
nán zǐ qì
  • Masculinity;manliness
  1. 这方面的爱好长期被认为是轻薄和非男子气的。

    Inclination in that direction has long been considered frivolous and unmanly .

  2. 他那男子气的美和出众的优雅风度马上成了大家赞扬的话题

    His manly beauty and more than common gracefulness were instantly the theme of general admiration .

  3. 这句话既成功表现出了粗俗的男子气,又显得陈词滥调;你已使投资者的储蓄缩水了,还狡猾地引用汤姆•汉克斯(TomHanks)电影中的话,这样做既无礼又粗鲁。

    This managed to be both butch and banal ; to quote glibly from a Tom Hanks movie when you have made the savings of your investors shrink was insultingly crass .

  4. 只要阅读下面10条建议,便可让你更加亮眼漂亮,而不失男子气。1.TrimNoseHairs修剪你的鼻毛突出的鼻毛永远是不可容忍的。

    Just read this list of 10 essential grooming tips for men to help you look more polished and presentable , while still having a masculine appearance : Protruding nose hairs are never , ever acceptable .

  5. 也许,具有男子气的男人毕竟不是什么21世纪的佐罗(Zorro),能及时的不期而至,送别女里女气的男人。

    Perhaps manly man has not , after all , dropped in like some 21st century Zorro , just in time to see off girly man .

  6. 我很快注意到角落里那个大个儿,很男子气的男人。

    I immediately noticed the big , Butch man in the comer .

  7. 她比他有男子气。

    She 's more of a man than he is .

  8. 有男子气的外表或举止有男子气的。

    Unusually or markedly masculine in appearance or manner .

  9. 弗兰克体贴,坦率,有男子气。

    Frank was very kind , manly , open-hearted .

  10. 尼克:骑摩托车可以培养机智、勇敢、顽强的男子气。

    Nick : Motorcycle driving can train tree 's tact , bravery and determines masculinity .

  11. 男子气将既包括狩猎,也包括做饭,既包括打高尔夫球,也包括带孩子。

    Masculinity will include cooking as well as hunting , and child care as well as golf .

  12. 而且,她认为,社会将适应“男子气定义的扩展”。

    Moreover , society will adapt by " broadening the definition of masculinity , " she contends .

  13. 谁能想到那么大男子气的朱利安·施纳贝尔也受她的影响呢?

    Who in the world would have thought very macho Julian Schnabel had been influenced by her ?

  14. 她喜欢你,也许她希望你拿出男子气,采取行动。

    She likes you . Maybe she just wants you to be a man and do something .

  15. 除男子气-女子气分外,男女强迫症患者的明尼苏达多相人格量表其它因子分无显著性差异;

    Except M , there were no significant differences in other factors between the male and female patients ;

  16. 我无法想像,这对你的男子气造成多大的打击。

    I mean , I really can 't imagine what a blow that must have been to your male animus .

  17. 人们也许会看到,他脸上的那种毛头小伙儿的神态和线条已经变得富于男子气了。

    In his face one might notice that many of the hues and curves of youth had turned to manhood .

  18. “我们总是太急于下结论,认为男子气已经消失,”曼迪在她的《时代》封面文章中写到。

    " We are always too quick to think masculinity is finished , " Mundy writes in her time cover story .

  19. “他们以男人方式讨论,”小说家诺曼•梅勒满腹抱怨,他认为自由主义者也可能男子气。

    " They talk male talk ," grumbled the late Norman Mailer , a novelist who thought liberals could be macho too .

  20. 粒子加速器的离去,可能会使得很多美国物理学家失去男子气和女子气或者两者都失去。

    The passing of the Tevatron may cause the shedding of a manly ( and womanly ) tear or two amongAmerica 's physicists .

  21. 在这些作品中,隐藏着的不同程度的性别角色反转,女性变得具有男子气,男性则表现地软弱无力,这些反转轻则打破家庭秩序,重则危及家庭存亡。

    There hid different degrees of sex reversal in these works , these reversals may broke the family orders , even endangered the survival of family .

  22. 我以前没有发觉:以我这样的躯体和非常男子气的容貌,我居然能打扮成女人,看起来还如此美丽。

    I did not realize that I could look this good and pass as a lady with my body and the very masculine looks that I had .

  23. 与这些实际生活相对应,雅典人为两性设定了不同的性别角色,规定了不同的职责,形成了所谓男子气和女子气的概念。

    Corresponding to these , Athenians set different gender roles for male and female , they formed a so-called " masculine " and " feminine " concept .

  24. 资深律师表示,在这个以工作时间长和要求严格著称,甚至充满“男子气”文化的行业,增加女性合伙人的数目确是件难事。

    Senior lawyers said boosting the number of women partners had proved difficult in a profession notorious for its long hours and hard-driving , even " macho " culture .

  25. 一些人将其视为对传统男子气观念的威胁,而一些教育人士和家长想要扭转这一趋势,或者至少延缓这一趋势。

    Some see this as a threat to the traditional notion of masculinity , and some educators and parents want to turn the tide , or at least put a brake on it .

  26. “老枪”王义夫在男子气手枪决赛中头晕发作,但他以自己特有的奥运精神和毅力一直坚持到比赛结束。后来他还是倒下了,并被送往医院。

    In a great show of Olympic spirit and tenacity , Wang yifu , veteran sharpshooter , worked through a bout of dizziness during the men 's air pistol final , but later collapsed and was taken to hospital .

  27. 从更深角度来看,这不也是一种每天削弱男子气的行为吗?让我们面对现实吧,这个世界以抓住你的睾丸不让你走为乐。

    Was it not , on a more profound level , also a quotidian act of emasculation in a world that , let 's face it , takes pleasure in grabbing you by the balls and not letting go ?

  28. 据整容医生和旅行社说,胡须移植现在越来越受欢迎,中东、欧洲和亚洲的男性纷纷来到伊斯坦布尔,希望在上唇上增加一些男子气。

    Now hair transplants for the face are growing in popularity , cosmetic surgeons and tourism agencies say , with men from the Middle East , Europe and Asia coming to Istanbul seeking a virile addition for the upper lip .

  29. 印度北京奥运会上,印度选手宾德拉在男子10米气手枪项目上夺冠,为印度赢得了有史以来第一枚个人金牌。

    Abhinav Bindra won India 's first-ever individual gold medal , in the men's10-meter air-rifle competition .

  30. 黄春荣就是其中之一。他获得里约奥运会男子10米气手枪冠军,为越南拿到首枚奥运会金牌。

    Proving this point , Vinh gained Vietnam 's first-ever Olympic gold in the men 's 10m air pistol event .