爱国 [zhōng jūn ài guó]
  • [patriatic and loyal to the throne] 对君主忠贞,对国家挚爱

  • 此人虽则商贾之流,倒也有些忠君爱国之心、排患解纷之略。--《东周列国志》

忠君爱国[zhōng jūn ài guó]
  1. 萧注的注释动机是弥补李诗注本过少的缺陷,注解中往往不恰当地强调李白的忠君爱国思想。

    The motive of Xiao 's annotation was to compensate for the shortage of Li 's annotations .

  2. 中国诗歌传统主题是忠君爱国,西方诗歌以爱情为中心。

    The traditional motifs of the Chinese poetry are being faithful to the monarch and dedicating oneself to serving country .

  3. 这种主张又往往与忠君爱国、事功济世、雅正崇古、忧时托志的精神交织在一起,引发他创作实践、审美心理的嬗变。

    This notion is often times mingled with his patriotic complex , leading to the change of his literary creation and aesthetic psyche .

  4. 他们受到的儒家思想的影响表现为以下几个观念:忠君爱国,入世行动,修身,或是天命和闲逸。

    Their influence by Confucianism manifest in the following concepts : loyalty to the emperor and being patriotic , practicing moral culture or destiny and leisure .

  5. 助军的特点主要是:用于军事目的,多发生于战时,具有临时性,以忠君爱国的义举受到提倡和鼓励,以捐助方式为主,大体上可以分为公助与私助两类。

    The main characteristics of Assisting Army are the military purposes , mostly occurring in war , provisionality endowing , being encouraged as loyal and patriotic benefactor .

  6. 这三十五段谏辞都是语言的精华、智慧的结晶,充满了一种文死谏大臣们忠君爱国的思想。

    This 35 speech is the language section of remonstrance essence of wisdom , full of a " text to persuade ," Minister of loyalty and patriotic ideas .

  7. 即从对君主的敬爱转化为极端的忠君爱国,再到相对平和的爱国心;其次论述了日本中小学爱国主义教育的目标、内容及主要途径。

    That is , from beloved monarchs into extreme loyalist patriot , then to the relative calm patriotic feelings . Second , it discusses the target , contents and main ways of patriotism education in Japanese primary and secondary school .

  8. 从明朝遗留下来的忠君爱国的知识分子很重视名节和士气,他们怀着孤臣孽子之心,在政治上不与清统治者合作,有的勇敢的奋起抗争,有的则遗世清高隐居山林。

    From the Ming dynasty legacy of being patriotic intellectuals seriously honor and morale , they were heel with solitary , politically and clear , and some of the rulers , cooperation , brave stand and fight the spare some secluded mountain loftiness .