
  • 网络Masculinity;masculine;hegemonic masculinity
  1. 大多数学者认为男性气质(Masculinity)是指男性自治、男性支配和家庭中男性独立于女性的控制。

    Most scholars share that masculinity refers to male autonomy , male dominance , and male independence from female control in the family .

  2. 第三类为海外中国的男性气质研究的最新成果。

    The third type is related to the latest published research on Chinese masculinity overseas .

  3. 有些妇女看起来男性气质多于女性气质。

    Some women look more masculine than feminine .

  4. 在反乌托邦电影《饥饿游戏》(HungerGames)的最新一部里,有个很聪明的片段,片中打破边界的男性气质女神凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩(KatnissEverdeen)出演一个政治宣传录像。

    There 's a clever bit in the latest " Hunger Games " in which Katniss Everdeen , the boundary-smashing butch goddess of dystopian cinema , acts in a propaganda video .

  5. 希望可以为男性气质研究做出文献支持。

    Hope can make literature support for rich Chinese masculinity research .

  6. 男性气质与性别政治&解读伊恩.麦克尤恩的《家庭制造》

    Hegemonic Masculinity and Gender Politics : Interpreting Ian McEwan s Homemade ;

  7. 电视偶像剧与男性气质:类型化的生产与性属化的叙事策略

    TV Idol-dramas and Masculinities : The Typed Construction and Gendered Narrative Strategy

  8. 最后,在性别理论看来,哲人男性气质中的怒气。

    Finally , for gender theory the masculine anger of the philosopher , Mr.

  9. 从历史的脉络看,男性气质的文化建构是多样的。

    Seen from historical venation , the cultural construction of masculinity is various .

  10. 其中富有魅力的女性人物,都融入了男性气质的因素;

    The charm female figures all mix with the factors of the male qualities ;

  11. 麦卡勒斯揭示了男性气质和女性气质都是强而有力的,创造了新型的欢愉形式。

    McCullers reveals that both femininity and masculinity are powerful , and creates new pleasures .

  12. 可以搭配大胆着色的连衣裙或者男性气质浓郁的牛津鞋来造成反差。

    Pair them with a flirty printed dress and masculine oxford shoes to show contrast .

  13. 在人文学科中通常指男性气质和女性气质共存一体的状态。

    Androgyny in humanities refers to the coexistence of masculine and feminine in one mind .

  14. 同时也因为他的偏差,对于他人潜意识中的男性气质有著心理学上的破坏性。

    But also because his deviance is psychologically subversive to the others ' spontaneous virility .

  15. 通过倡导和推动男性气质的多元化发展,有助于促进男性参与。

    The advocacy and promotion of multi-development of masculinity is helpful to men 's participation .

  16. 在年少的我看来,一个女人要想在专业领域建立信任感,就必须表现出男性气质。

    In my young mind , to be professionally credible meant you had to act masculine .

  17. 这也是性别焦虑和重塑男性气质第一次被提及。

    It was the first time that gender anxiety and regain masculinity were taken into account .

  18. 首先是从普遍性与特殊性讨论美国华裔男性气质危机。

    Firstly , it discussed Chinese American masculinity crisis from angles of universality and particularity respectively .

  19. 通常人们不喜欢具有女性气质的男人和男性气质的女人。

    People usually don 't like men with feminine qualities while women with masculine qualities are equally disliked .

  20. 第一节介绍了美国华裔文学中男性气质窘境的表现方式和主要内容。

    The first section describes the expression way and contents of the dilemma of masculinity in Chinese-American literature .

  21. 他们一个被塑造成恶魔,一个被描绘成模范少数族裔,但都是缺乏男性气质的华裔男子,是非性化、从属性、边缘性的典型。

    One of them portrayed as devil and the other as a model minority man , both lack masculinity .

  22. 他尽力摆脱母亲的控制以得到自我独立,然而以失败和死亡为结局,支配性男性气质更无从可谈。

    He tries to break off the control of his mother and be self-independent , failed , he dies .

  23. 男性气质对父职参与有重要影响,而父职参与的过程又在帮助人们构建男性气质。

    Masculinity has significant impact on paternal involvement , and the process of paternal involvement helps people construct masculinity .

  24. 假小子的女性身体与内在的男性气质产生矛盾,这是对二元性别观的挑战。

    The contradiction between female body and inner masculinity of hoyden ( tomboy ) sets challenge against the dual sex-perspective .

  25. 他们无法改变现实,因而也难以实现理想的边缘性男性气质的建构。这令他们陷入对自我身份的怀疑的困境中,产生焦虑。

    The impossibility for them to change reality and realize the ideal masculinity leads to doubt and anxiety of self-identity .

  26. 在人们看来,漂亮的女士比不漂亮的女士更有女性气质,而英俊的男士比相貌一般的男士则更有男性气质。

    An attractive woman is perceived to be more feminine and an attractive man more masculine than the less attractive ones .

  27. 近年来,随着男性气质多元化的发展,不同行业男性气质的研究文献也逐渐的开始丰富起来。

    In recent years , with the development of diversified masculinity , the studies of masculinity in different industries become abundant .

  28. 另一方面,他男权意识强烈的男性气质表现为强烈的破坏性,对女性的占有欲和残酷施暴。

    Yet on the other hand , his patriarchal male consciousness leads to his cruelty and violence to women like blanche .

  29. 威廉从小就有建立支配性男性气质的雄心,其雄心得到了母亲充分的挖掘与培养。

    William has ambition on hegemonic masculinity since he is a little boy . His mother cultivates and also encourages his ambition .

  30. 父亲角色是体现男性气质的一个重要方面,它同时也是传递男性气质的结构性因素。

    The role of the father is an important aspect of symbolizing masculinity , as well as the structural factors to transport masculinity .