
  • 网络Emergency network;EMSS
  1. 创建重庆市区域性创伤急救网络的实践与经验

    Experience and practice of establishment of Trauma Emergency network in Chongqing

  2. 急救网络医院绿色通道的建立与维护

    Establishment and Maintenance of Green Channel for Emergency Network Hospitals

  3. 对陕西省急救网络建设可持续发展的思考

    Think about sustainable development of first aid network construction in Shanxi Province

  4. 西安地区城市急救网络建设的实践

    On the development of urban emergence network in Xi ' an area

  5. 区域性创伤急救网络是适合我国国情的创伤急救网络模式。

    Regional network of burn treatment is a suitable pattern in our country .

  6. 医疗急救网络系统中电话智能拨号装置的研制直升机飞行中舱内实施医疗急救的研究

    A study of intelligent dialing device in the network system of hospital first aid

  7. 论述了急救网络医院生命绿色通道建立和维护重要性和必要性。

    The significances were addressed to establish and maintain green channel for emergency network hospital .

  8. 加强医疗救援体系建设,健全急救网络;

    Hospital buildings will be built or renovated to meet the requirements of the Paralympic games .

  9. 目的:调查宿迁市农村急救网络运行状况,分析其影响制约因素,并探讨解决办法。

    Objective : To investigate the operational status of rural emergency network in Suqian and to analyze the constraints and solutions .

  10. 方法:利用立体急救网络启用直升救护机程序,进行模拟演练和立体救送伤病员实践。

    Methods : Practice exercise and stereoscopic treatment for patients by taking advantage of the resource of helicopter program in stereoscopic treatment .

  11. 陆、海、空立体急救网络,具有投资少,见效快,可持续发展性强,为我国立体医疗救护事业的发展,积累了宝贵资料。

    Stereoscopic emergency network has the specialization of less investment , less time for affection and strong ability of continuously development , It collected important stuff for the development of stereoscopic emergency in China .

  12. 结论改善道路交通条件、提高全民交通安全意识和加强医疗急救网络建设,是预防和控制道路交通事故严重后果的主要措施。

    Conclusions The main strategies to decrease the fatality of RTA were to improve the road traffic environment , to propagandize the traffic safety perception in citizen and enforce the emergency medical service system .

  13. 结论交通管理和急救医疗网络应进一步完善。

    Conclusion Traffic regulation and emergent medical service should be further ameliorated .

  14. 转换观念瞄准市场构建急救联动网络

    Diverse Conception into Market and Construct Emergency Joint Network

  15. 目的探讨建立健全深圳市区域性连续性急救医疗网络体系。

    Objective To establish a distinct linked emergency rescue network system in Shenzhen .

  16. 方法通过回顾性分析深圳市急救医疗网络体系建设状况。

    Methods The current status of emergency network system in Shenzhen was studied , and some related publications in the recent years were reviewed .

  17. 结果具有深圳特色的急救医疗网络体系,突出表现在三个方面:高度权威的急救医疗指挥体系;

    Results The emergency network system in Shenzhen is characterized by the following aspects : there is an effective emergency dispatch system with high authorities ;

  18. 结论:加强孕期和围产期母婴保健,不断提高产前诊断水平,加强地区性新生儿急救转运网络建设,提高新生儿急救水平和基层医务人员业务水平是降低脑瘫发生率的重要措施。

    Conclusion : The important means of reducing CP are strengthening pregnancy and birth health care , improving before-birth diagnosis , construction of first-aid network for babies , improving first aid for babies and medical workers ' professional abilities .

  19. 院前急救管理计算机网络系统的运行体会;

    Operating experience of the computer network system on the pre hospital emergency rescue .

  20. 目的中医医院的发展为我国基层急救与紧急救援网络建设提供了一个很好的拓展方向,而中医医院院前急救也已经成为各地区一股不可忽视的急救力量。

    Objective : The development of traditional Chinese medicine hospital provides a very good expanding direction to construct the basic first-aid and urgent rescue in our country , and the prehospital first aid of traditional Chinese medicine hospital has become so strong that can not be ignore .

  21. 本文主要针对国外发达国家急救服务的社区开展情况、国内急救网络的社区化建设情况进行系统的概括。

    This article summarizes the development status of community emergency medical services in developed countries and reviews construction of emergency medical service net in communities in China .

  22. 目的探讨急救患者死亡和伤残的原因,为进一步加强急救网络医院急诊科内涵建设提供客观依据。

    Objective To investigate the causes of mortality and invalidity in order to provide objective data for upgrading and consummating the construction of the emergency departments in emergency network hospitals .

  23. 目的查找院前急救各环节存在的问题,降低急救死亡率和伤残率,为进一步建设和完善急救网络提供客观依据。

    Objective To investigate problems in each pre-hospital emergency treatment , to cut down mortality and invalidity , and to provide objective data for completing citys emergency network .

  24. 发挥急救医疗服务体系(EMSS)为实施主体,完成整个急救医疗过程,是急救信息系统实施的完整急救网络链。

    Take the emergency physicians and emergency medical technician as the main implementary body , to complete the whole emergency medical process , is the integrity treatment chain of actualizing emergency medical services system ( EMSS ) .