
The tearjerker about a loyal dog is based on a true story .
The story focuses on a strong bond between a dog and his owner that the canine continues to await his master at the same downtown spot , where he used to get off work , every day for an entire decade after the man dies .
These dogs are especially bred and trained by Canine Companions for Independence , or CCI , a non-profit group that provides service dogs to people with disabilities for free .
The dog Gelert and the wolf may have looked very similar .
Loyal Giant Pyrenees Stands Guard Over Canine Buddy Hit By A Car
One day Prince Llewelyn went out hunting . He went without his faithful dog , Gelert .
Mason the Miracle Dog
I know which lords are brave and which are craven , which are loyal and which are venal . I can deliver allies to her .
Although they may seem the preserve of small companies with manageable logistics , dogs are welcomed at some large companies too , including Google ( a self-declared " dog company " ) and Amazon ( where company policy requires them to be on a leash ) .