
  1. 与女子皮划艇冲击奥运会奖牌相比,男子皮划艇独霸亚洲,却难以在世界比赛中进入前三名。

    Compared with their women counterparts , the Chinese men can only dominate the canoeing events in Asia but rarely rank top-3 in world competitions .

  2. 对我国女子游泳选手亚特兰大奥运会成绩的反思

    Self-reflection on Performances of Chinese Female Swimmers in Atlanta Olympic Games

  3. 中国女子柔道队北京奥运会备战、参赛的心理准备&心理能力、专项智能的训练

    Mental Training of China Judo Team for Beijing Olympic Games : Psychological Ability and Special Intelligence