
nán xìng
  • male;man;sexes;masculinity;m;the male sex
男性 [nán xìng]
  • (1) [the male sex]∶人类两性之一,以骨骼粗大、音调浑厚和具胡须、喉结、阴茎及能产生精子的睾丸为特征

  • (2) [man]∶男人;男子

男性[nán xìng]
  1. 这部影片中男性的形象非常负面。

    The male sex comes out of the film very badly

  2. 她们早就不觉得低男性一等了。

    For years they have felt no inferiority to the male sex .

  3. 女性似乎比男性更擅长同时做数件事情。

    Women seem to be able to multitask better than men .

  4. 55岁以上的男性应定期做前列腺癌检查。

    Men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer .

  5. 这家工厂雇用的女性比男性多。

    More females than males are employed in the factory .

  6. 所有的攻击者都是男性,年龄在25到30岁之间。

    All the attackers were male , aged between 25 and 30 .

  7. 在这个行业,女性人数是男性的两倍。

    In this profession , women outnumber men by two to one .

  8. 男性的自尊迫使他隐忍不言。

    Male pride forced him to suffer in silence .

  9. 在上班挣钱的人口中,男性仍然多于女性。

    Men still outnumber women in the paid workforce .

  10. 他是伦敦几个男性俱乐部的会员。

    He 's a member of several London clubs .

  11. 男性裸体人像总是希腊艺术的中心主题。

    The naked male figure was always the central theme of Greek art .

  12. 她在一个男性居多的环境里工作。

    She works in a predominantly male environment .

  13. 上帝常常被想象为男性。

    God is often conceived of as male .

  14. 我们需要18至25岁之间的男性来接受试验。

    We need male subjects between the ages of 18 and 25 for the experiment .

  15. 让职业女性大为不平的是有些福利只提供给男性。

    Some benefits apply only to men , much to the indignation of working women .

  16. 通常我们和男性一起并肩工作。

    We 're usually working side by side with the men .

  17. 这让人怀疑其对男性行为的影响。

    It makes you wonder about the effect on men 's behaviour

  18. 这个头衔将只能传给男性后裔。

    This title will only pass down through the male line .

  19. 男性色盲为女性色盲的16倍。

    Sixteen times as many men are colour-blind as women .

  20. 在一定程度上,男性更容易找到工作。

    To a certain extent it 's easier for men to get work

  21. 担任要职的男性仍然比女性多。

    Men still occupy more positions of power than women .

  22. 这种病症在女性当中比在男性当中更为普遍。

    This condition is more prevalent in women than in men

  23. 社会工作者尽量尊重男性的家庭权利。

    Social workers went to great pains to acknowledge men 's domestic rights

  24. 女性比男性更易患肠易激综合征。

    Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men

  25. 在老年群体中女性占大多数,因为男性的寿命往往较短。

    In older age groups women predominate because men tend to die younger

  26. 男性和女性同样受到传统性别角色的束缚。

    Men and women alike have been constricted by traditional sexual roles .

  27. 两名男性之间发生的双方自愿的性接触可能会构成犯罪。

    Consensual sexual contact between two males can be a criminal activity .

  28. 迄今为止,退休金均等政策的主要受益者一直是男性。

    The main beneficiaries of pension equality so far have been men .

  29. 在体育方面,新闻人物通常是男性。

    In sport , it 's usually men who grab the headlines .

  30. 许多男性仍然无法接受女性商业伙伴。

    Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner