
nán hù shi
  • male nurse
  1. 一位男护士给我量了体温。

    A male nurse took my temperature .

  2. 特别是为可采集样本量较少的男护士群体指出了未来研究的方向。

    Especially pointed out the future direction of the research of the male nurse group and enriched the references for the future research .

  3. 他们派来了很多男护士,在我的背上扎了一针。

    They sent in loads of male nurses and stuck a needle in my back

  4. 精神病院常雇用男护士护理精神病人。

    Male nurses are often employed in hospitals for the mentally ill .

  5. “在部落地区,尤其是在难以达及的地区,认为男护士更适合,”Chaudhary说。

    " Male nurses are preferred in the tribal areas , particularly in areas with difficult access ," says Chaudhary .

  6. 浅谈影响男护士短缺的因素与对策

    Talking about factors leading to male nurses shortage and its strategies

  7. 住院患者对男护士的接受程度及影响因素调查分析

    Acceptance of Male Registered Nurses by Inpatients and Its Influencing Factors

  8. 精神病院.雇用男护士护理精神病人。

    Male nurses is often employed in hospital for the mentally ill .

  9. 有些邦采取行动促进男护士。

    Some states have taken initiatives to promote male nurses .

  10. 临床使用男护士的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of Man Nursing Recruit in Clinical Work

  11. 住院病人对男护士认知和接受情况调查

    Survey on Inpatients ' Cognition and Acceptance of Male Nurses

  12. 目的调查精神科男护士的睡眠质量。

    Objective To study the slumber quality of male nurses in psychiatric department .

  13. 云浮地区医院对男护士需求情况的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on the demands for male nurses in the hospitals of Yunfu area

  14. 数据显示男护士的数量在过去三年中有所下降。

    Figures show the number of male nurses has fallen in the last three years .

  15. 男护士平均分值低于女护士的9项,占20.0%;

    The scores of 9 items of male nurses were lower ( 20.3 % ) .

  16. 2011年至2014年期间,男护士人数增加,达到过一个高峰,有7168人。

    Numbers of male nurses increased between 2011 and 2014 and reached a peak of 7168 .

  17. 现在有了男护士。

    We now have male nurses .

  18. 96.6%护士认为男护士做此类操作为妥。

    96.6 % of the female nurses believed that the male nurses could do such work better .

  19. 结论应不断加强对精神科男护士的心理健康教育,在提高睡眠质量的同时提高工作质量。

    Conclusion The education of mental heath should been strengthened to improve the qualities of slumber and work .

  20. 长沙市四所三甲医院对男护士认知态度调查及相关因素分析

    An Investigation of Cognitive Attitude Towards Male Nurses in Four Top Hospitals in Changsha and Analysis of Related Factors

  21. 研究背景社会发展和护理专业发展的需要,使越来越多的男护士逐渐走上护理岗位。

    Research background : With the development of society and nursing specialty , more and more male nurses take this position gradually .

  22. 高校招生中,应鼓励男生报考护理专业,以提高男护士的从业比例。

    In the college student recruiting , the male students should be encouraged to select the nursing major , thereby increasing the male nurses'employment rate .

  23. 结论精神科男护士总体心理健康状况较好,但外界人际关系方面存在一定的心理压力。

    Conclusion In general , male nurses of psychiatric department have healthy psychological state , but they have some degree psychological depression in touching with other people .

  24. 目的了解患者及医院管理层对男护士的认同程度和需求,为男护士的培养提供帮助。

    Objective To know the cognition degree and need of patients and hospital administration to male nursing students in order to provide the help for their training .

  25. 这一规则列出了一批描述职业禁用词汇,其中包括消防员,空中小姐,校长,警察,销售员,女经理,影院女引座员和男护士等。

    The guidance lists banned terms for describing professions , including fireman , air hostess , headmaster , policeman , salesman , manageress , cinema usherette and male nurse .

  26. 结果在682名调查对象中,男护士的知晓率为61.6%;认为可以接受男护士的护理人员575人,占84.3%;

    Results Among 682 subjects in the survey , 61.6 % of them knew the existence of male nurse , 84.3 % were willing to accept their nursing care .

  27. 李刚说,男护士在遇到紧急情况时更沉着冷静,体格更强壮,针对重症监护室的工作性质,这两点都是极大的优势。

    Male nurses tended to be much calmer in emergencies and be physically stronger , Li said , adding that in the ICU calmness and strength were a great advantage .

  28. 纽约的阿尔伯尼医疗中心,一名患癌女童经常来这里接受治疗。在这里她“嫁”给了自己最心仪的男护士,并举行了一场简单的婚礼。

    A child battling cancer " married " her favorite nurse in a simple ceremony held at the Albany Medical Center ( AMC ) in New York , where she usually goes for treatment .

  29. 调查男护士生选择护理专业的思想动态,有利于在高职护理教育中,采取措施稳定其专业思想,使其顺利走向工作岗位。

    This research is beneficial to investigating the ideological trend while male students choose this major and taking measures to stabilize their ideology during higher vocational nursing education so as to obtain jobs smoothly .

  30. 影响选择男护士工作的因素有:传统观念、社会舆论、家庭压力、护士的社会地位、工作性质、薪酬及个人的兴趣爱好等。

    The main influencing factors to there work were : traditional concept , social public opinion , family pressure , social status of nurses , nature of the work , wages , and personal hobby .