
  1. 《围城》中的方鸿渐是贯穿小说情节始终的人物,是作品的男一号。

    The fortress is throughout the square hong gradually fiction always characters , is the hero of the works .

  2. 据《纽约每日新闻》报道,有人看见这位《宿醉》男一号和芮妮?齐薇格一起出现在Antonucci饭店,举止亲密而且不理会狗仔队的拍摄。

    The New York Daily News reported seeing " The Hangover " star with Renee Zellwegger at Antonucci , getting close despite the arrival of paparazzi .

  3. 作为一部反映武汉地域敌后抗日全貌的大型抗战历史剧,因于震初次担纲导演和男一号而备受注目。

    As a reflection of wuhan regional behind the panorama of large Anti-Japanese War because of historical plays , seismic first director and male the first lan-ke-shan-later is conspicuous .

  4. 迪斯尼“试金石影业”的老板乔·鲁斯与唱片公司主管凯西·尼尔森谈话后,敲定由凯西推荐的约翰·库萨克担任本片男一号、其合伙人德文森提斯与史蒂夫对原著进行改编。

    Disney boss Joe Roth had a conversation with recording executive Kathy Nelson who recommended John Cusack and his writing and producing partners D.V.DeVincentis and Steve Pink adapt the book .

  5. 贺军翔,昵称贺小美,凭借《爱情合约》、《恶魔在身边》、《我们结婚吧》等偶像剧的男一号,成为大受欢迎的美型男。

    Mike Ho , nickname as Xiao Mei , become a popular and well-received handsome man with " Love Contract "," Devil Beside You "," Marry Me " and other idol dramas .

  6. 在冯导最近的一部爱情喜剧片《非诚勿扰》中,葛优依旧是男一号,该片在去年大受欢迎同时也摘得了国内票房总冠军。

    Ge is also Feng 's leading man in his latest romantic comedy , last year 's hugely popular If You Are the One , which became the highest grossing movie in China .

  7. 然而,在对这一剧本的分析中,多数评论都着眼于历史,文化的层面,将剧中女主人公布兰奇与男一号斯坦利的冲突阐释为美国南方文化与北方新兴工业的斗争。

    Yet in commenting on the play , most critics stay on the historical and cultural level of the play , and regard the confrontation of its main characters Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski as the reflection of the war between the South of America and the North .

  8. TumsaNahinDekha曾请他出演,片酬是2万卢比,他却嫌片酬太低,气的制片人抬手就是一巴掌,大骂他愚蠢。幸亏后来由于担任该片男一号的戴维·柯南中途解约及其他种种原因,他没有参演此片。

    For " Tumsa Nahin Dekha " ( a lucky break in several ways , for the established star Dev Anand was meant to play the lead , but had walked out ) , he was offered 20000 rupees and complained it was too little ; at which the producer slapped him for a fool .

  9. 《暮光之城》中吸血鬼男主角的扮演者罗伯特·帕丁森表示,他想要向《哈利·波特》的男一号丹尼尔·雷德克里夫讨教经验,求教他怎么处理成名后的烦恼。

    Robert Pattinson has revealed that he wants to talk to Daniel Radcliffe about dealing with fame .