
  • 网络Strange event
  1. 首先我必须要提到昨晚发生的灵异事件。

    Firstly I must record the strange event happened in yesterday night .

  2. 哪么,你遇到过什么灵异事件?

    So , what kind of encounter have you had ?

  3. 发些灵异事件的微博赚得可不多。

    Blogging about supernatural events doesn 't really pay well .

  4. 我宣誓透露所有负面信息,无论是豆腐渣工程,凶案,或是灵异事件…

    To disclose all illegal additions , shoddy construction , murders , and ghosts ...

  5. 那是你在做的事情,对吗?试图解决这灵异事件?

    That is what you 're doing , right ? Trying to solve this mystery ?

  6. 用户ChaosOne则认为这可能预示着一些灵异事件的发生。

    And user ChaosOne seemed to think it was a sign of something spooky to come .

  7. 这部剧改编自1977年恩菲尔德闹鬼的故事,当年许多目击者都声称他们在伦敦恩菲尔德区的一所房子看到了灵异事件,占据了世界各地报纸的头条位置。

    It is based on the story of the 1977 Enfield Poltergeist , which made newspaper headlines worldwide after a number of witnesses claimed they experienced paranormal activity in a house in the London borough .

  8. 第二天这名女子的事实配偶即男孩的父亲在家中安装了摄像机,目的是想抓住有关灵异事件的证据,结果忘记关掉摄像机。

    The following day , the woman 's de facto partner set up a video camera in an effort to capture evidence of paranormal activity in the house , but had forgotten to turn it off .

  9. 他一直说那里闹鬼,我们几个不相信,于是决定周末去那里一探究竟,看我们会不会遇上什么灵异事件。

    Well , he 's been telling us that it 's haunted , so for a lark , a few of us decided to spend the weekend there to see if we would have any supernatural experiences .

  10. 其他人,包括@Cbone925,只是想弄清楚这个问题,提供一个合理的解释来排除灵异事件:“(大笑)照这张相的人在屋子里面,窗外是两个和他们长得很像的人在做自拍的假动作。”

    Others , including @ Cbone925 , simply tried to work it out and offer a logical explanation that ruled out otherworldly activity : ' Lol the people taking pic are inside , then there is people who look like them posing same fake . '

  11. 人类内心深处渴望证明反常、灵异的事件。

    The desire to promote evidence of anomalous and paranormal events as genuine springs from deep human longings .

  12. 《潜伏II》(Insidious:Chapter2)则延续了上一部的恐怖故事:这一家人无论搬到何处也无法摆脱灵异的家宅恐怖事件。

    Insidious : Chapter 2 ' continues the disturbing tale of a family that can 't shake unexplained household horrors no matter where they move .

  13. 《潜伏II》(Insidious:Chapter2)则延续了上一部的恐怖故事:这一家人无论搬到何处也无法摆脱灵异的家宅恐怖事件。

    ' Insidious : Chapter 2 ' continues the disturbing tale of a family that can 't shake unexplained household horrors no matter where they move .